
What do they want???

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Totalitarian communist world government

your foreskin

baby foreskins

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an army of golems to stuff their wallets

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To watch the world burn.

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dominance and subservience

Foreskin wallets full of your money.

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This nigger

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to mock God. just think about it

It’s sour grapes. They are in turmoil and hate their lives and are jealous of yours, so I hate you and want to make you miserable too

not quite:
money is a means of that


I think this is the main problem with jews. It seems like every other major religion (as far as I'm aware) has literature about being charitable, fair, and kind even to non-believers outside of their religion.

Whereas judaism preaches pure narcissism. That you are the chosen people and everyone else are goyim ("cattle") for you to use and exploit by any means you feel like.

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to breed humanity into a variety of tasty beasts to feed to satan.....some big brain jews also want to warp the entire planet into the dark matter universe and lead us into the void directly

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holohoax remeberence day

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Same as every other sociopath: gibs, attention and power trips.

To be blamed for everything apparently

the world.

their messiah coming and enslaving the whole world

Read this and be amazed.
This collection of Jewish quotes is by no means the total of them. There are likely hundreds of nasty quotes regarding how they are chosen to rule and be supreme. But in my opinion these are the goals of the Zionists.
1. Make sure to continue to indoctrinate their own children to the Cult of Judaism which preaches their persecution myths and supremacy doctrines. The object of which is to hold the diaspora together.
2. Maintain global organization of the Zionist movement. The have countless NGO and institutions to do this. They even have a world council of parlimentarians to ensure all Jews in office in other lands follow what their own central command dictates. Never the will of the people that they govern. This alone should bring up Jewish politicians for treason.
3. Establish the dominance of the Judaic cult as the only established truth in the world. All other truths or beliefs must be smashed like statues and Idols of cities invaded by the enemy. The Jews consider anything the goyim believe in, to be false idols expressing divine or humanistic liberty based virtues that reinforce the idea we are humans. Jews believe us to be subhumans and our beliefs must be directed at worshiping Jews not anything that confirms our divine essence or humanity. Jew pushed post modernism to destroy our culture's beauty and our beliefs in God. All manners of degeneracy and perversions of the spirit and mind accordingly are pushed by Jews on us to regress our development. Essentially they are niggerfying us. This keeps them strong in their own cultural identity.
4. Communism is a Jewish grift. They use the victim narrative to ally all manners of misfits and malcontents to drive the oppressor/oppressed narrative. They use these useful idiots to tear down the culture Jews seek to destroy. Rather if a culture has goodness in it, continued>>>


Fucking idiot...
They already have money, fuckin twit!
They want power.

Freedom to kill goyim till the sun explodes

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I spent time with the IDF one thing I noticed first is how entitled and arrogant they all are, one told me you can't spell Jerusalem without USA. Made me fucking sick I did not re-enlist because of that

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If that culture seeks justice, Jews will infiltrate it and us it's own morals against it to drive the victim narrative. Jews use this narrative to carve out a protected nest of privilege for themselves in which they conduct subversive operations while they themselves use their control over the banking system to finanance monopoly control over the means of production while they aggitate for communism to tear the means of production away from white Christians. This is why Jewish property is never vandalized or seized by Jacobin, Democratic, or Communist revolutions. These are all methods by which Jews seize power. They did this in Russia in 1917 and ended up genociding 60 million white Christians in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and the other eastern blocks not to mention the millions of white Christians who died in the world wars Jewish bankers start.
5. Jews do all this because they want to have the state of Israel back
6. They want to build their third temple
7. They want to start up blood sacrifices again
8. They want to usher in their messiah king who will crush all their enemies, end democracy, impose a Jewish monarchy, and those of the goyim not genocided, will be made slaves on the Global Zionist Plantation under complete lock-down surveillance with all their history erased, their religions smashed, their races mixes, their homelands invaded, their freedom gone. Likely most will be slaves. Jews believe that each Jew will take 2,800 goyim slaves. This will likely be for the elite.
9. To achieve all this, they took control of the banking and used it to fuel all their other operations which included infiltration into all institutions and systems and then fueling all revolutions to tear apart white Christian homelands.
All of of this because they hate Christ. Jews are of the devil and they are not the Hebrews of the Bible. They are Edomites that infiltration a weakened nations of Israel. Con't>>>>