Weimar Germany vs Weimar America

What are the similarities and differences between the Weimar Republic and Weimerica? Has the USA reached Weimar levels, has it surpassed them, or has it not yet reached those levels?
Also post info and redpills about Weimar Germany too.

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You decide.

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We are a lot closer to Rome during its decline than the Weimar Republic. A huge, uneducated and increasingly unproductive underclass, rampant reactionary movements, a feckless, stupid leadership, no ability to effectively respond to crisis, external threats we are ill suited to counter, etc.

>sexual degeneracy
>scientific basis for degeneracy
>economic crises
>cultural marxism
All the boxes check, but is it worse now than it was then?

This. As Rome fell, so will America. I miss the SPQR.

Similarities: Total
Differences: None

Rome was an empire, I agree there are a lot of similarities though. USA isn't technically an empire even though it acts imperially.

They built shit we still admire today. Oh well. This is the cycle of things. I wonder what the next global arch power will be/do.

People in Weimar Germany had just fought the biggest war in history, suffered revolutions and hyperinflation then the deepest Depression in history.
The only similarity is the power and influence of a certain ethnic group.

personally, i think it's worse

pussy money weed

I sometimes do too, but when you consider this: I think we're just overwhelmed with it in the media and the constant gas lighting with today's technology. It's bad, but I'm not sure it's totally as bad as it was in Germany considering all the other factors the USA doesn't have.

Its as close to an empire as we'll ever get, autonomous states that report to a centralized federal government sounds a lot like an empire to me.

Ever since I was a kid I always wondered how history would've been if Caesar didn't get assassinated. I still will only ever follow Caesar of Alexander, there aren't any other great men like them now.


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Barbarians with no loyalty to the state running the government.

>autonomous states that report to a centralized federal government
That's just federalism desu.

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No. They had a total financial collapse on top of it. If that happens then you will see weimar.

Some could argue 2008 was the financial collapse, but it was not a depression as it was in Germany.

Absolute Vitruvian Man

it might feel worse due to the internet and the globalized world.

I'd argue in favor of this.

We've surpassed Weimar even in Western Europe lad, America is even worse (don't throw insults, this isn't about division - the videos I've seen of self-loathing white Americans far outplay anything I've seen of Europeans and that's merely a sad observation).

The differences are:
1) Nationalism wasn't taboo back then
2) Society wasn't fractured amongst hundreds of competing ethnic and religious groups
3) The world wasn't globalised, thereby making any and all dissident political entities immediately marked for destruction
4) They were in a desperate state due to their economic depression
5) War. Their generation had seen it and suffered from it, they understood it

We're in a worse position. But you shouldn't lose hope because unlike Germany back then the entirety of the white world is in the same position. Our response won't be crushed by an allied front, or misunderstood by brother nations.

Yes. You know we all came from a background of intense suffering, the discovery of eternal life biologically should have marked a golden age of intelligent decision, second chances and design. Instead we are using/wasting our time being persecuted by others.

That's what I think too.
Good post.
The next question would then be does the West in general, America more specifically, repeat history by having a far right nationalist response or lose to the attempted communist take over?

Nazi Germany: a welfare-warfare state, just like modern-day America.

"Hitler suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits. The Nazi interventionist program was essential to the regime's rejection of the market economy and its embrace of socialism in one country."


"Hitler’s rearmament program was military Keynesianism on a vast scale. Hermann Goering, Hitler’s economic administrator, poured every available resource into making planes, tanks, and guns. In 1933 German military spending was 750 million Reichsmarks. By 1938 it had risen to 17 billion with 21 percent of GDP taken up by military spending. Government spending all told was 35 percent of Germany’s GDP."


Hitler produced military wealth while private citizens starved. Employed on the largest scale ever seen, military Keynesianism created only ruin.


Agricultural output rarely surpassed 1913 levels, in spite of 20 years of technological advancement. Demand outstripped supply by 30 percent in basic foodstuffs like pork, fruit, and fats. That meant that for every ten German workers who stood in line to buy meat from the state-owned supply depots, three went home hungry. The same story was retold when it came to cars, clothing, and iron. New houses had to be built with wooden plumbing, because iron was so scarce. Nationalized iron depots couldn’t produce enough for the army, let alone civilians. Clothing was rationed.


>golden age of intelligent decision
It was attempted in the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution, but it didn't last.

G. K. Chesterton considered Nazis and Zionist extremists to be two sides of the same coin (racial fanaticism, the "chosen people," etc.). Friedrich Nietzsche recommended that "the anti-Semitic screamers" be "expelled" from his country, and considered anti-Semitism to be a token of low intellect.

Virtually nobody so much as suggested that there was a Jewish conspiracy actively going on to harm or injure the white race until the advent of the 20th century, with the publication of the hoax known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Before that time, persecution of Jews was strictly religious, and of exactly the same kind as that carried out against other "infidels."

Jews were not responsible for either World War. The first one was caused by the Austrian Ultimatum, the latter by Hitler's reckless invasions of Czechoslovakia and Poland. These instances of German aggression were simply echoes of Frederick the Great's commencing the Seven Years' War in the 18th century by his invasion of Silesia.

Europeans were fratricidal long before Jews had any power in Europe (The Peloponnesian War, Caesar's Gallic Wars, etc.).

The notion that the Jews "bought Britain after Waterloo" is a complete fabrication. It is known by historians as the "Rothschild Libel" and has its origin in an anonymous anti-semitic pamphlet first published in a year so late as 1846.

Jews were not responsible for creating feminism. That was owing to Astell, Bentham, Condorcet, Wollstonecraft, and has roots going back as far as Plato.

Jews were not responsible for creating socialism. That was invented by Saint-Simon, Fourier, Richard Owen, and has roots as far back as the Gracchi in antiquity.

All the decadence of modern society (mass immigration, sexual promiscuity, breakdown of the family, etc.) was seen just as patently in ancient Greece and Rome and in other declining civilizations in history without any influence from Jews. They are a result of our own moral decadence.

And the states are growing extremely disparate in terms of culture and racial demographics

Ah so that's why the are pushing rona shutdowns so badly. They want our women as desperate as they were then

>Trump wants to run on a good, by any standard, economy
I can't wait for this election year to end. It's beyond tiresome. If Trump wins, the hysteria goes away. If he wins, it'll probably escalate.
It's really a city vs everywhere else divide.

>Jews were not responsible for either World War.
Stopped reading right there. Perhaps you should look into who had fed the warring nations ALL THEIR NEWS for the decades before

Yes, but it lost steam because it wasn't obvious it was yielding results. Now we have literal space travel and biological manipulation bordering on eternal life. Should've worked. Yet they still chose to do pointless and stupid shit.