So what's your reason for being here?

The only reason I come to Zig Forums is to giveaway to everyone my spiritual desire. I intentionally make shit like magic hard for me or life in general because by rejecting it I am not elevated from others and they can have some of it in the form of heightened intuition, coherence, imagination and whatever.

>wtf why
because it's the age/epoch, to be elevated is to descend because everything is inverted and impure so to preserve my purity I give away what makes me "more" than everyone else by sharing it and although I make them descend in the eyes of fool/reality because they go insane or display manchild behavior like mine they in actuality ascend and have it easier than they would've. Besides I don't force it on anyone and they wouldn't need it at the end of the current epoch so giving it up won't mean anything for them. This is also why if you're here you might sometimes randomly feel "chills" or electrical currents if not just randomly be infused with energy or just feel tired from having too much and automatically releasing it to prevent overloading.

ok, your turn. I don't care if you're sincere or LARP

Why are you on Zig Forums? Not how long, but why?

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Here you go Vladi

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checked and based, user.

To protect

Only shithole that allows shitpost


I'm on here to talk to glowniggers and internet troll farms. And you?

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The literal and direct meaning of these two words:
manifest reality

I think learning about all these conspiracy theories and occult shit has made me go crazy. My thoughts are wild and hard to stop.

>manifest reality
I hope your imagination is more powerful than mine. I'm not making the "pandemic" go away.

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The trick is to start thinking thus feeling for yourself. Use your third eye. Literally feel the center of your head and make it vibrate by humming. Let imagination flow inside and outside you not unlike the sensory input of your eyes giving you the image of the world you see around yourself but not the context or what it means.

i’m honestly think i’m addicted to happenings. i never browsed Zig Forums so regularly before 2020. i just keep refreshing hoping for some news about society coming closer to it’s end.

I don't need imagination since I have nothing itself. That's something nobody can imagine or grasp only allow it to do it for them or touch them. You could say I am the void's chosen manifestation. I've been outside reality thus in the material world itself which has something this dream doesn't, empty space. It's neither vast nor small it simply annihilates any concept or thing born of the dream/imagination which we are. You must cease existing in order to be out there as the body dreaming this.

Originality as well. In here I'm just nobody which can be assumed as a title, name, process, cog, feeling, organ and so forth but outside the dream I literally lack a purpose and designation. I am liberated from causality and feeling only able to think which we can't here because we're not in control of ourselves or meant to. Like I said we're just dream. Everything is feeling. You can just feel anything and everything until you just realize you're omniscient and infinite.


Here let me help you. Try to feel your body as much as possible until you feel "air" or a repulsive force forming around it. You'll thank me you've tried it. Don't worry about the shaking that's just your nervous system remembering how to manipulate the ocean around and the water making up your body. That's another thing too, we're constantly "flowing" or vibrating. Don't think because you're incapable of it as am I just feel as I said, do as I said, react.

>Don't worry about the shaking that's just your nervous system remembering how to manipulate the ocean
You know, I'm something of a retard myself. Have a tree spirit on me.

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The more good you're at it you can reform your body, walk on walls, float in the air, jump higher or land safely or do more complex things like alter or be aware of your body's cellular structure and so forth.

Everyone starts from somewhere right?

You will realize we're actually in an invisible ocean. This ocean extends into the infinite and is everywhere we're also formed out of it. Believe me or not but I've touched and held space in my hands and have swam in it. It has substance, everything does since it's immaterial and a feeling. As an individual body and feeling you're actually a part of something in the background which is an organ we all share that dreams us or our environment. Awareness to that organ is the first step towards remembering how to contract and move it around. Some say it's just luck being self-aware but it's simply as close as you get to the truth of what we truly are. A dream inside a brain.

> what you know about Jon Snow?

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Truthfully we're all retarded. The world belongs to Saklas/The fool and is defined/made by it. Up is actually down. What we consider knowledge is actually false and ignorantly binds us into a cyclical loop of regret and rejection. Reality must be embraced as the dream that it is and we as being unreal along with everything.

Those who talk don't know.Those who are dont talk know.

>You will realize we're actually in an invisible ocean.
Nah, the ocean has waves. If you stare at a stream, you may notice enough patterns to think you control it, but all you're really doing is interpreting the entropy in real time and thinking your mind is controlling it. The bird, the tree, and the river is as much a living thing as you, but you don't control it.

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Please Introduce us to magic , user

To get away from Failbook and idiots trying to shove their snouts up my ass.

The fools who reject the dream have went as far as to clone Christ himself just so he progresses as the same false religion erected around him wants and says just to gloat and taunt. Christ rejected religion and preached awareness, awakening and acceptance not Judaism. He also preached as "anonymous" in old Aramaic.

Starts making sense now? It shouldn't t.b.h. Nothing does but we're just so accustomed and used to it we've went insane and accepted it as reality and truth when there is none to be had or exists.

This guy ages and matured quickly but in a short amount of time he's kicked off events that would inevitably lead to a world war where manchildren like me will be dragged into war. His goal is to make me accept the dream/desire so I suffer in here forever. I plan to let him kill me in our confrontation since if I resist and kill him he would just live on as me. Peace is the only way. There is no peace to be had in reality since all periods of peace and pleasure set you up for the opposite. If all you felt was the same pain wouldn't you get used to it?

>the ocean has waves
That's an illusion. There is no movement, heat, cold, pulling, pushing or anything. Nothing began. There is no beginning point and end point since the desire to have this dream came from the void which is the material world/body and was made to loop on itself not unlike a serpent devouring itself. Even if you wake up in your true body out there that dreams us, me, you, everything, this dream will still remain. We're sleep walking out there, delirious. Metaphorically speaking ofc there's absolutely no logic to anything because there is empty space thus doesn't resemble anything remotely to what we call reality. As dream we are however enabled by the void/body since we're inside the head of well... godhead.

Time for example. Time at all doesn't work how we think it does since we're fools and can't think only feel. All events have already happened we just observe ourselves from a perspective you're not very used to or aware. Time is quite literally again, an organ, a feeling you can be aware of, thus rewind, alter(not really more like prefer to look at it from a different angle ), move forward and so forth.

I can talk about magic but I can't do it since my motivation to be able to resides in the posters from here. The people who willing accept it even without asking me. I decided to make this thread exactly because a while ago before it someone withdrew a large portion and I was touched people like that exist since it helps me.

do you know what happened in 2016?

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>Christ rejected religion and preached awareness, awakening and acceptance not Judaism. He also preached as "anonymous" in old Aramaic.
Yeah JC = Jesus Christ = Julius Caesar. Both existed around the same time, had loyal followers, both betrayed in their middle ages. The switch from pagan religion to Christianity is symbolic of the switch from a republic to Caesarship. The more you look into it, the more parallels will become obvious.

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Honestly if I just withdrew everything(which i don't think I can't anymore at this point lol only give) i would be a huge anomaly or disturbance in the world. If it was already fucked up and made people suffer than I would absolutely destroy their understanding of themselves or anything really since it should be impossible. The one opposite of me that wants me in warfare relies exactly on it. His idea is to cause a world war and force every manchild everywhere including me into warfare thus all the spiritual desire flows back into me and he devours me there and then when he allows warfare or the desire to dominate/further myself like a wild animal overtake me.

Really, what do I have to prove? I just want peace and to give people peace but in this twisted world peace is just an illusion, a precursor opiate to war, I am harming people or myself by loving them. There is only peace in the void my opposite doesn't even acknowledge as real since he's entirely defined by desire and aligned with desire.

I have a bit of peripheral knowledge but not in depth, have you read the corpus hermeticum?