You can only post in this thread if you have never worn a mask

You can only post in this thread if you have never worn a mask.

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Ever? Sorry but we have something called "Halloween" here, probably illegal where you live.

Can I post if I wore a mask while sucking BBC

The only time I ever wore a medical mask was when I was 9 years old pretending to be a surgeon

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Klan masks are fine.

What about that time you tried to rob your local Chuck e cheese, nignog?

If you're not wearing an N95 or better with a proper fit you are virtue signaling.

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i used to follow him before i got banned multiple times for not providing my phone number

hopefully next virus means we also get government issued meds and agents who supervise our eating patterns and makes sure we cut our food down to safe-, appropriate-sized bites

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Poo poo pee pee no masks allowed on mee mee

who said i was a nigger, nigger

does a ski mask count?

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The lady speaking to the family was clearly wrong, but it's idiotic not to wear a mask.

It's not political, it's simply a health issue.

Technically that's a "face covering" so yeah it should work.

>implying they care about my life
>implying i care about their lives
people should stop pretending that community exists anymore, im not obligated to give a single fuck about strangers lives

maybe if she feared for her life, she should have stayed home.

im wearing a mask right now

There's a nigger and two faggot shitskins who walk in not wearing masks. Why doesn't she heroically confront them?

Great. By not taking this action, this person causes harm to the community. Due to how viruses work, this can cause a large scale problem. This is exactly what we're seeing right now.

Community exists, because when you enter a store it's with others. When you go to work, it's with others. We rely on others.

Letting the virus spread affects people, business and our day-to-day function.

>community exists
>forces immigrants and young people to be slave laborers
>destroys the economy because of a cold
>supports BLM that burns down cities

when do we stop? when can we go back to normal?

You're a fearful cuck. RH positive for sure.

I am only not gonna wear a mask until someone makes me wear it. But nobody will approach me because they are afraid. :P

Wearing a mask is actually more detrimental than not.

that one kid is clearly a niglet so idc

Wearing surgical/dust masks does nothing to prevent you from catching the virus. These masks CANNOT filter the virus out because the of how small the virus itself is compared to the material of the mask. It's like thinking that a chain link fence can stop a grain of sand. So in this regard, they're a placebo at best.

And the efficacy of stopping or slowing the spread if worn en masse in public (ie the claim that an asymptomatic person who wears a mask doesn't spread it as easily) has not been conclusively proven, and public health measures should never be taken on what amounts to unsubstantiated rumors.

1. that is one of the most retarded and generally despised accounts on right wing twitter

2. "these mask-obsessed freaks are genuine psychopaths"

Does he even know what a psychopath is?

That's legit just a list of assumptions based on nothing. I don't support BLM, but do support masks.

Ideally, if we followed procedures, we would have been able to by now. We can see this in other countries. Due to us being lax, we are now in uncharted territory.

I love the pseudo-science application, especially since you don't wear a mask. It's perfect.

you wear a feminine hygiene product on your face and call it protection
i hope you die

>several strands of evidence
Which equates to bullshit and what is essentially hearsay. There are no peer reviewed studies proving that they're effective. Find one and prove me wrong. The "scientists" referenced in this article have a vested political and social interest in spinning the mask narrative in a certain direction regardless of proof and facts.

ive seen the sources of those articles, half of the sources come from chinese "scientists"

1. No it isn't
2. Look in the mirror nigger

notice how she picks on the little girls but not the shitskins who walk right past her in the end hahahahahahahah fucking leftists

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You just mean for this shit? Nope. Had to for work before but only a few times. I had to when my mom had cancer to visit her as well.

Then I see fucking articles about how people who dont wear it are the much cleansing to do...

No one cared about me until I put on a mask.

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