It’s over

Stayed at the Wynn this pst weekend.
>casino full of joggers
>restaurant full of joggers in swimwear even though clearly banned
>saw a ghetto joggers threatening and calling on an old man to a fight
> settle in at the pool. A family of joggers come over and throw their stuff right on top of ours, don’t even apologize after we ask them to move it
>start hooting and hollering and smoking, start eating literal fried chicken by the poolside.

Used to be a nice sort of exclusive place now it was like going to Excalibur ffs. I have never seen the Wynn like that

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Stimulus money. Plus all the $600 bonus unemployment. The whole senpai's racking up the bucks and can afford to upgrade from NYNY. It won't last, but it's a thing right now. The Wynn will recover.

It’s almost as if blacks receive special treatment, not because anyone cares about them, but because staff members don’t want to deal with the chimping and hollering that will inevitably follow

Nigger ruin everything !

And they’re just so fucking loud and ignorant. Then they have the nerve to question why white people don’t want to be around them

That's what you get for indulging in the degeneracy of Sin City. Couldn't stay at a nice white-owned bed-and-breakfast up in the hills somewhere. Oh no, not cool enough.

Been there many times and it’s been luxurious and relaxing. Never thought I’d have to worry while I’m in the pool because joggers are touching my things

This. Casinos attract the stupidest people in the country. Did you think it wasn't going to be full of niggers and beaners and chinks?

>saw a ghetto joggers threatening and calling on an old man to a fight
Story pls

There’s other trashy casinos just for them

Walked in while it was already happening but the jog had his mask down so assuming the old white guy said something about it. When I entered he was calling him a bitch and asking him to fight. Jogger was wearing an undershirt and looks like some ghetto ass nigger

Was also telling him to “maynd yo bidnez”

>It’s over
Las Vegas casinos, companies notify staff of mass furloughs, layoffs
As part of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 ("WARN" Act), companies are required to notify employees in advance of potential mass layoffs or furloughs. Several casino companies and tourist-focused companies in Las Vegas have sent WARN Act notices to staff and the state unemployment agency since March.

you should see the city demographic. when theres and influx of income from not working the trash will want a taste of the "rich" life. also vacationing in Vegas is for chinks and human trash. this city is pretty ass to live in and is getting worse from the California exodus. so concluding from my studies your either chinese, a black, or a chick coming to party for the raves and the new "best friends" to make

According to a letter sent to Entertainment & Sports employees from MGM Resorts, the company has canceled all in-person performances through August.
"As you were previously informed, MGM Employees who are not recalled on or before August 31, 2020 will be separated from the company on that date and it now looks like that will unfortunately include the majority of employees working in our division," the letter, signed by the president of the division George Kliavkoff, said.

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Wrong White and I live here. I don’t gamble much but enjoy the odd staycation. Wynn used to be nice because there were other interesting and well to do people around it used to sift out the garbage and it used to be enjoyable to just spend a day by the pool

>staying at the Wynn
Fucking plebbbbb

>doesn't know joggers infested vegas
user, I.

And those same people will be homeless in a month or two after not paying rent throughout the coronavirus shut down.

As a real, non- AI poster:
It was alright when Armed Robbery was relevant. Now it's just annoying. It isn't cute, it isn't edgy. Just say coon or nigger. Jogger is so overplayed it's a psyop at this point. KYS's (that's kill yourselves)

If i was an american I would like to be a jaded old jewish woman who threatens every now and then that she will gamble away all of her children and granchildrens inheritance in Vegas if they don't come down to Florida and visit each year. Oy!

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room rates plummet and joggers flock in mass

Hispanic isnt white. but byea. the roasting on the pool is a decent thing to do. i usually stay a night because my flight luck is amazing. ive only had one flight not be delayed until the next day and that was the flight to boot camp.

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I’m actually blonde and blue eyed 100% white European unlike most of the “whites” around here


You know what niggers do? Go stay at vegas casinos during pandemics. Show me who you associate with and it will show me who you are.
>hurr durr patriot not a globohomo sheep
Why aren't you praising the hotel full of patriots then?
Tl;dr you're as dumb as a nigger.

I stay at 4queens every year and it's usually the least niggerly.

>+$45.99 resort fees
kek niggers ruin everything, reminder it literally better to be nuked than nigged

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i want pitou to step on my face


What were you expecting?

Rainbow Dash is a peak plebeian preference, But I like the Springfield XD series made in Croatia, so you get a pass.

Seriously? The Encore and Wynn used to be a paradise? How can niggers even even afford that.