Did you guys start prepping for famine yet?

Did you guys start prepping for famine yet?
Them tatos wont grow themselves ya know.

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total, absolute bullshit pic
>middle bag half filled, leaves only get sunlight from above
>right bag, nigga you just add more potats or are those growing upwards? Did you put more earth on the previously badly growing leaves?
retard shit only city dwellers would try out once and then fail

>what is hilling?

wow you really sound like a city dweller with no actual experience in the field

>I have no idea what I'm talking about
Yeah, we know.

>Did you guys start prepping for famine yet?
Started in February. Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, carrots, onions, garlic, cilantro, radishes, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, apples, oranges, melons...

You dont prepare for famines by writing a shopping list for your next walmart visit breh

I'm growing these things. 80% of my diet comes from my harvest.

I’ve been growing my belly for decades, I am ready

I have tried that and many other methods for potatoes it is not as great as led to believe. I will share this secret with you. Just plant them in the ground. When you dig them up for harvest plant the largest one back. I live in northern Ontario and they come back every year no problems. I mulch them with my grass clippings over the summer.

Join a local bushcraft group, become an active member and good friends. Worst comes to worst, you have names and addresses

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Potato boxes dont work, retards

>growing food
Isn't SA just barren desert aside from cities? There are still probably animal herders and whatnot, but I just don't see how you would grow much there without very advanced techniques and plentiful water supplies
I mean Yemen looks like Mars almost, and it's bordering SA

(3000 cal/day) / (278 cal/pound) = 10.8 pounds/day
10.8 pounds/day * 365 days/year = 3940 pounds.
Almost 2 tons, and then when you calculate spoilage...
And you think you're gonna get that in little bags.

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You would be surprised with how cold and green some places are, especially on the west side.

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Looks pretty good! Are you guys going to develop agriculture? Not sure If I have ever seen food from Arabia.
Does anyone in the country use solar energy? Must be lots of potential to it.

Also is this a natural landscape or man-made? And what province is this?

I have a cherry tree. Not that I can survive with only 1 fucking tree. Thinking about planting some apple trees. Obviously not a solution when it comes to the winter months.

I have stockpiled long lasting food so I should be fine. Also I own very big pond where I can fish in case I need food. And hunters don't really control the deer population in my area because they want to hunt all the time. Actually hunters feed this fuckers so there are a lot of them.

teach me senpai. I'm inclined to farm them. Saves some moneyz and I like garlic

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Potatoes are a shitty crop for shtf
Too few calories
You want a grain or something plus a ton of multivitamins
Honestly just buy a bunch of protein powder + rice + vitamins

I've been farming my entire life, fuck the unprepared

I plan on being a master thief and bandit if chaos truly erupt, then farming if rural

>Potatoes are a shitty crop for shtf
>Too few calories
It's complete protein and equates gram to cal. So a one lb potato is about 450cals. The Potato is the ultimate crop to grow for SHTF. It grows under ground can be grown anywhere. I had potatoes growing in a plastic bag in the basement. Easy to plant. harvest. no processing required. You should read more about it because you are completely wrong.

Growing food that can actually sustain a family is almost impossible without a LOT of land. You're better buying a shitload of rice, canned goods, oats, etc.

grow amaranth if you live in western canada

I grow enough for a family of 20 on a 30 x 50 m lot.

No. My country makes me suicidal and apathetic, so just letting myself starve sounds pleasant.

that's my general thinking
survive 3 months and so many other people will be dead by then that you're probably in the clear

you could put all of that effort into growing a bunch of bland potatoes
you could just hunt, fish and trap your food and grow things to season with
i know which my taste buds prefer

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>Did you guys start prepping for famine yet?
Yes, I'm already living in a mostly white community that can provide for itself.

I live in northern ontario, I have grown amaranth. Potatoes are still the king.

Sorry to say you'll have to eat your whores. Hope you kept them to yourself so they aren't diseased.

Potatoes are pretty high Cal yield bro. It may be a bunch of carbs but shtf Cal's are cals

I grew a Tomato plant, two kale and a pumpkin plant. frost took out the rest of my garden.
...So I have tomatoes and kale for sandwiches, and pumpkin for pie later in the year....that's about it.

this is totally bullshit i've already tried it

How do you know when your potatoes are ready to harvest?

No more than a weeks work would have enough potatoes to fed a family of 4 for a year. It's why the Irish are know as "lazy".

