Why varg hate's my country so much?

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He hates Mexico?

He once ate old mozarella, and got food poisoning so bad the liquid shit overfilled his bucket. From that day on, he vowed to hate the southroid, and to upgrade to a bigger bucket

That is an Irish flag, retard.

Legend goes when Varg as but a wee lad, Fernando Martinez paid a visit to his abode. Varg had come home from school earlier, and was drawn to chords of a guitar playing from his parent's bedroom... curious, the boy peeked and what he saw shook him heavily. Passion. Boiling passion. Varg felt robbed of his mother's love and attention.

Since then Varg promised to best Fernando Martinez. He took to heavy metal to remove the flamenco chords from his head, even murdering one of his friends who displayed a liking to southern european heavy metal bands. Varg went mad, removing everything with the touch of southern europe, he decided to remove himself from Civilization alltogether.
Some say he lives in the French woods now... accompanied by a wolf-woman.

The Golden One, the Swedish Lion, was the last to venture into the woods to find his once mentor and friend... when the pagan came back, he spent a whole day, silent, inside the Notre Dame.

Fernando Martinez however still haunts Varg daily, and with Varg's son turning more and more into a southron with every single day... Varg thinks and broods...

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cause you medfaggots takes the bait. he is trolling you and instead of you medfags playing along or banter back with him you act like a bunch of sissy bitches


You’re a bunch of half niggers

Who gives a shit? Anyone who takes Varg seriously is either a low iq white or even worse... a nigger.

literally who

He's a braindead snownigger with a crippling inferiority complex. Scandinavians have only ever produced african tier shithole civilizations and so he has tried to claim that the ancient greeks and romans were blonde haired blue eyed snowniggers like himself. Literally a nigger race.

It's meds in general, he lived in Iraq and Cyprus as a kid and said the Cypriots were worse, stated that men were harassing his mom while she had her kids with her.

t.mutt arent you the country that export pozzed shit like rap and blacked shit?

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but you know he is baiting meds. but I guess meds are too nigger to see it

No you dipshit it is French flag.

god damnit kraut, it was joke

Yes, the usa is a jewish multiracial mutt empire. What i said about varg and snowniggers is still true though

Literally who.

this. But he has a few lose nails too.

fuck off snownigger mediterranean cradle of civilization masterrace you owe everything worthy in this world to us

Because you have brown eyes and brown hair.

It’s not really bate when varg ends up seething at meds pointing out the living conditions of nordics and whenever Rome is brought up he either we wuzs the whole thing or says it’s a middle eastern invention

Because you aren't white

He's not wrong. Some italians are clearly white, many are not though.

Yes they are faggot , fuck off spic

Far from it. He cites evola and made a video with piero san georgio.

He doesn't always shit on brown-eyed people.
Sometimes he talks more broadly in a pro-Europe manner, which I think helps him appeal to more people, and doesn't piss off that 70 or 80% of Europe that doesn't have blue eyes.

>mediterranean cradle of civilization masterrace you owe everything worthy in this world to us

gay sex and and orgies dosnt seem to be the craddle of civilization to me though. why are you meds so butthurt anyway? we need to fight the jews and not eachother bro. we can banter after we dealt with the jews

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Because hes a fucking faggot, i used to like him but realised he's a huge larper acting like hes a woodman when in reality he just wants you to buy his shitty board game and look at his downie kids on twitter, and then he panders to people on Zig Forums when they have nothing to relate to the fucker.

>loose nails

he immediately started to talk shit about piero after the video tho...

He now rejects Evola and says Piero was mossad

We say lose nails/board in the head. I believe in English it is loose screws.

His wife is jewish

she is not though. Aspy yes. Jew No

>70 or 80% of Europe that doesn't have blue eyes
Is that accurate? Sounds too low

why dont you medniggers get a sense of humor. its kinda pathetic how one single prison guy can make meds on Zig Forums seethe. get over it faggots

>Piero was mossad

the sooner Varg cancer gets purged from this board the better

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I'm not seething.
Just wondering why we're living rent free in his head.