
>Boris Johnson warns of Europe 'second wave' amid Spain row

>German officials 'very concerned' by rising cases

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oldham crew report in

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No more crisps and biccies for you naughty fatties. Boris loves the nanny state since the holy NHS saved him.

>>Boris Johnson warns of Europe 'second wave'

It's been obvious to anyone with a brain that this was the intention, but I thought they'd at least wait to blame it on the annual Winter Flu, rather than 6,000 (yes, really) new infections in Spain.

When is everyone expecting the next lockdown to be?

evening lads. me new gaming rig came today

but jesus fucking christ. windows 10 is atrocious what even is that fucking UI

shove your second wave up your fucking arse
i'll coof and spit and shit and go out 200% more if boris the twat tries this bullshit

The old factory town aesthetic is nice desu. I think it's just the roads and the locals which ruin it desu.

i love my chunky wife!!

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Has the original one technically ended yet? Are we not still forbidden from touching people outside our support bubble?

You don't have a wife you dumb tranny. You have a body pillow and a sock with a condom in it.

Hey lads.

Hungry? Don't worry, I've got some grub for ya.

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Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm wondering when the full lockdown is going to come back though.

oh you're new. hello tripfren

Lads. If hydroxychloroquine is legit fake then why is every platform on a hate boner to remove that shit? Like I myself don't think its a "magical" cure but you can't even argue that its too dangerous to the public to allow shit like that to stay up as there is so much fake bs that is always left up on Twitter/Facebook unrelated. So why specifically hydroxychloroquine...

>There is something slightly soul-crushing about the news that the Government is mulling a new digital sales tax to ‘save the high street’.

>It isn’t just the prospect of ministers raising the cost of living for online shoppers at a moment when they’re meant to be trying to kick-start the economy. Nor the fact that they’re restructuring the tax system to incentivise a way of shopping that increases risk of exposure to Covid-19.

>No, the worst thing about it is really that it isn’t going to work, and pretty much everybody knows it.

>The classic ‘high street’ was a pattern of commercial life which emerged in certain conditions, and those conditions are gone. The Internet isn’t even to blame: the rise of the out-of-town shopping outlet struck the killer blow.

>Such developments are lamented by traditionalists, but they only happened because they offered a better experience for consumers in the form of greater convenience and lower prices. Brute-forcing the traditional high street back into contention would necessitate eroding those advantages – as the online sales tax attempts to do – and leaving ordinary shoppers worse off as a result.

>None of this is to say that dying high streets aren’t a problem. No government should be content to see the centres of so many towns reduced to dispiriting deserts.

>But fixating on the commercial habits of yesteryear misses the broader point. The question is how to get people back into town centres. The traditional high-street shop was simply one method of doing this, and one which isn’t coming back.

>next lockdown
We're out of the first?

i dunno
have you ever heard the tale of the boy who cried wolf lads?
perfect time to drop a real one


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Fucking wild how Coronavirus could get worse if everyone stops testing and calls it good and let’s all their citizens fuck around.
Even if Covid is a government ran thing, it was fucking retarded to think that in a single month everyone was magically cured with 0 treatments 0 vaccines and (with a 2-3) period to have antibodies of the virus appear, and 0 people being tested.

>A much better alternative, and one which seems to be acknowledged as such almost everywhere except Whitehall, would be allowing town centres to convert to housing. Adding population density in such places would not only help to defer a little longer the need to build on the green belt, but the new population would support cafes, small supermarkets, and all the other businesses which grow up where people are but don’t incentivise destination shopping.

>That this has not happened already is a symptom of the deeper problem that connects the death of the housing crisis and much else, which is that in our post-Attlee world the State’s default setting is to try to preserve our post-War way of life in aspic.

>Consider how extraordinary our current housing crisis would seem to a traveller from pre-WW2 Britain, where private companies were building not only new railway lines but whole swathes of new London to serve them (a perfect example of the harmonised growth of housing and infrastructure so often missing from post-War developments).

>Or to a Victorian, who had witnessed in the mass migration of labourers from the countryside to the cities an extraordinarily sharp shift in our way of life which laid the foundations for the Industrial Revolution and the Empire, powered by the swift growth of the canal and then railway networks.

>Everywhere we look, it is becoming harder and harder to adapt to new patterns of living. Not only does the planning system make it impossible to meet demand for housing, but essential infrastructure projects (which might once have been built in triplicate by competing barons) now take decades to deliver.

>gaming rig
You must be 18 to post here.

Keep Britain Free, they proclaim seemingly oblivious to the fact that they haven't been free for some time.

I'm thirty fooking one in just over a month m8

>Not that adapting is always the order of the day: successive governments have repeatedly tried to slow change, or indeed halt it altogether, by propping up ailing industries or trying to force successful ones to relocate. To date, this has seldom ended well.

>The cost of all this is desolate town centres and sky-high house prices. These compound with broader trends, described as ‘cost disease’, to create conditions where increasing numbers of people can’t afford to buy a house or start a family where they want to live, which in turn explains why people under 35 are proving so difficult to sell on what the Government is selling, whether that be Conservatism or the Union.

>We may be about to witness the next evolution in working life. If Covid-19 really does lead to a sea-change in attitudes towards home working, many of our office districts could follow the high street into economic obsolescence – and take with them all the small shops which cater to those who work in them.

>This need not be a disaster. Indeed, it could be a boon, opening up lots of new residential space in places where people want to live and which enjoy excellent public transport connections. And on this front, the Government has got it right, introducing planning changes which will make it much easier to repurpose properties employed by a range of different types of business, from restaurants to offices, without planning permission.

