Build Back Better

>Build Back Better
This dude is such a stiff. His campaign slogan is horrible.

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Other urls found in this thread:“build-back-better

The only thing Biden is building is a big load of shit in his adult diaper.

So he starts talking about small business loans but in pretty sure you have to be minority. What about us poor whites?

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The problem is most people don't get what the slogan means. The terms is used for like disaster recovery. After a disaster, you want to "build back better" and be better off than before the disaster. He is saying Trump was a disaster for this country and he will build everything back and better than it was before. It's a shit slogan since no one understands it.

Holy shit, I had to look it up. That's really it?

>Build Back Better

More like, BULL BLACK BETTER. Time for your wife to get BLACKED by the BULL. Shut yo white boy ass down and pump yo women full of HIV+ BLACK BULL cum.

Ridin' with Biden nigger

He'd be better off having 'BIX NOOD' for a campaign slogan.

What does that slogan mean?

I'm 30 and make six figures. Never voted.

when he said it the first time he stammered like a retard. I thought it was a mistake desu.

>build to china

It's literally meant to mimic Black Lives Matter.
Build Back Better. Back is close to Black, Matter close to Better. They are similar enough.
Can't wait for Joe to fuck it up every time he tries to say it.
>That's why I say, vote for me, Joe Biden, and we'll Build Black Lives Matter Together and Better

It’s unironically better than KAG

I'm ridin on Biden! Bareback is better

you ain't black if you don't build better back. duh.

Cool larp

So it means nothing. Smoothens.

>This dude is such a stiff. His campaign slogan is horrible.
This is actually a good slogan because it alliterates and it catches the content of what really has to be done -- we need to rebuild after the catasrophe that has been Trump, especially after he let the virus take over the whole nation.

Attached: Proud Republican for Biden.png (603x400, 367.32K)

Bull? Black? Better?

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Rebuild what? Better than what?

Wow it just rolls off the tongue. I visted The Hill back in 2017 to try and troll the disqus comments section, and it was like entering a dying patients room. Everyone was super serious and there wasn't anything funny remotely anywhere.

You may say he's such a stiff but out around where I live they call him "Southern Joe" cause they know he's got our backs

>Rebuild what? Better than what?
The nation in general -- public trust, confidence, international standing, helthcare, infrastructure, national parks, national unity, and more of all to rebuild after the economic destruction of Trump's pandemic. Better than it all is right now, obvs.

Attached: Proud Republican for Biden 3.png (510x383, 271.23K)

>His campaign slogan is horrible.

His campaign website is selling buttons that say "No More Malarky!"

I wish I was kidding.

Based schizo czech

His slogan is shit. It tells me none of that.

I can't watch it bc he reminds me og my dad who is dying and has dementia

>Build Back Better
What the fuck does that mean?
(build) Spic ethno state
buy (back) your guns
rape girls (better)

Lmaooo right. There is no enthusiasm about him. He's getting that not Trump vote for sure.

why did biden steal trump's campaign font?

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hes talking right now on fox and looks like the oldest candidate in history.

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Should've been BBC

Big Black Butt

Even his campaign slogan has dementia, that makes no sense

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Low IQ slogans. Mitch McConnell does better at this shit, hell he has Cocaine Mitch merch

Brb, time to stroke it.

Why not go for something that makes more sense like "we will rebuild"?

>Build Better Country
would have been too on the nose

you think you understand politics
you think you understand political parties you are all full of crap
you don’t know what the illuminati is
you’re either republican or your democrat
you’re wrong! why?
it’s this easy
it’s called divide and conquer
that’s why there’s two parties and only two
and they are controlled by the same people at the very top they belong to the council on foreign relations, the bilderburg group, and the trilateral commission and you people haven’t even heard of it you don’t know what the hell that is
but if you did know you would know these are the people who control your world by making global policies that you never vote on and by which parties both serve and belong to these organizations and control your world
now here is how it works it’s really easy
divide and conquer can only work if the people that are DIVIDED are not aware of the falsely created division if you are not aware of it then it works... if you know about it then it doesn’t work...
if you have socialism without capitalism it becomes COMMUNISM
if you have capitalism without socialism it becomes FASCISM and it’s just that easy
that’s why masonic symbols are on your currency BUT YOU AREN’T PAYING ATTENTION

It makes sense and is helpful and uplifting. I love all you salty haters spewing a salt one of tears whenever the blue team even kind of is doing better than worse.

