Brit/pol/ - Cymru edition

>Meghan Markle ‘colluded with paparazzi on London restaurant pics’ as pals say she’d promote herself ‘anyway she could’

>Boris Johnson warns of Europe 'second wave' amid Spain row

>German officials 'very concerned' by rising cases

>Grim life and mystery death of Lolo Ferrari - from prostitution to exploding 54K boobs

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have masturbated to every single one of pubes pictures. I found pube relatively late in his brit/pol/ career, but I began as soon as I saw the first pic via the archives. Within the next 3-4 weeks, I noticed that I have spaffed to all his newly released pictures and a few of his older ones that I went back and found.

I then set a goal for myself to do all of them. I'm not going to lie, it took me quite a while to complete the task, maybe a month or so? And again, not all of these were relatively sexy, however I always found something about pube that just begged for cum... I guess?

Of course his seeing his batty, his strong strong feminine features, his little titties, and his face. But to be honest it's not even these common features themselves that set me off but rather his metaphysical breedability.

Keep in mind, pube has over 400 pictures. That means I've cummed to the idea of breeding with him over 400 times. At this point I believe I've formed a metaphysical cosmic connection with pube in which multiverses are formed from pure thought.

In each multiverse I've bred him with another child, and in one multiverse in particular we started an army. Pube is hooked up to a machine that keeps his legs spread and there are various tubes jammed in all over him, like one in his mouth that force feeds him, and one in his ass that is an extension of his digestive system, and a couple connected to his tits that continuously milk him, and various other machines to keep him washed and shaved.

I simply walk up to him once per day, sometimes twice, and activate the machine by saying "hello my strong strong friends" and the machinery brings him to my erect cock and the whole thing vibrates until I orgasm (I don't even have to move). Then when he becomes pregnant, the machines manipulate him onto an accelerator of sorts, which removes the foetus and places it within an artificial womb to grow. In this way the beauty and youth of pube's body is preserved.

>tfw eating pick 'n' mix sweeties

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post chink webms lads

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here's ya dislike pal

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Yes, I support the Queen the leader of the UK and the commander in chief of the armed forces.

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>this crash brough to you by Miaopai
Fast and Furious looking subpar

none of this is Brit news Paki

It isn't a proper chink webm unless something explodes.

m8 I'm 25 and I haven't eaten sweets in about a decade

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why do you envy Wales' >90% white population?

first for pigs

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How many bacon sandwiches would that one be?

>pick 'n' mix
>tfw remember the old days of Woolies pick n mix and then browsing their posters on those big book type display things they had

notice anything

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Why even live?

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poundshop Jahns

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Attached: here you go.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

>Lolo Ferrari

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what kind of diet and lifestyle yields such a physique? is this that 'famed' polish genetics that slavs keep talking about?

Post some.

Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows
What are those blue remembered hills
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content
I see it shining plain
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

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Pays respects to the based lad

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based and lost-world pilled

That is the kind of chinky pyrotechnics I'm talking about.

based chinaman on his way to fuck marty's mum

I know, was sad news, I too remember Eurotrash, a true British classic. But apparently posting about it makes me a Paki according to

Cityfags, we have to address this; the Roadman has adopted the electric scooter and has evolved into a being of superior travelling capabilities

my gf found out I had a brit/pol/. met her at uni and we really hit it off. For the next 3 years things were going great. She was not only extremely pretty, but also very interesting and had a great personality and was s great person to talk to when I'd be feeling down, hell we had some rough patches but in the end it didn't matter because deep down we loved eachother. but I had one thing I kept from everyone I knew. brit/pol/. during the day i'd be the loving boyfriend she wanted, but at night I was some sort of twisted meme loving recluse. i'd hang out with brit/pol/ pretty much every night and tell everyone about all of these so called cartoon frogs and "green texts". we'd go out all night and ddos people. This one person i'll never forget as the memory still haunts me to this day. one time me and brit/pol/ cornered this mother and her two kids. we cornered them inside this dimly lit alleyway. I still remember the smell of garbage and rain to this day. I don't remember the details but it still comes to me in my nightmares, but from what thd police tell me, we ddosed the mother in front of her kids for 4 hours, then when we were finished we ddosed the kids as well. I tried to keep it from my gf but she didn't want any of it. "no babe please i'll never brit/pol/ again" I pleaded "sorry lover boy but I can't be associated with a brit/pol/ dweebposter man anymore" "noooooo!!" I yelled. it all came crashing down and I never saw her again.

That seems fake.

limited range means he's not a threat to any one in the countryside, so I can safely ignore this.

there will never be a day of the rope only endless day of the cope

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>the kerb kills the scooter-fag

Fat boy at the back has a drink under his chair.

fuck me lads when did supernoodles become so fucking bland

none, you muppet, bread doesnt come from pigs

christ, did you see his head go?

