Balkanization of the US

It’s bound to happen soon and when it happens there will be thousands of factions of almost every ideology imaginable.

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>Inb4 the thread gets nuked

>of almost every ideology
true, but ideology won't matter as much much as race will

balkanization is pretty much the only option.
democrats keep flooding the country with shitskins who vote blue and they keep rioting and destroying the civilization.
unless you want to live under communism, a civil war and a subsequent balkanization is the only option.

You have to wonder what will happen in a place like Wyoming when the Democrats pass reparations. Will their RINO faggot Governor go along with it? Will they allow the Feds under Kamala or AOC to take their AR-15s? They don’t even want to talk about this shit because they’re scared shitless. To me it looks like the whites in the South are much more willing to admit openly that there is a potential race war on the horizon.

America is 1000 ideologies to begin with. Heretic trash from Europe and every other shithole made America what it is.

kek, no more than 10 and even that is pushing it.

The entire south is mexico's.
California is it's own thing.
Alaska is russia's.
Florida is cuba's.
northwest republic
East coast is destroyed by a russian satan bomb and tsunami, European nations and Russia pick some states and absorb them.
Hawaii is japan's.
USA moves to the central area but loses almost all power except some nukes.

Your points are all fucking stupid
>Japan won’t take Hawaii, China would
>Cuba can’t take Florida, if anything Florida conquers Cuba
>Alaska goes independent; allies with Russia

If the US Balkanized there would be 100s or even thousands of factions of almost every ideology imaginable, the country would resemble pre Napoleonic Germany with a fuckton of small nations and a few large ones. There would be commies, Christian nationalist, pagan larpers, native tribes, primitivists, Fascists, Natsocs, Jihadists, Mormons, black nationalists and a million other factions.

Stop doing things for economic gain and join in attacking the system too.

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thats the meaning of melting pot
let the best ideology win and reshape america

>Zero reverse image search results
Based and acceleration pilled.

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The only safe place to be after the first wave is way out in the sticks or smack dab in the middle of The Republic of Deseret. Our friends the Mormons have been waiting for this for hundreds of years. Get right with Xenu if you want to survive the purge.

>The entire south is mexico's
>The entire south
Mexico won't do shit anywhere east of Texas, and even taking over western Texas would be pushing it. the rest of the Southwest is fucked though.

I wish all spics good luck as they try to take Texas. Boerne is mine and any non white who tries to take it gets the rope. Terlingua to Brownsville, Dalhart to Texarkana, it's all Texas, everyone else can go somewhere else

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>survival of the fittest
I like it

Jewish stupidity aside, USA is too retarded to be a huge ZOG empire with a central leadership doing the bidding of mentally ill people.
If it was split in three each part could still have some self-sufficiency but California jews, Texas jews and NY jews wouldn't join forces to poop over the planet.
A similar situation can be found for every other huge country led by dramatic idiots (Russia, Brazil, India, China, UK, ...).

>x would be pushing it
fuck, I just mirrored you on accident. spooky

Who are behind these threads kikes or bugmen?

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>It’s bound to happen soon and when it happens there will be thousands of factions of almost every ideology imaginable.

I agree. It won't be like the Civil War, with just two sides, there will be dozens.

Lebanon used to be called "The Jewel of the Mediterranean," then all it once it shattered into a thousand pieces. I think that's what's going to happen to America.

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Literally will never happen. Simple question: which states will own the nukes? The Federal government will never sign off on that.

I’m not a kike or a chinaman, I’m just someone who knows that this uneasy peace isn’t going to last much longer.

Stop spouting a that chink dick sucker's bullshit.