Would be funny if it was
BBC would be a great slogan for him

>His slogan is shit. It tells me none of that.
Your analysis of the slogan is shit. You're avoiding the specific details. It speaks of rebuilding, which invokes a lot of very obvious stuff in need of being rebuilt right now. As I said, most of all this means the economy that has been mismanaged and destroyed by Trump as he's let the virus spread wildly across the nation. And the slogan alliterates very nicely, whereas MAGA doesn't have that verbal appeal.

Please support your position with evidence, user, rather than just making unsupported assertions.

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But hey, if you have any question about voting for him you ain’t black.

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they just attacked barr with all these talking points at a hearing. this is a big propaganda bomb, they want all these soundbytes and joe biden clips to drop at the same time so they pack a double punch

It is impossible for a white to be poor, due to the inherent privileges you possess by simply being white

>carbon neutral

Memeflag faggot. I never understand Republican for this Democrat or vice versa. You can not like Trump and still be a Republican but you can't support Democrats in the election and claim to be one.

>man who spent his entire life outsourcing manufacturing now says he wants to "build back better"

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the slogan is one of the worst I've heard
I'm not Trump, would have been a better slogan.

that's okay, he gets free diapers from the IDF

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If it takes a paragraph to explain a slogan, and you have follow up questions after hearing the slogan, it is a poor slogan. It assumes that the least sophisticated consumer will know by default what he means, which is not a safe bet.

No one says "build back".
What a horrible slogan.

>All those words to say nothing

Let's see the real flag.

Notice the softball (more like tee ball) questions Biden is getting? Joe, despite this, is still off the rails. His stimpack is wearing off! This presser is a disaster.

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>you can't support Democrats in the election and claim to be one.
Just ask almost anyone who was in the previous Republican administration. It's pretty simple -- Trump has hijacked the party as someone who isn't really a Republican (he was Democrat for most of his life) and in order to enrich himself and his friends. The role for Republicans now is to reclaim the party, even if it does involve having an old centrist Democrat as president for a year. Biden won't fuck the country up, whereas Trump already has with his anti-science retarded approach to the virus.

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Fuck if I know. The slogan makes sense but ONLY if you know what the terms means. The meaning is lost on 99% of Americans. "We Will Rebuild" honestly would be better.

>If it takes a paragraph to explain a slogan, and you have follow up questions after hearing the slogan, it is a poor slogan. It assumes that the least sophisticated consumer will know by default what he means, which is not a safe bet.
I'm only explaining for the sake of a retarded user, who is pretending not to understand the obvious. If the slogan didn't work, you wouldn't be so agitated about it. Obviously it's a good one.

Big Black Bitch?
does he talk about himself?

Neo-cons failed miserably, thats why trump was able to fuck their little assholes. There are about 10 of them left and they all work for MSNBC now.

Agitated by it? I hope Biden keeps it precisely because it is shitty.

is it just me or does build back better kinda just mean make america great again?

Mnemonics are easier for dementia patients to remember, is why they are used during their treatment. Having his slogan short and limited syllables with all words starting with "b" makes him less likely to fuck it up.

Ignore this faggot until he posts flag



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>Biden wont fuck the country up.
You're delusional and he's far from centrist lmaoooo. Show flag
Just do it so we can all laugh at you

Any large job announcements you guys can think of? All that's coming to mind in the last few weeks (which given the coronavirus is still impressive) are Tesla building a factory with 5k jobs in Austin TX and Walmart building a huge distribution center in Charleston SC with 1k. Not much but these are thee sort of projects that have a huge local effect on suppliers

What does that even mean?

>build back better
what the fucking fuck does that even mean

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We can rebuild would just lead to him getting the 6 trillion dollar man nickname

DCfag here. This is just as bad as pic related

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>Build Black Better
It's just Biden being subtly racist again since they aren't good enough now.

>always a kek flag
Always, always always, without fail

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>Ignore this faggot until he posts flag
>Show flag

Hiromoot loves memeflags.

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>those hands
her dick must be at least 7 inches


Hopefully soon.

translation: "vote for me you stupid niggers"

Kek. That dude straight up looks like one of those 'Bears' that fuck little twink jocks.


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It's a UN slogan. He has no original ideas.
The more you know:“build-back-better