Strike and Mike 122


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Is Striker a good debater?

Discuss? I bet no one has even finished it yet

Strike & Mike 122:

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Thank you Tifa poster!

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based and tifapilled

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>Zig Forums

fuck off jews.

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and there it is, kek

You're too late Morpheus the link was already posted


striker is a dumb faggot

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no. he is a fucking moron

fucking lel

Thanks paybro.

Penervich is a
mask tard and a vaccine shill
Also he admitted he's a kike.
Fuck him. Striker is stale and a shitty
debater who managed to lose to destiny.
Fuck these shit heads.

thank you !!

He's a decent propaganda writer, terrible debater.

You sound like a lolbert faggot. I bet you love destiny because you love to suck cock, read pedophile erotica and jerk off to tranny porn just like him. Go back to discord. Hail Strike and Mike!

Why though, didn't he do well against D*stiny last time? That's what I've heard, haven't watched it yet

Tifabro always beats me

imagine the sheer level of jewish neuroticism required to make an image like that holy fuck

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Keep coping bitch. You can shove that Finkel-think right up your faggot ass.

this some plebbit e-celeb thread or something? Can these normies please leave.

Yippie ki yay based Tifaposter

Bump for mp3 while I wait for my money order shekels to clear. Get your hiking, granola-eating ass processing those payments, Jamie!!

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Striker owned Destiny and Vaush. Allsup was on Striker's side and did well too. They had a good chemistry.

This guy did a great summary of the debate and concluded Striker/Allsup won. Lots of Vaush/Destiny butthurt brigaders in the comments.

The only people I see claiming Vaush/Destiny OWNED this or that WN are their tranny and pedo fanbase and certain Fuentes-tier ironybros/Jews who are jealous of Striker/Allsup/Enoch/Spencer.

Strike and Mike threads bring out the worst in kikes and that's saying a lot. Every night I pray to Odin that he give me the same power to make Jews piss their pants in rage that TRS does.

>sub finally expires on Monday
>gonna resub
>listen to Monday's show
>McNabb is hot and heavy with the;
>Decide to become a pirate Chad until McNabb isn't a regular host

Feels good.

jew mike mocks people that dont want to wear a mask and thinks jews pushing vaccines is nothing to worry about. jews lie about everything but mike thinks you should listen to them about covid

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He's a kike
Can't believe you faggots are still wheeling these same controlled op stooge boys out years later after they have been exposed like people will forget.

His shows are BORING as fuck as well.
Striker is boring as fuck as well.

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is this jamie?

I thought Zig Forums hated TRS

pseudo-based paychad.
>fuck for a variety of reasons, mainly because I always Pesach it when I Ctrl+F 'mp3'
>BRAP-HACK 5000 PROTIP: pomfcrawl

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wtf is going on with striker's mic? motherfucker needs to lay off the coke and sauce and invest some of shekels in something better than a laptop blowhorn

Fuck off with your eceleb shilling, Mike. All fields.

we do. we especially hate mcnabb, striker, sven, borsoy

I cannot believe how shitty Mike is on: (1) Masks and (2) Women. Such shitty fuckin' takes.