This is the result of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

Accept it fucktards.

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That’s how retarded shills are, Biden’s doomed

See you in November bitch nigga

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Biden's doomed?
Trump is doomed for failing to keeping with his promises, the rust belt has stayed a rust belt, any talk that it is back to normal or that it is succeeding is a lie.

You will, nigger

if biden wins I will understand how fucked this country is. Who the hell is going to vote for a guy with literal dementia. They literally dont even hide it they call it "gaffs"


guys just stock up on the "essentials" because when the country falls we only need 3%

This mirrors the genomes of the people. Uníted states consists of 11 different nations in terms of genes.

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Tyrone why are you so angry. Chill out.

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>Who the hell is going to vote for a guy with literal dementia.

Prepare for a reawakening, this country is much wackier than you already thought.

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I'm in western Washington state and it's going to flip red this election

Cope harder retard

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florida and wisconsin will probably decide the night

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I'm in Seattle and theres a decent chance it might. All it takes is a few more points in King or enough people writing in Bernie. Either way Biden isnt popular and while most people here actively wanted to vote for Hillary, Biden is just "not trump"

Ohio will go red, as will Indiana. NC going blue is a flash in the pan, it will be red as well. Wisconsin is a toss up as well and Desantis will try his hardest to close enough polling sites to stop FL from going blue. Expect a continuous "recount" and burning ballots.

This may be the year Texas goes blue. There are simply too many California transplants. Austin and Dallas are too big.

Go north or south outside of Seattle. There's literally only thousands of signs for Eyman, Culp, and Freed. Personally, I'm voting Eyman for those $30 car tabs and the fact that he did the most white American thing one can do--tax evasion.

When will shills get new talking points? All I ever see is "He didn't keep his promises?". Oh yeah? Like what nigger? From where I am standing he kept most his promises and would have kept more if the dems didn't get in the way.

Florida historically always sides with the incumbent. Trump will most likely win it. PA, WI, and MI will determine the election. Maybe MN and/or NH will play a role as well.

Hillary lost a lot of the union vote (and the rust belt with it) over Obama flubbing his labor reform promises. "It's because the other party was blocking him" only convinces people who were already going to vote for him anyway.


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Michiganfag here.
Trump is not going to lose Michigan.
>People still pissed off at Gov Whitmer because of the lockdowns
>People still pissed because the one-day armed demonstration in Lansing, which had no problems, was vilified by the media, yet shootings, looting, and riots in places like Portland for months are still being labelled peaceful.
>People are not forgetting Biden insulting an autoworker.
Oh sure, the Detroit metro area and Ann Arbor will stay blue, but the rest of the state will be harder red than 2016; it won't take weeks to get the results.
>Screencap this.

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Still no specifics on what Trump didn't get done. He brought manufacturing and coal mining jobs back to the rust belt. So wouldn't that make it a guarantee rust belt goes for Trump?

>he didn't do anything for me but ill vote for him bc he trolls the lefties

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by people do you mean the larp fags who stormed the capitol that one time?
Detroit won Biden the primaries against Bernie and theyll go for him again

Vivo en el sur de Texas, donde nadie ha votado por un demócrata desde FDR. Biden signos están en todas partes. Mis amigos y vecinos lo llaman "Vaquero Joe" porque sabemos que está con nosotros. Simplemente no puede decirlo en los Estados Unidos políticamente correctos de Trump. Si Trump está perdiendo Texas, no tiene posibilidades de ganar

>michigan will go red because the rural areas will go red
Might as well say it'll go red because the sun is rising and Republicans like sunlight

From your lips to God's ears

People hate Hillary. Biden is much less polarizing than either her or Trump.


>Accept it fucktards.
Independent here in a red state...looks about right. Anyone listening to Barr today probably sees what they’re going to do...contest the count if not stop in many states & refuse to concede the election.

exactly user, i was just about to say the same thing

I would not mention jobs as a point for Trump. The average electorate has the memory of a goldfish

hispano basado

>exactly user,
Pence took the VP offer because he knew he couldn’t win election again in Indiana. Fact.

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Last few months have had unprecedented job gains. If this trend continues, unemployment will be around 9% maybe 8%. Point being, this is a point Trump can harp on. "Look, the economy recovered under me far faster than the experts said!". As you said, the average voter has a short memory. Assuming the economy keeps improving, Trump can use that to his advantage. He already has already mentioning the job gains.

retards in florida will keep corona a hot button topic until election day, and his stance on it is something voters will remember

An added benefit of the rampant crime and riots being caused by Democrats is that it could slow down the economic recovery. They're pure evil