>A frog in a kilt
Back before channel 4 was 100% BAME/lgbtp

No, many pigs can grow to the size of shite horses, try leaving the house, incel.

EMBRACE Trad Welsh Harmonies

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my parents went off on a jolly to Spain for a long weekend and now get an extra two weeks off the boomer pricks, fucking cunt Boris doin my 'ed in

yeah there are too many women in government

Post good race war music

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KPMG forecast has unemployment this year at 8.6%, rising to 11% next year. This is with all the zero-hour and temporary staff counting as employed.

We are fucked.

Why is it that all religions are cucked besides Islam? They're all "love your enemies" and "care for nothing in this world."

June 2020 report


aye the now

>forecast by economists
yeah no

brazilian jungle-murderer catholicism isn't peaceful

>yeah there are too many women in government
Think you meant "there are women in government" pal


But at least Nana lived another 6 months!

literally wouldn't trust a single syllable uttered by the likes of KPMG

Nobody fucking asked you melt

Eastern orthodoxy still has some balls

when did he die?

based pig fragger

>all religions
I'm sure you are well-read on all of them, just like when I hear atheists say the phrase "all religions". There's nothing in the Q'uran that's wise and it was founded by a warmongering pedophile.

let me guess.
you think
>turning the other cheek
means letting yourself get stabbed by sandniggers, right?

in today's atmosphere, it would be more akin to doxxing the paki nonces instead of going to police.

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Only one answer to that one m8. We need to import more skilled sub-saharan workers to do the jobs British people don't want to.

Healthy food rules thanks to nanny state Tories of the past 10 years.

my only China webm

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you've never faced the zulu horde through the iron sights of your martini henry you fucking cringe grimecel

what exactly was the dumb fucker tryin to do?

Saw a video before of joggers claiming the Carthaginians were black.
Fucking state of the comments. I swear, you can tell joggers have low IQs just from their comments; shit spelling, shit grammar, and a complete inability to comprehend timescales.

wtf even happened here?

jk one more

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But they're still based on "love your enemy".
>There's nothing in the Q'uran that's wise and it was founded by a warmongering pedophile.
At least he was warmongering.
We'd not be in this situation if we had a national religion that wasn't all "don't fight people uWu ;_;"

what's your point?

fuck off you gay spacker

fuck sake china will be wiped out in a day if it came to war lmao

morgoth banned from twitter lol

Dale Cregan case: Police officer filled out own death report before killing himself

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The only people I really want a race war with is northerners. Pakis loving pedos the lot of them.

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>what is electricity

Why not just say what they mean rather than force people to go through all this Jewish wordplay to make it not cucked?

What's the end game for Corona in the UK?
Why are the Tories basically acting as economically and socially irresponsible as Labour
Why was everything shut down for 3 months
Why are people having to wear masks.
It seems a bit tin foil to assume it's all down to a Bill Gates ploy, but genuinely
The amount we have fucked up the country for less than 0.03% deaths?

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i got no idea!

nah they've done a number on you. mexican catholics are basically a death cult

That pic is actually in the Foreign Office. The person who made that specific area of the building secretly left a graffiti on one of the pillars as a meme.

Also, is brit/pol/ in Team Liz or Team McVey?

From where? loose lines above taking the charge down the scaffolding?

there's electrical nerve gas now? fucking chinks

You never left your mums hand on a street alone
>Good boy

>We'd not be in this situation if we had a national religion
we rejected God after seeing the horrors of WW1 and WW2, such destruction and wanton violence, on a global scale, cucked an entire generation.

We did have one, but history cast it aside in favour of a more powerful force.

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Yeah m8
>was it a civilisation in or near africa that achieved something noteworthy

If yes click {WE}

what is electricity?

It's cute, and sad, to read old articles which emphatically believe that Occupy would be a future force and that the establishment would be further pushed back.

2012, what a year.

k retard

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Because when the term was coined
>turning the other cheek
implied the roman slapping you would see you as an equal.

it's like calling a fighter pilot an ace and mistaking it for a playing card; in both cases it's contextual ignorance more than actual stupidity.

