How can white people ever recover?

how can white people ever recover?

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By cooking some meatbals

>cherry picks out four examples of whites
>meanwhile, can look at 50% of the black population and do the same thing
You sure got us there!

black babies don't recognize themselves until seven months old. Chimps recognize themselves faster.
Niggers are literally worse than apes, and that's an insult to apes, since apes are based.

adult chimps have black skin, only juveniles have light skin.


With Allah

That's very antisemetic


even Google classifies niggers under the gorilla category.

3 of these are jews


I believe O.P is the fine specimen who is bottom left on pic.


>reject modernity
>embrace monke
>make mone

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bonobos are smarter than niggers

>75% jew

this OP is a retard

i dont know why people get upset by primate comparisons anyways. we are primates, is it so surprising they look like us? Chinese used to say white people looked like macaques, its not inaccurate, you dont see me getting butthurt its hilarious rather

Were all fucking monkeys

The similarity is more present in some than others

lol i love monkeys they are so funny and quirky , only a nigger would be offended

aren't 2 or 3 of those kikes???

kek you're right, you whites are monkeys

okay white monkey

Nigger forgot his BLM flag.... too much nazi posting bait threads

By continuing to be the minority of the prison population, and the majority for high school graduates. Or we could just enjoy a stroll wherever we please without security being alerted.

you could also try to stop dying for israel, men becoming trannies and women becoming whores

I see more shitskins in uniform nowadays than whites, the rest idgaf about, they’re degenerate scum that won’t reproduce.

Try again memeflag

thanks for reminding me that leafs are retarded

If your country is irrelevant to me I call it a memeflag. Now go find a street to shit on hardeep.

By inventing the wheel for starters...

a canadian talking about relevant countries
my sides kek

Quick someone make one of these but only featuring Jews and spread it to black twitter.

Is that why all of your relatives moved here? I wonder why they left you behind.

Imagine falling for this slide thread with that memeflag.

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>Bottom left and top right
Stop being anti-semitic.

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I don't have any relatives in canada. You're still an irrelevant country though and you fuck dogs.

Its not always about the looks
Noggers fling shit and attack without warning if you show them your teeth

Don’t be jealous, I’m sure you’ll meet the right dog one day.

I already did, it's you

I'm trying to condition myself not to call niggers monkeys or apes because those animals are all much more peaceful and noble creatures than africans are
not even as a joke, gorillas and chimpanzees demonstrate more humanity than niggers do

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