Tommy Robinson flees UK as he ‘doesn’t feel safe’ after ‘arson’

English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson has claimed he has been forced to leave the country because his family ‘no longer feels safe’. In a new online video posted to his followers, Mr Robinson, 37, said he left ‘straight away’ a few weeks ago after an arson attack on his wife’s home.
is against immigrants and refugees.... tries to become a refugee.

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Feel sorry for that cunt. He's witnessed first hand the downfall of his nation and how desperate your masters whose boots you lick so feverishly are to silence any and all dissent with whatever means necessary.

Tommy should become a terrorist. Maybe that way they let him do what he wants.

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Katie Hopkins next please

They banned her twitter

Too funny though not for the host nation. Spain needs to be warned of his drug dealing, grooming 15 year old girls and history of domestic violence


every single thing about this kike puppet has been theater since day 1. maybe he would actually be more useful as a martyr, but (((they))) won't allow it yet.

what a surprise a swedecuck is making shit up about a man who despite being a zionist shill is still 10x the man you could never be.

Nice. Seems that Jew got enough money to relocate. Should be gassed, this Jewish scumbag.

Word, Jean-Luc!

keep him out of america, we dont need more israeli kike bootlickers

yeah hes going to fucking Israel

wait... Why do people hate Tommy?

PA hate him reonounced them. Zig Forums hate him because he's jewish.

shitty excuse to justify going to his penthouse in tel aviv alongside rabbi tarrant

He pissed off the leftists and the muslims.

I meant Zig Forums

So they blew up his house.

>Why do people hate Tommy?
Becoze he (((Jew))), retard Bong from Kingsbury (Jubilee Line).

Because they are useless losers who would rather whine than lift a finger

>Listening to Schlommy Robinstein

Fuck him - he's a spook
his job is to blackwash nationalism
read the link below, his name isn't Tommy Robinson OR Stephen Lennon
"He stayed one night and travelled back to the UK the following day using his own legitimate passport, which bears the name of Paul Harris.
Judge Alistair McCreath told him: "I am going to sentence you under the name of Stephen Lennon although I suspect that is not actually your true name, in the sense that it is not the name that appears on your passport."
lmfao it couldn't be any more obvious he's protected
fuck off back to israel cuntyballs

He's a zionist with kike friends, one of which fled to Israel because of the muslims that were invading the UK. That and the only group he speaks out against are the refugees and not the jews sending them. It's because of this that I think he's controlled opposition but he could just be a typical mislead civnat who believes the greatest ally myth

soon there will be nowhere else to flee

I still remember the picture of Tommy wearing the Mossad shirt. It's hard to forget things like that.

>I meant Zig Forums
Because the Muslim shills dressed up in Nazi memeflag hate him.

Only muzzie goatfuckers on pol hate him

Yeah real men flee after the retards he's been fleecing run out of money. I bet Ezra has a nice flat for him in Canada. Where are the people he supposedly represents supposed to go?

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Idols will dance and move about

>wasting our time with (((psy ops)))

Most people here are probably too young to remember Robinson's EDL days. They don't remember the gay division of EDL, Tommy habitually calling Nick Griffin and the BNP evil nazis, or his constant fellating of Israel.

This is why "conservatives" will lose. They to easily threatened by mob violence.

The time has come for reactionaries to take the stage and initiate violence against violence, to use Saul Alinsky's rules against them.

yes he deserves some rest
he's been warning people of sandniggers like you years before even the news media couldn't ignore anymore
i sent him 100€ and i think i'll send him some more.
cope hard nignog

Unlike most "refugees" he actually has to fear for his life.


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pretty much. he's not perfect but he at least had a fucking spine. and it was obvious he was being attacked by the elites. hope he comes to the US, we need the bodies

He sold out his people for 30 pieces of silver. He's the embodiment of useful idiot.
Lmao. I've split more hadji skulls than you or him. Please come back when you actually spilt blood in the sand for zog. He just plays an ass for cameras.
>Tommy " if I was in America I would have been marching against the white nationalists" Robinson