She’s not a Bezos anymore but her politics is pozzed as ever

She’s not a Bezos anymore but her politics is pozzed as ever.

“Scott said she had so far given a total of $1.67 billion to organizations in the following categories:

Racial Equity: $ 586,700,000
LGBTQ+ Equity: $ 46,000,000
Gender Equity: $ 133,000,000
Economic Mobility: $ 399,500,000
Empathy & Bridging Divides: $ 55,000,000
Functional Democracy: $ 72,000,000
Public Health: $ 128,300,000
Global Development: $ 130,000,000
Climate Change: $ 125,000,000
She then went on to list the non-profits.

“On this list, 91% of the racial equity organizations are run by leaders of color, 100% of the LGBTQ+ equity organizations are run by LGBTQ+ leaders, and 83% of the gender equity organizations are run by women, bringing lived experience to solutions for imbalanced social systems,” Scott wrote.”

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What a dumb bitch.
No wonder he left her for a tranny.

she's related to the current leader of NZ, isn't she?

>jar babies

>vast majority of her wealth
>combined total of donated money does not even add up to 1/7 of her wealth

She’s such a “good person”

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for a multi billion dollar divorce, bezos seemed oddly fine with it.

did he even fight it?

>the philanthropic pursuits of a woman that became the richest woman on Earth via divorce court

I love that Amazon is taking my tax money and giving it to brown faggots. I really love this country!

no subversion going here 0

why is bezos retarded?

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He was the one that cheated on her and they were married since before Amazon so it was pretty cut and dry; he was at fault and she could claim her half of the assets.

>On this list, 91% of the racial equity organizations are run by leaders of color, 100% of the LGBTQ+ equity organizations are run by LGBTQ+ leaders
so she's throwing the money into a black hole

i no rite!

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this sounds like an elaborate money laundering scheme. bezos is probably in on it too

the left loves rich people influencing democracy when it's their issues. pure hypocrisy

>83% of the gender equity organizations are run by women
>gender equity


Sexuality and gender sure are big job creators

Giving money to entities owned by women or niggers is the same as throwing it into the ocean. Millions go by really quick when you fly people all over the country constantly and pay for hotel stays, pricey "speeches" by insane people etc....

Yes there's the potential there's some money laundering going on here too.

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you usally don't see someone who has worked so hard to make his company go into the high double digit billions of worth just hand half of it over without at LEAST a fight.

this smells fishy, like a pseudo money laundering thing.

So she is buying trannies caskets when they dilated themselves into heaven

>her vast wealth

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what the fvck is she gonna do with the billion anyway? money above 100k a year is useless for women

that would at least be useful
think about the retarded shit and how much waste there would be at organizations run by fags and by nigs

He prefers feminine penis

So she's funneling money back in to the democratic party.

he already made it back 2x

that was my guess.

Love how she appeals to universal white privilege and the universal need for white people to follow her lead when she was made the richest woman in the world through divorce.
>Fellow privileged white people....

Sometimes you find a girl that is a total cockslave for you, you can’t pass up on that. I’m talking the type of girl that begs for you, and masturbates to pictures of you

He could date ANYTHING, impregnate ANYONE, and buy a fucking country. He would rather date a bogdanoff tranny

He's the richest man in the world. Taking half of his net worth probably hasn't made any tangible impact on his lifestyle whatsoever.

Dude has so much money there's no way he could realistically spend it all.

>Leaders of color

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you misunderstand...

people with that kind of wealth are typically VERY protective about their money.

someone doesn't let billions of dollars go without a fight.

I think this was a way of distancing himself from where he wanted the money to go, maybe?

a form of money laundering?

Can we check the specific "charities" she gave to?

You know how they say when a nigger wins the lottery?