2020 and foids start blurring their toes. How will footfags recover?

2020 and foids start blurring their toes. How will footfags recover?

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This makes me rage so hard!!!

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>3d toes
when will they learn

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Its fine you just have to go to her Onlyfans to see them

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Why are they blurring them?

is that brie?

D-does she want me to get down on my knees and lick the beer off of her toes?


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that shit aint free simp up

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The fungus conspiracy.

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Really Simon? Are you really that impressed with a picture of a pretty average e-thot sitting near water? Simon is pathetic

You people are gross.

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Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get anymore bizarre.

Btw it's real, I just checked: instagram.com/p/CDMQXbfFQqT/

>dresses like a whore
>blurs feet
IDK, this world is fucked

Kek, decent bantz from the leaf.

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Feets are the Patracian's choice.

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pretty sure its la abomincaion Meghan Merkle

>spotted right away

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Yes. Yes it is. Eeek.

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can you foot people stop being weird and making all women afraid to talk to us? thanks


May god be with her.

May god be with us all!

>not following insta girls who flaunt their sexy feet


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Why do they do this? Looks so weird.

Brie. Both a cheese and a fungus.

>americanstyle hashtag
someone nuke us

feetfags almost always want to fuck their mother, or grandmothers. we took a look at the data and almost exclusively, footfags developed their fetish from watching their mother walk around barefoot, in high heels, toes exposed etc. absolutely repulsive

This is a 10/10 in bongistan

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You can smell the fish and chips from here.

This looks extremely out of character for Aqua and I haven't even watched the show she's from

reminder that Brie got her toes fixed, flashed her tits really well and relentlessly shilled herself on Zig Forums after we made fun of her because she knew we were just being tsundere
well she gave an interview where she sperged out about animal crossing for an hour like 10 years ago and captain marvel was a huge "internet trolls hate women" news cycle and she was pretty blatantly shilling herself well after the movie to us

Foot fetish is now mainstream. Either get in or die with the old.

what causes someone to makes posts like this? Like a dogshit stand up comedy bit or you're a character in a sitcom or something? Jews often do this but I feel like you aren't jewish. You're not funny user. You're an idiot.

>He doesn't know that's how all fetishes develop

you can't 'fix' that. you can just cover it up like


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Monky feet

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Feet are DLC

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disgusting heathen


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When I was a kid (like 4-5yr old) I was obsessed with girls feet. I even remember being friends with the little girl next door and locked her in the bathroom with me and played with her feet lmao. Even now I don't really know why I was obsessed with it, probably the fact it was this body part that was covered up and a bit of an oddity, yet genitals didn't even cross my mind. Feet repulse me now though. I think virgins are far more likely to remain footfags.

What does American style mean in this context?
I thought that was a pretty standard summer outfit for western girls in general

it means dressing like a slut

Nothing, I just think it's ridiculous to blur out toes since I'm not a footfag and suggest a full on burkablur for her instead.

bitch must have some hideous toes if she's hiding them.

her clit is massive!

Jokes on you, my fetish is blurry toes. I usually have to pay for that.

The Jeans probably

Can we please troll all ethots into doing this? Foot faggotry has always been cancer

actually why do they do this? A few thots from my escort catalogs began doing this a few months ago, why?