I wish I could deceive a whole group of people at this level...

I wish I could deceive a whole group of people at this level. Imagine an entire *race* internalizing this without question.

Masterful control.

Attached: so_true_black_slavery.jpg (523x518, 41.39K)

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Egyptian pyramid builders weren't slaves.
i'm sure you knew that though
>Imagine an entire race internalizing 'this' without question
essentially the left.

The pyramids weren't built by slaves you retard. Those who built the pyramids were honored artisans and buried near them.

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yeah cause like 10 great artisans dragged 100s of tonnes of limestone.
they were built by conscripted citizens, and whether they were paid is debatable but they did not do it of free will

It was aliens, duh

Hur Dur Persona taught me so much.

The pyramids weren’t build by human beings.

The engineering to build these with the technology they had would be impossible. It would be extremely difficult to build them even today.

>muh they roped blocks and dragged them up wooden platforms

They would have to have had some kind of advanced tech lost to time, which is possible, or something else built them.

That's a jew lie, they do not want to be seen as slaves. So much they perpetuate the "death camp" lie of the holocaust rather that what it actually was.

yeah, not really artisans but respected workers.

The movement of stone and quarry work is more debatable, but the work there was also not slave labor. There is no evidence for large scale slave labor in those industries in ancient egypt. Those citizens who worked the quarries did so as any one else did in purely labor jobs in that era, and yes they could change jobs. The simple truth is most had no social or physical mobility due to next to no resources.

Stop fucking spouting shit you know nothing about.

Nobody knows who build them.
Roman and greek archives to cross-check came hundreds of years later.

No you fucking tard. Show literally any evidence of jews being enslaved in egypt. Go on, fucking produce anything to support your retarded theory.

Thousands. The great pyramids of Giza were built 2000 years before the founding of the Roman Republic.

Does that go for ALL the pyramids?

why don't they claim civilizations that were actually in west africa?

Then 20-hundred years later


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There are a couple you could look at for the big dick civilizations in that region. The Empire of Mali is a big one. Ghana and Songhai are also relevant.


First off they need to link to the actual studies that show this evidence of settlements. The timelines they describe however are not when the pyramids were built.

It's also in the Bible and Torah. Not to mention there is a fucking jew holiday (passover) about being enslaved in Egypt. Dickhead

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>egyptians were black
>jews were black
>the egyptians enslaved the jews

First off I dont have to do shit. Second of all I never said they build the pyramids.

this. Has long been debunked that they were build by slaves.

It would kinda make sense since niggers enslaved other nigger tribes all the time. Then sold them to jew slave owners to bring over to america.

Yeah, like every religious holiday is based in fact. Next you're gonna tell me all those Indian god kings really did wrestle the sun.

There is no archaeological evidence of Egyptians enslaving Jews and then a mass exodus, unless they are Hyksos

we don't have a fucking clue who built the great pyramids or when, the egyptians just came in and scribbled their chicken scratch on flawlessly polished stone works and called them their own. The egyptians themselves are WEWUZZING too. It could have been ancient kangz for all we know. I wouldn't bet on that but it'd be an excellent punchline for clownworld.
>flawlessly true 90 degree construction
>polished to a mirror sheen
>the alleged builders can't even write their birds and squiggles on it in a straight line, let alone polish the stone INSIDE their writing

Attached: Perfection.jpg (1025x594, 77.6K)

better look at how shitty the inscriptions look compared to the actual stonework

Attached: chicken squiggles.jpg (1280x960, 170.36K)

The cope in this thread is reaching libscream levels.

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nigs are not people, they are low iq animals, so their being collectively deluded by the we wuz kangs meme is actually not that big a win by the jews or whoever put such stupid ideas in their moronic minds

>Show literally any evidence of jews being enslaved in egypt. Go on, fucking produce anything
I did that. Now stop being a nigger.

this makes me wonder how intelligent Egyptians are in general when compared to other cultures currently

ummm sweaty
blacks were the real israelites

You think it might be possible that the pyramids are the last remaining remnants of an advanced civilizations of the past? I always wonder if its possible after seeming how precise the pyramids were constructed. Or early maps, wonder how they were drawn.

Isn't the myth/lore that Isis used the pyramids to trap the soul of Osiris or something?
What if there was a precursor race and we just interpreted them as "Gods"?