VP Kamala mistakenly leaked!

VP Kamala mistakenly leaked!

Anyone care to enlighten a bong on whether this is good or bad for Biden, and why so?


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imagine my shock

Biden and Kamela... Yuck.

It's Soooo Bad Biden has already lost before he Ran to begin with

its fucking weird. like Dems are trying to lose.

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Politico has probably autogenerated cards like this for most people in the running for VP so that whenever it is announced they can get it on their site ASAP. Probably got pushed to live on accident

she was a cop
she is from a state he doesnt need to compete for
she prosecuted black moms

go ahead and pick her lol

It's worse than you think. Fox and CNN both interrupted broadcasting Barr's hearing today to show Bidens press conference and it was like a funeral procession. He spoke so slow and was all over the place.

the most digusting deep state puppet mutt they could find, hated by real niggers, no charisma whatsoever, BTFO for eternity by Tulsi. perfect choice that was scripted since day 1 and predicted by scott adams.

She's a bad choice, but they're all bad choices.

A lot of blacks don't see her as black.

If that bitch becomes his VP.. Trumps second term is, still slim.

That's how bad that orange baboon fucked up.

Pretty bad. Niggers don’t like Harris because she had bragged about how good she is at charging niggers with drug charges.

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nobody likes her except willie brown

There a large demand for president Harris?

Of course you are, you're an colorless ape

she kept people in prison longer so they could keep license plate costs down

There was a LARPer that started a thread a day or two ago and claimed that he was a Biden staffer and Harris was his VP pick. But he said he was announcing on August 3rd IIRC

Absolutely not, that's why it was Trumps election to lose.

Probably trying to test reactions.

wasnt leaked on accident
its a test
if people make too much noise they will say it was a mistake and pick someone else.

>get nigala as vp
>biden dies for being too old or is not up for the job as president since he's too fucking old
>well would you look at that, a black and female president is available for presidency, how about that? ticking two boxes in one
Rip USA if you ever get a woman in office, let alone a black one, god knows 1 black man has done enough damage already

Who cares arm yourselves this shit is going to get worse

It's real bad for Biden.

Kamala Harris is a cunt. Her Presidential campaign showcased this pretty well. She laughed about putting blacks in jail for weed possession, and her whole campaign team quit before she decided to drop out. Biden would be better off picking literally anybody else.

I love Trump but that made me giggle.

Someone post her recent plastic surgery interview

Is there video evidence?

Biden would basically be the biggest puppet president ever, wouldn't he? A literal figurehead while his Secretary of State or someone else makes all the actual decisions.

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Much like Obama, she's not an African-American. Both of her parents were immigrants. Culturally she's nothing like American Blacks.

she also nullified multiple parole grants and kept some black kings in jail for no reason

It's leaked on purpose to measure how popular it would be.

heels up harris at it again

Like when Sky said RBG was dead

I look forward to the CNN interview where they ask her what it was like to grow up on the mean streets of Montreal.

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She's going to be easier to attack than Palin was. A Pence/Harris debate would be beyond amusing.

Somewhere. She has tons of press conferences on the internet that were being spread during the Democrat primaries. There’s a reason she wasn’t a popular pick in the primaries.

Frankly there is not a nigger bitch qualified.

RIP Burgerbros if true.
Just took a stroll on her twitter profile.

May God have mercy on your souls when Biden retires/is declared invalid and she becomes president.

It was fun while it lasted, eh?

Progressives fucking hate Kamala. Even Warren supporters saw through her bullshit.

>willie brown
rumors of multiple sextapes have followed little miss mattress queen around for a while now
if trump has a hair on his orange ass, at the vp debate pence will begin every response with
>the only bus you ever rode, ms harris, was the bangbus
>I yield the remainder of my time, providing ms harris will service the big white hoosier in my pants

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Probably this

He is

Kamala is gone her body is being operated by something else.

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If Biden wins and croaks, the USA will have a Black Hindu Woman President

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A literal black-eyed demoness, you can't make this shit up.

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You having a seizure there bucko?

Cant wait to sockpuppet my blm and sjw accounts to point out he nominated the whitest looking "black" woman he could find instead of Stacey Abrams

She would unironically make blacks less enthusiastic to vote then having someone else.

but black people hate her??

Maybe this is a way of testing the waters

You make no fucking sense, lay off the drugs

But really, WTF happened to her face!

Her campaign in Iowa was so forced and cringe.

lol... wardrobe malfunction
"due to a technical error we wrote an entire article future dated in which we stated who the VP is, together with a quote from the biden campaign stating why he picked her.
this was a technical error and should not be construed from this that we know who the VP pick is.

What the fuck

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Well there is a video of Harris fucking a California politican and taking it in the ass like a champ. Imagine Biden saw the video and then picked her. Once it is release imagine soccer moms will have a problem.

Lizard people confirmed

LOL imagine being this delusional

Black people dont like fags but they elected a lesbian mayor or Chicago.

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>Kamala Harris
oh fucking lol, the US is doomed if Biden wins, the country is already crashing either way, but this way there will literally be no survivors

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Link? For science of course

ok cool so chances are low that he's even going to pick kamala, right? they have cards like this made for all of them..

bullshit man, we know what fucking time of day it is

How the fuck is the biden campaign still not sure who to run as VP ? The DNC is less then a month away.

Even in your only language you fail to understand.. wow

Biden's face wasn't looking much better today and his eyes were bugging out of his head. If facial makeovers are any indication then these 2 are definitely running together.

>Editor's note: An earlier version of this graphic mistakenly reported that Biden had made his VP selection. We regret the mistake.
what the fuck?
how is that a mistake that's possible to make? it's two paragraphs and it has a date

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this dude knows the score, dirty politics

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Funny enough there was a poster on here who said that this would be anounced august 3rd. Im trying to remember any other important details but ultimately Biden wont be making decisions it will mostly be the DNC and his cabinet.

She didnt lock up a bunch of niggas for smoking weed

All Biden has to do is pick some nondescript white guy as VP and he has it in the bag. Are dems trying to lose?

Yes we must make an assessment from the full video to verify her identity.

He already promised to pick a black woman VP months ago

>Biden would basically be the biggest puppet president ever, wouldn't he? A literal figurehead while his Secretary of State or someone else makes all the actual decisions.
Reagan had Alzheimer's during his second term and Wilson's wife ran his administration when he suffered a stroke, so no.

Meh, I don't believe it. I still have a feeling Hilldawg will be his choice.

Well there is a video of Harris fucking a California politican and taking it in the ass like a champ. >Once it is release imagine soccer moms will have a problem.
same thing happened for Kim Kardashian, and women love consooming her products

they're gonna be a funny pair
>Joseph! Did you just shit in yo drawers?!
>No dear, I'm wearing yours!