yes. their electricity infrastructure is dreadful. almost as bad as indias.
there are hundreds of videos of chinks being electricuted because their power lines are barely above head height

magic user, magic

Today in history:
>1540 – Thomas Cromwell is executed at the order of Henry VIII of England on charges of treason. Henry marries his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, on the same day.
>1571 – La Laguna encomienda, known today as the Laguna province in the Philippines is founded by the Spaniards as one of the oldest encomiendas (provinces) in the country.
>1635 – In the Eighty Years' War the Spanish capture the strategic Dutch fortress of Schenkenschans.
>1656 – Second Northern War: Battle of Warsaw begins.
>1794 – French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre and Louis Antoine de Saint-Just are executed by guillotine in Paris, France.
>1809 – Peninsular War: Battle of Talavera: Sir Arthur Wellesley's British, Portuguese and Spanish army defeats a French force led by Joseph Bonaparte.
>1821 – José de San Martín declares the independence of Peru from Spain.
>1896 – The city of Miami, Florida is incorporated.
>1914 – In the culmination of the July Crisis, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, igniting World War I.
>1935 – First flight of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.
>1939 – The Sutton Hoo helmet is discovered.
>1942 – Soviet leader Joseph Stalin issues Order No. 227. In response to alarming German advances, all those who retreat or otherwise leave their positions without orders to do so are to be tried in a military court, with punishment ranging from duty in a shtrafbat battalion, imprisonment in a Gulag, or execution.
>1945 – A U.S. Army B-25 bomber crashes into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building killing 14 and injuring 26.
>1960 – The German Volkswagen Act came into force.
>1996 – The remains of a prehistoric man are discovered near Kennewick, Washington. Such remains will be known as the Kennewick Man.

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balkanisation of the UK when?

I actually would like that mask to wear to the shops.

>in favour of a more powerful force.
Obviously not.
>such destruction and wanton violence, on a global scale, cucked an entire generation.
Islam has been on a constant war of conquest for centuries and it hasn't cucked at all.

I hate English people who are unreceptive to my thinly veiled xenophobia, it's very cringe and unbased

just saying

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>m8 I'm 25 and I haven't eaten sweets in about a decade

I think this one is more up your alley

>hasn't cucked at all
mate, they were dormant for 300 years until recently

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God not have much foresight then?

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>"constant conquest"
>has been getting btfo in the middle east for 100 years

Go ask the rohingya how cucked Buddhism is.
It's Western Whites that are cucked, not religions.

Bloody hell what was that

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>Obviously not.
Obviously not what?

What was in the bottle?

I didn't need to see that, I was having a good evening. Did the jack russell live?

i know nothing good is going to happen yet i watched anyway

i laugh when retards think everything critical of a protected class is an extension of irrational fears.

>oi that paki is kidnapping a little girl
>that's islamophobic

>oi these kikes are letting the pakis in
>that's antisemitic

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is it dead?

embrace the cope, become one with the cope

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Nerve gas

Savile was judeo-norman

>they were dormant for 300 years until recently
What about the Ottoman empire and the Mughal empire?
And in Europe its been parading around like a conquering army for decades, including taking young women of other peoples as booty.

So when will you remove the lamb balti? You act like you're the bastion of white England then shop in the Paki run corner shop. So proud is the northerner of his Brexit vote. So sad that he voted for Boris to get it done rather than someone who actually believed in it for reasons you share.

>French fighting French
no wonder they can't even be 4th place in world ranking

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Which part of Wales are you from, lads?

And what's yer politics?

If it was so powerful, why is it not?

what? how easy is it to get nerve gas and have a kick about with it

Norf and crypto-english settler

No larpy continental shite pls, jovial shit you wanna listen to in a firefight.

>What about the Ottoman empire and the Mughal empire?
they're aim wasn't to spread Islam, so I don't count it. Just like I don't count the Chinese expansionism lately as an attempt to spread Buddhism.

So if the whites who love Islam and the traitors that encourage Islam loved them then Christianity would be good?

pressurised dolphin piss

It's probably more the people who wrote the early greek and roman versions of the bible not expecting kikes with anglicized names to encourage literal interpretation thousands of years later.

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Definitely not. Nerve gas doesn't kill that quickly nor would the camera guy just nonchalantly wander over to it

Southerners who think they're better than Northerners are honestly fucking insufferable. Last time I went down south, I was in Bournemouth. It's a foreign country full of junkies and beggars, everything is ran by foreigners.

Not welsh but a Cymru-boo

And what's yer politics?

Esoteric Anti-Semitism

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not being racist is cringe if you're a white

Porthmadog and I might be becoming radicalised.

Northerners could have stopped the Pakis raping years ago but they preferred buying cheap weed and calling their own girls slags.

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What are you referring to cunt, Christianity or heathendom?


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Souf is a shithole they are all crypto-jews apart from Souf West which is based

>he posted it again
Stop larping as a Christian if you can't even deal with the most basic of Jesus' commands without re-interpreting them within your Zig Forums tier hermenutic

>they're aim wasn't to spread Islam, so I don't count it
That's just being being obtuse. Regardless of what they "meant" to do, they spread under the crescent moon.
Wasn't the writers of the New Testament all Jewish?

Irn Bru