Frens thread

how yous holdin' up frens? take a seat, get comfy, grabba beer and some chyken tendies

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It looks like you're trying to create a frens thread.
Bould you liek halp?

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I want to die.

Yes ples

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Don't drink. Can I still hang with the frens?

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Birthday was last week, spent it alone due to bullshit lockdowns. Any similar feels frens?

it'll pass. you have more to do user

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all frens are welcome

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Sure fren, take a seat.

Life is pain, fuck niggers and jannies

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How kind of you To say, Fren

Slavs aren't european

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Trying to inspire. It is exausting.

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Hugs for my fren, you’ll get through this

I actually created Captain Ron posting AMA

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>grabba beer
I don't drink, thank you very much. I'll have a water.

I'm going to the bathroom. Can someone watch my drink, please?
With all these frens running around I don't want it to get spilled.

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I’m miserable at my wagecuck job. Don’t know how much longer I can take walking through a never ending sea of masks. Morale at my store is terrible.

How are you doing?

>even frens in masks allowed, we won't judge

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Hooray! Thank you, fren! I'm doing okay! Thanks for making me feel at home!

join fag

Will always bump a frens thread

>at first I though alone was good
>then I made new frens

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Henlo frens, is good to see many frens in troubling time

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I want off this ride. Everything that is good in the world is falling apart and no one I have talked to irl can see what is going on.

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Gf of 5 years kicked me out of her flat recently. I wanted a family she wanted a career. We were at each others throats for some time when suddenly she snapped, put my clothes in a suitcase and threw me with it out of her flat.
I was mad and sad but im actually pretty happy and i feel alive again. I will be going with my bros to gym again after very long rut. Its like all the brain fog disappeared in an instant and my senses are as Sharp as If i were a predator on a hunt. Now i know i should have ended the relationship long time ago but i was too affraid of the unknown

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Its ok frens i'll keep us safe from non-frens

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one day at a time fren.. excited for grilling this weekend with other frens

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at the moment I'm in a nice spot of derealization from clown world exposure where I have temporarily stopped caring. it'd be nice if this could last forever.

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i spend every birthday alone
don't even get happy birthdays except from my brothers

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its nice to have frens

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>birthday frens will always be there when requested

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Doing good, Enjoying the chaos honestly. You guys get your rest in, I'll head back to the front lines and continue the fight.

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