>Which only makes it stranger that the same Government is using the cause of the high street to justify this online sales tax, based as it is on the opposite principle: not helping high streets to evolve, but trying to prevent the rest of society from doing so, even as the new way of doing things continues to lower costs, improve accessibility and choice, keep people safe, and create tens of thousands of jobs.

>Of course, the tax system needs to evolve with the economy too, and if more of us are shopping online there may well be a case for protecting the tax base, especially with all the Covid spending to pay off.

>But if this is really a revenue tax, Rishi Sunak should just say so. If he actually wants to help bricks-and-mortar retailers compete, on the other hand, he will have to look elsewhere. Business rates would be a place to start.

>would be allowing town centres to convert to housing
then they're not town centres anymore, they're just another residential street

I know. It can't be long now. At least people will be required to wear masks on the 50% capacity reduced public transport this time round.


>oldham crew report in
Tikka masala and chips please, Abdul.

And you're still playing video games?

Could be mixed residential/commercial which is a massive missed opportunity, see Jane Jacobs.

Flag of United Kingdom
#NoDealBrexit #KBF
Serbia has overthrown its government and kicked out the COVID19 narrative and installed a 'peoples parliament'. People with and without masks joined in as they are fed up of the nonsense


he wants to fuck with your dna and create a compliant racial hybrid that thinks windows is good

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yeah, great, just cover the country with homes so this future industry we hear so much about has nowhere to get established

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most high streets already are


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I’m guessing this would mean more so.

that greggs physique

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Well link the fucking video then. I'm starting to think the boomers are right about coronavirus but I think the vaccine will make a percentage of people infertile

You're not meant to question it. Can you not tell when you are being told what to think?

Even Richard Dearlove ex-MI6 boss says it was made in a lab.

Imagine calling yourself a man & still indulging in kid activities

Your ancestors have the right to spit on your grave.

Gotta love free-market capitalism.

>ex-MI6 boss says
Where does he work now?

yeah, so?

kek, men have always played games. whether it be combat games, sports, or whatever. video games is just the modern day variant.

Remove sweet and sour.

>sitting alone in your room staring at a screen hooked up to a device that costs more than a house used to cost is the same as playing a game of cards with other men.

>NHS contract talk in last thread

>go into outpatients' for a quick scan
>it's being performed by Some Weird Name You've Never Heard Of Ltd instead of just being done by direct employees of the hospital
imagine the amount of money skimmed by these companies

so it's the cost of the machine that gets you?

Masks aren't there to stop the virus spread, that is inevitable. They're a visible presence to make the public think that action is being taken and that the government is in control. Done with this stupid shite desu.

>he would rather sit in a dark, smokey room with bunch of men playing a single game for hours on end than make countless new friends every single night on a multitude of different games with an almost neverending supply of new content over time

simple things, for simple minds

why do you envy his all-in calls?

Why did you skim past the first words without reading them?
>than make countless new friends every single night on a multitude of different games with an almost neverending supply of new content over time
But that's not what happens is it? And they're not really "friends" are they?

Nowhere retired I think

You have to right click to search the start menu. Shambles.

my last PC cost me £250 and I've been gaming on that for over five years. I just spent £700 on a new one. should last me another five years at the very least. its really not that much.

most of the cost comes from the games themselves nowadays. what with developers pushing microtransactions, lootboxes, and DLC + exclusive content you can only get with certain editions. but honestly, there's a ton of games out there that don't do that. for me personally, I've been playing brutal doom (classic doom modded to be more modern and bloody), and there are literally thousands of map packs out there to play, for free. so yeah. lots of options. don't need to spend much at all.

Whitey Patel

I've been completely and utterly unable to get into any games for quite a while now. I'm curious if I just no longer like playing games.

why are you having a tantrum about what other people do in their free time?

I dated a few girls I met from games over the years. Got bored playing at 35 though. Right after I got my dream keyboard and mouse I decided I cba anymore.

Allah Akbar

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Remember how we got here

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Probably huge. We probably could have afforded to keep sensible PPE stockpiles if it had been done in house. We might have had all sorts of things. It's been going on for years. I think nurses used get their uniforms cleaned to a hygienic standard by hospital laundries once upon a time. Now they take them home any wash them with their family's underwear at 40 degrees.

most new games are shit

>spends £700 to play a game that runs on any computer made within the last 20 years?
There's no need to lie about what is happening because you were unable to read.

I have quite a good PC rig.
I play fucking SNES and Dreamcast emulators.

Same, I think the games are just shit. I prefer fishing now.

yeah, i've been playing paladins the last few days and i've made at least 2 new friends per day who I talk to quite a lot and party up with quite a lot too

its the exact same fundamental concept you've referred to with your example of playing cards. you hang out with friends online, play a game, talk shit, then you stop and do your own thing until next time

the thing thats bugged me the most is you can't have a white or black theme, only gray if you want mono. why the fuck would they not make it able to support black or white themes lol

I was like that for a while. you can burn out if you play too much

Whole article on Wiley and anti Semitism and his facebook ban.

Totally forgets to mention Facebook is controlled by Jews.

Really makes you think.

yeah they converted the local hospital's laundry into a car park

the car park is of course run by a private company that employs nutters to intimidate sick grannies for not understanding their weird "innovative" ticket system

im reclaiming my time

this would kinda look half decent if those ugly tall buildings weren't in the background

there's a button on the keyboard for that, what are you gay?

Those aren't "friends" in any conception of the word that existed before MySpace.