The feds wouldn’t sign off on any of this, it would be a civil war.

there will not be a civil war, a balkanization, or anything close to the day of the rope you retards jack off to. Will there be political violence around the election? Yea probably. But that will be it. get off the internet and get out of the cities. twitter isn’t real life. social media isn’t real life. it’s a cheap carnival mirror echo chamber. A ton of people are disgusted by the violence and we have record gun sales. Most normies are buying guns not for a boog but because they are going to fuck up anyone that rocks the boat too much. People are too comfy still for a major happening and now they are too armed to allow anyone to fuck up the relatively safe and comfortable lives they have.


And I just wanted to marry Lauren Rose and fuck her to death!

You confuse current comfort with the fact that their controlled demolition of the economy and their unleashing of the race golem alongside the paranoiac dehumanization of this COVID psyop is going to lead to the worst depression in the history of the planet that will eventuate in broken supply chains that will strip away the comfort, and the bubbles, and all the other protective layers of inanity that have kept people asleep for years. This is going to be a door-to-door total war of primal savagery unlike anything ever witnessed. Total fucking carnage.

And I can’t wait

Here's one I haven't finished but it's like 80% done.
Cascadia: Coastal areas of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Heavy Chinese influence.
Columbia: Conservative inner territories of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Idaho. Very small government republic. Highest survivalist population on the continent.
Jefferson: Seceded counties of California, Nevada and Oregon. Attempting to ramp up trade to compete with Cascadia and Oregon.
California: Originally liberal, but turned full communist and half the state left. Comprised of ghettos for the poor and armed compounds for the rich. Most companies fled to Texas and Florida. Heavy Chinese influence.
Sierra: An uneasy alliance of Californians and Nevadans. Exist solely on the fact they control food, water, and power supply.
Deseret: Mormon theocracy in all but name. Even "gentiles" attend services.
Atzlan: Failed state that collapsed comprised of people fleeing cartel warlords in Mexico.
Indian Land: Indian reservations that neither Deseret or Texas cared to deal with.
Big Yellowish Area in the Middle: City states connected by railroad almost like the Old West. Left alone because they grow food and control the missile silos. Some towns controlled by a single corporation.
Texas: Officially reinstated their status as an independent republic. Occupied a large part of northern Mexico.
Free States of America: Not Neo-Confederates. Black areas are "Free African States" administered by African-Americans.
Florida: Nicknamed "Florida, Inc." because it was created by major corporations who still influence the government.
Puerto Miami: Semi-independent. Heavily influenced by Cuba.
Great Lakes Coalition: Semi-landlocked status hinders reindustrialization attempts. Controls the entirety of the Great Lakes and resources.
"The United States of America": Claim to be the legitimate government of the USA, but only control the Bos-Wash Corridor and outlying areas. Heavily relies on United Nations troops for security.

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Alaska: Independent confederation with the Yukon. Reliant on Russia for support.
Hawaii: Ironically in a protection pact with Japan. Not as much tourism anymore but still cater to the super rich.
Marianas and Guam: Similar to Hawaii.
Mexico: Basically feudal states controlled by warring cartels.
Canada: Eastern areas occupied by Commonwealth soldiers by request.
Quebec: Granted independence in return for cooperation.
Puerto Rico: Attempting some kind of Caribbean Economic Union with the US Virgin Islands and other nearby nations.
Zero Cities: Cities where over half the population left from lack of supplies to violence. San Diego, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans are a few. Washington D.C. is an exception where both the "USA" and the Free States declared it an open city to protect it but the "US" government has relocated.

That in itself is an ideology.

crissement based

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>1000 ideologies
Lol wut? Even after you balkanzie you will use this retarded simplified political dichotomy of conservative/liberal.

Jesus fucking Christ user, thank you for finally making one of these that isn't a total pile of shit. I have only a few quibbles: Deseret will swallow up most of Nevada, and Clark Co. will be East California, but this is a great goddamned map.

1,000 factions, and I wasn’t using it as an exact number more as way of saying “there will be a fuckton of factions”

Also, The Free States of America will be NeoLiberia. But still. Great map.

Oh wow a Balkanized USA map that isn’t completely retarded.