We used to be proud of America

We used to be proud of America.

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>america is so shitty people walk thousands of miles to be there

Way cooler than before desu

And now it’s slowly become a shitskin niggerhole. Same as most of the western world.
Problem identified.

Not anymore my friend, Canada even called us saying we are unsafe for migrants and refugees.

So we on the global stage are Uganda.

No one from the 1st world flees to the US. People from drug riddles hellholes come here, and unfortunately those drug riddled hellholes are of the US's own devising. The current state of central and south america was created by the US meddling with governments as much ass they possibly could.

Based White liberals setting up Aztlan

If Canada was closer these illegal spics would rather sneak in there.

How does wearing a mask in public make you a bigger?
I'll tell you what does, not caring about your community.

Based sun god posting

>Dumb normies and Leftists actually leaving the U.S.
if only. They'll only leave when they burn it down.

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The type of problem that make these cartoons have never traveled abroad and are probably the problem, not the solution.

We have to help the refugees and undocumented immigrants and drive them to the Canadian border. It's the right thing to do

If you're okay with being called a nigger by literally everyone.

like omg so much thisssssss
we like have to do whats right for the refugees


This. The claim that bean people are begging to get out of America is hilariously stupid. Most of America's problems would be fixed if they actually wanted to leave.

Holy fuck do I love burgertopia.

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Being proud of your nation is white supremacy, and racism, and probably imperialism, and no doubt neo-colonialism.

>giving a shit what other countries think
They can call us all niggers, and hopefully when we become full isolationist theyll kill each other over natural gas pipelines

How do you propose to do that if you won't give them safe passage through the USA?
A boat that goes from Mexico to Canada?

>We used to be proud of America
Why do you lie?

Not before they kill us first because we'll be poor and China will be rich.

On a global stage and from an econ perspective, total self reliance is inefficient.

Unless you have full faith that the US can somehow make dirt cheap car parts and at the same time not charge 500k for a dirt cheap car.

Nobody actually leaves. You can. You should. Except you know this is the best place, and stay anyways. Fuck everything about people like you. Time's coming.

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>kill each other over natural gas pipelines
Funny and true. Just wait until the U.S. isn't patrolling all the blue waters and crude oil pirates become a thing.

Send me this pussy to Venezuela for a week, I will return this guy to the states converted an extreme right activist. People doesn't appreciate things they have until they lose them.

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This cartoon completely contradicts itself. The "artist" is a fucking moron.

>We used to be proud of America.
I thought America has always been a white supreeeeeeeeemist nation that oppressed women and BIPOC and LGBTQP

amerifats don't know how easy they have it

>killing america
Lol I'll believe anything you say the moment other countries quit accepting usd for payments. Also too bad we specced into the military tree way more than anyone else, I hope they try. I'd love to see China and their steampunk submarines take on the full force of the us navy

If America is such an international disaster, does this mean we can stop accepting immigrants?

Ship them up the Mississippi, get off in Ontario. It's the least we could do for our northern friends, they require far more cultural enrichment.


Op is a cuck

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>Carolina Cox
So what happened to this bitch? Still trapped in Cuba? lol

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>Post Office

When the J-left media finds out WN groups are getting support via money orders/mail, how quick will the 'defund the Post Office' meme spread?


It's like a thing right now that we might return to the gold standard too.

>Inb4 hurrr das rite old stuff good

Please do not visit. Stay in your country.
Thank you.

feel free to leave anytime you leftwing shitbag

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The only reason I'm not proud of America anymore is because of endlessly whining Democrats. It's like if you have a beautiful mansion with pristine hedges, an infinity pool, and an indoor firing range, yet you can never show it off because there's a bunch of permanently crying children that will follow you everywhere except the firing range.

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I mean shit with this administration I wouldn't doubt it could happen.

Oh you're one of those >inb4 source followers. I forget you guys always think tomorrow is the day we have economic collapse.
Right, theres also alot of could and would talk in your article

As a follow up unless the US decides to beat the shit out of some random and take their oil/riches your very expensive Navy won't have fuel to run.

>I survived the US

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>Brownies want to leave


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Still waiting for your celebrities that were supposed to migrate up here.

Yeah yeah I lurk >inb4 source threads too

I mean I provided only one of a million articles that are saying our time in the sun is nearly over.

I mean I'm fine with being Sweden (rando country they used to be cool)

I just don't understand why there's people who are acting like there isn't a problem when there is one.

Its because you guys blow up the problem to be alot bigger than it is.

>Yuan gains popularity
Everytime Chinese citizens get a chance to ditch their Yuan for USD or assets backed by USD they do it. Remember the capital flight when they opened up their currency markets? China is going nowhere fast, Turkey is the new rising power. Erdogan is going to attempt a new Ottoman Empire and no one in the region will be able to stop him.

Isn't that what the Somalis have already been? I don't think that many crude oil tankers will be pirated, as every nation has an interest in keeping that trade flowing.