Next year you need to squash max. Butternut is best.

anyone got the good schematic one with the wood tiers?

queer bait, you deserve to starve
>potato is king
you don't know peach palm

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pumpkin's a squash right?

Farmers son checking in. Ive already got the family planting veg Gardens and set up some fields woth potato, beetroot and carrot crops. made sure we didn't sell any livestock this year and gotten everyone in the house licensed for the farm guns.
Small farming communities are always looking out for each other, once the cities start burning we lockdown and go full self sufficient, we barely use cash in trading with each other as is too. The rural folk have always survived.

Lemme just eat 10 fucking lbs of potato a day then to maintain weight

if you are going to invest in growing potatoes make sure you get heirloom varieties.

That's weird because I have three in my backyard right now that are growing Yukon golds.

its also why they are so miserable that the only other notable trait they have is alcoholism
fresh wild meat smoked and seasoned is healthy, hearty, and happy
hunting and gathering will always be the most satisfying to us, in terms of both diet and mentality
agriculture was, is, and always will be unnatural and unsatisfying

>If a solution doesn't solve everything perfectly, then it is completely worthless.
You know you can do several things?

go heirloom, abandon pleb crops.
Try Yaćon

I have enough fat to last me about a year. I’ll be okay.

look up the Vandee during the french revolution

>go heirloom
how to?

>Leaves the bag in his house
>Gasses his family

Dude, please. The proper nomenclature is 'taters'.

Based sea jew

>Useless for those with coeliac disease which is ever more common

Dumb question: do potatoes have seeds.

>post collapse society must cater to gluten free retards

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my garden is only 8 by 24 feet though pretty small. the pumpkin plant is huge and takes up nearly a third of the garden by itself. I had three tomato plants, two died. planted a row of kale, only the ones on the ends came up. planted a row of spinch it came up, but I've already harvested what I needed, the spinach didn't last long. kale is heartier summer and winter. I've seen kale plants come back after a winter.
I also planted two rows of green beans.

I intended on having enough tomatoes and green beans for canning. but it didn't happen. I could have probably done more green beans but I got recalled to work. only reason I started the garden in the first palce was the lay off my job give me little time to do anything.

...I should probably mention I also have a coffee tree in my house, but at best I'd get enough beans to fill a 2 pound can, which would last me a few weeks....I think coffee beans could be a valuable commodity for trading if I had a few more trees, don't want my house to be a forest, but if SHTF it might be a good thing. be able to hid in the jungle of coffee trees in my house(I'm in Ohio, so fellow coffee drinkers may have a hard time getting their fix if famines also affect coffee crops in southern regions, those coffee beans could be like keeping gold or silver) as a form of trade though. What would the potato farmer down the road give me for a 16 ounce can of dark roast beans? He normally sells 50 pound bags for 7 dollars. a high end can of coffee could go for about 7 dollars. maybe if I get him enough to supply his yearly fix, I'll get a yearly supply of potatoes.

You live in south america for fuck's sake. Find an online forum, get your hands on rare tubers.
Get Arracacha first...especially in Chile.
Fucking delicious

>coeliac disease
Sorry but those are the first who will die after the collapse of society

based and redpilled

>coeliac disease which is ever more common
just die.

Pic related. For a lot of people, acreage is a bigger limit.
BTW, Chufa makes a wicked good drink (horchata) and the leftovers can be fed to animals for animal protein. And it's a borderline weed with how easy it grows. 10/10, would plant.

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The only thing better is meat or beans+rice

This year I learned to grow for the first time. I planted in May and now have 70+ tomatos from 4 plants, and some peppers from a jalapeno and green pepper plant. Im gonna try potatoes next because it seems like the easiest and most foolproof way to get 2000 calories a day in the event of an emergency. 4 potatoes a day wont be luxurious but it would work. Also want to learn to raisd chickens. Eggs, chicken and potatoes and Id be set for months of disaster. Whoever said you need 3000 calories a day is a fat fuck. I lift 4x a week and only eat 2300. 5'9 17% bodyfat.

yes, or you can wait til a potatoe starts rooting which in my experience gives flower and it yields an small fruit loaded with seed

What plants grow in the shade? I want to have multiple levels of farming because land will be expensive

This does work my fine city dweller. I've even done it with pine needles instead of dirt and the taters were scrumptious.

If you want new potatoes (small) then harvest when flowers bloom on top. If you want big potatoes for jackets and chips then harvest when the green plant on top starts to die and goes brown.