We have a promotion going on in Russia now that allows to get a free Big Mac. I just couldn't resist

We have a promotion going on in Russia now that allows to get a free Big Mac. I just couldn't resist.
I'll probably do the same thing tomorrow, shit's fucked.

Attached: big-mac-meal-1.jpg (800x450, 56.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:


you guys will be fat fucks in not time..one of us one of us one of us

.free shit from mcdonalds
Do they want you to install their shitty ass app to get it right?

>Cultural victory

Attached: mcdon.jpg (720x540, 108.91K)

The US government is funding the burgers, they are MKultra'd.

Don't ask me how I know, just please don't eat the burgers.

Yes consume the hormone burger.

Thank you. Welcome to America anytime

join us OP
join us

Attached: 1.png (300x250, 19.45K)

McDonald's has oddly been our most effective diplomacy chip.

The invasion has begun.

BigMac you say?

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Yeah. And that would have to be the first time, mind you.
So good thing if you have several sim cards.

I would love to try some American burger chains that aren't represented here (so virtually all the good ones if you don't consider mainstream chains like McD, BK and so fortjh), maybe one day if I'll manage to pull a trip to USA.

The power of the burger is strength in weakness.

Attached: D3291DA7-C830-4314-837F-C9EC3FEB7FD7.jpg (1100x825, 165.95K)

Congratulations. Now you know what real food tastes like. Overthrow Putin and you can eat like American Kings every day

The third bun is totally unnecessary given the puny size of the beef patties tbf

If you ever get Wendy’s over there go for the spicy chicken which is turning into an icon in its own right among the fatass community here in America. Right now they are two for $5

Forgot photo from the mobile site I have shamefully used recently to have these delivered 4 at a time

Attached: 5F241039-4284-4913-87FE-CD9C560053E9.png (1242x2688, 2.6M)

>4 at a time
rookie numbers

>If you ever get Wendy’s over there
nah dawg
I hear these less known chains such as Wendy's, Whataburger and others are much superior.
>tfw no high speed food delivery from other continents
Looks lovely.


that looks good. how does it compare to the McChicken, the greatest and most award-winning chicken sandwich of all time?


Attached: signal-2020-07-09-192004.jpg (998x1140, 293.4K)

Two all beef patties
Special sauce
On a seasame seed bun
Virgin girly chicken with a little hot sauce

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OP do you actually like russian food tho? Not saying mcD is good but I dated a russian chick and the food made me want to die

Destroys the McChicken. I will even go so far as to say it is on par with Chick Fil A. I enjoy Culvers version as well. Even though it’s highly niggerish to go there..the Popeyes Spicy chicken really is good, just make sure you go to one in a white area...

I thought Putin banned all American food and shit?

You sound so optimistic, but why would you want to get longterm craving for this bs "food" due to their chemicals.
Even in EU they have a bunch of "flavor enhancer" despite high food regulation.

Expect this to be like burger-shaped crack.
Expect people to get fat and lethargic.

Don't do it.

i had the popeyes, its good. the chick fila is okay, kinda dry though

It's about so much more than just a shitty burger, Ivan:

>whatt, a burger?

Texfags go ape for it idk why. We have one in our FL town and I always thought it tasted like soap. The other one I was ever at was in Paris, TX and I was approached by three nigger prostitutes, no thanks.

Attached: DD4C6575-E446-4663-85F2-227BF8A0764D.jpg (512x384, 78.82K)

>several sim cards
>trying to get free "food"

Don’t listen to this guy Ivan, he’s the wurst poster in this thread.

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why would they ban mcdonalds etc? that'd be a big loss of money for them

I get mine without pickles and onions.

you will be assimilated. resistance is futile.

Most Russian post I've ever seen

DONT eat the burger OP.

What are you, gay?

>American food and shit?
That’s like the new Netflix and chill.

Attached: 83AE348F-B2F3-455B-A5A8-75441A11D0F7.jpg (921x1085, 553.55K)

And not the soap from your home, the pink kind of tabs you’d find in a urinal

nvm it was all produce and most meats.

stfu mutt's go take your crapitalism some where else.

Attached: mcdonalds black lives matter monkey business george floyd capitalism.jpg (818x568, 95.06K)


Sure, it's great.

Now that real meat is allowed into Russia, how will this affect the Russian people?

He is a libshit moron, just let him chock on the burger.

(((they))) are literally trying to turn you into burgers!

Attached: 128923.jpg (600x600, 42.49K)

>2 for 5$?
What the hell. I bought 2 trios for my dad and I and it cost me more then 50$. Why everything os so damn expensive here

>pull a trip to USA
Hope you get stabbed/beaten by blm :)

Eat plenty, comrade. Before your commie masters return.

Gross. McDonalds is garbage tier. You want a good burger, make quarter pound balls of 80/20 ground beef, get a skillet or griddle heated up nice and hot, put it in, smash it flat with a spatula or bacon press. Salt and pepper on the top side in the pan, wait till fluid appears on the top, then scrape underneath (it develops a nice crust) and flip. Melt whatever cheese you like on top, it will fry very quickly. Put on a toasted sesame seed bun, combine with a bit of ketchup, Japanese mayo, and maybe brown or carmelize onions in advance. Trust me, you will look at that McDonalds burger afterwards like it's a literal turd on a bun.

burgers are like cocaine and vodka. Both go great together. Don't do it. You'll be a fat American in no time.

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Culvers, Shake Shack, Wendy's, In N Out.

Overthrow Trudeau and you can have this too

Attached: Burger-King-Puts-Together-New-3-For-3-Meal-Deal-b.jpg (678x509, 204.18K)

McDonalds is garbage tier because of their commitment to employing niggers. In some other countries, and select US towns, where the employees actually follow the formula and protocol, it is good.


>japanese mayo
>not All American Dukes

checked so russia is fucked

Five guys is pretty good russia fwen
But honestly a homemade burger cooked in a cast iron, some Carmelized onions, mushrooms sautéed in Worcestershire, bacon, and cheddar cheese beats any burger chain

>Eating McDonald's in 2020

Fuck that disgusting shit, I only eat at Burger King since burgers there don't look like someone slammed them to a wall. The only thing good about McD is the egg muffin, something BK couldn't reproduce because it's probably copyrighted to hell.

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Dukes is my #2 I love it, it's my main for potato salad but if you've never tried Kewpie on a burger I'd highly recommend.

white castle sliders and free american poop in the morning.

Spicy Chicken w/10 nugs, fries and a drink for $5.

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3 for 3$

What the fuck!!!!
Now I get why you guys are all fat

This is almost cheaper than Russian prices, wow, you guys have some rad promotions there.

McDonald's has been marketing solely to niggers for over a decade now. If you go into one in any city that has a black population, it'll be 99% niggers in there. I can't even hate McD for pandering to niggers at this point because that's legitimately their biggest customer base in the US.

This is true. Lately my wife has been putting half and half in with the meat mix and it has resulted in marbled texture like five guys but better. Pure domestic bliss

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Only it’ll be 10 times the price. There will never be an end to the horror.