The absolute state of white nationalism in burgerland

>the absolute state of white nationalism in burgerland

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Wendell looks like quite the KKK member.

looks like wendell is still wearing his disguise

Wendell really is something

Man Wendell is on some CIA tier shit.

Yeah so many white supremacists

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A white supremist is a just guy against immigration right?


It’s so hard to remove all the soot from the cross burnings, user.

>no link

those masks are outta this world

Unironically looks like your average Zig Forums Nazi.

He is the Grand Kong of the Richmond Knights of Kenya.

This is a fucking retarded take and it won’t work. The media is coping really hard now that they found out supporting communist terrorism made Trump even more popular.

Pretty sure I worked with "Justin Thompson" as an extra on season 4 of TURN couple years ago. I remember him ranting some leftist tirade ruining everyone's lunch break by refusing to STFU.

You can automatically tell it's fake by the cringy terms they use, like "white supremacists" LOL

Why didn't they remove wendall black face

>I'll never accept the truth, so I'll simply make one up
Wow, I would've never guessed.

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>blonde guy with dreadlocks
>white supremacist

A White Supremacist is someone who wants his race to survive :^)

Wendell is the grand wizard of the KKK

Justin? With those dreads? Nah.

What news media outlet was this? I'm guessing that they skew Democrat.

Always accuse the Goyim of the crimes you have committed - The Talmud

Random black guy, but whites are turning caveman

I get when they attempt to frame crimes by fellow whites as "white supremacist", but w t f is happening here?

Actually it's someone who wants whites to rule over the other races. In other words, democrats.
Right wing whites just want to be left tf alone and seperate from those who want to destroy them.

pure retardation is happening here

The kikes are really doing everything they can to damage-control-away the leftoid riots everywhere, aren't they? Does anyone fall for this shit?

looks like kkk has diversity quotas

You rang?

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Women are going to believe this

It's simple. White supremacists are evil so all evil deeds were committed by white supremacists no matter their actual skin color or beliefs.

Wendell took the CIA to court over undercover assignments being discriminatory. He won.

Bro imagine doing shit and just being able to say "antifa? No my group- I mean, no they don't exist. I'm a white supremacist and I thought those white people were race mixers. Then get off Scot free by Soros bail money.

then why are they getting so fucking buttmad about feds being sent in to arrest these white supremacists

Wendell Lundy must be ringleader.

Damnz I bet they were funded by those evil koch's brothers! Er, brother.

You've got to hand it to those white supremacists. #3 has a very clever disguise going for him.

Is Wendell Lundy suppose to be the black guy in every white nationalist discord server with a humiliation fetish?

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people will read the headline, not look at the pictures. That is what 'facts don't matter' means. Nobody actually reads the clickbait, they just spread the headlines.

>A white supremist is a just guy against immigration right?
A white supremacist is a white person who doesn't want whites to become extinct.

Just google the first name. this guy was interviewed at the robert e lee statue riots. Totally right wing.... not.

James Kelley, 29, of Richmond, was charged with Unlawful Assembly
Justin Killough, 26, of Richmond, was charged with Unlawful Assembly
Stephen Loughman, 29, of Richmond, was charged with Unlawful Assembly – Rioting with a Firearm
Wendell Lundy, 36, of Hampton, was charged with Unlawful Assembly
Alton Rittenour, 26, of Richmond, was charged with Unlawful Assembly
Justin Thompson, 28, of Hopewell, was charged with Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Rioting

>a black man
>a men in dreadlocks
yeah, i bet they are literally hitler
the first two can look the part but they lost it posting them with the other twos

>The mayor of Richmond thanked the Black Lives Matter protesters he said tried to stop the white supremacists from spearheading the violence.
Based BLM, saving us from hateful bigots like Wendell "If She Ain't White Letting Her Live Ain't Right" Lundy!

Faggots will but some will read deeper and get a baby redpill.

The left mutates language and definitions so much to suit its ends. It's one of the worst things they do, because most people have no idea how to even begin fighting it so their new definitions just become the de facto standard, which influences all future narratives and (they hope) reality.

Are you implying the cops are absolutely fucking retarded as well as worthless?
Or that they are complicit in this lie?
It really is one or the other. No one watching could be in question who is rioting.

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Wendell and Justin K. were just charged with unlawful assembly. Stephen was also charged with rioting with a firearm, and Justin T. was charged with assault on an officer and rioting. They were among a group of 6 people arrested out of a crowd of several hundred. None of the sources I found specify who is or isn't a white supremacist. I guess the viewer is supposed to think "Wow these methhead looking guys are for sure white supremacists." Wendell is inexplicable.

>participate in riot
>get caught
>claim to be huwhite supremacist
>every day is charlottsville

goddam it seems those gender studies classrooms are spawning white supremacist nowadays

Is this real? It can't be. Link?


>Glownigger Central
>Governor admitted to murdering live babies when he ran an abortion clinic
>Governor attempted to seize everyone's guns, but 98% of Virginia Sheriffs refused to enforce the mandate; resulting the largest Pro Gun rally in the history of America
>Oy vey goyim its White Supremacists causing the riots, we've got to crack down on militias!

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what do anarchists look like then? i wouldn't assume skinny, weak, frail.

I tried, user

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>white supremacist

Go on Mr. Wendell.

Where did the 1.5 billion donation money for BLM go?

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That comment
Those digits
That ID

Clayton Bigsby is based.

If you can get away with 6 gorillion bakin' in the oven without leaving a trace you can also easily get away with a nogger white supremacist.

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Those are peaceful protesters, you BIGOT!!!

>all that poc female white supremacists

guess they fell for the BWC