Why are women such complete fucking children

It's like none of them were born with a fucking brain of half a sense of empathy.

Fuck women.

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go on, get it off your chest OP. so jannies can move this to robot

Women were treated as property of their father, then husband, for a reason.

Not sure what your problem is, OP.
My wife is fine. She'd die for me, she makes me money, she keeps wanting sex, whenever i sigh once she start fussing over my "feelings" and what she can do to make me feel great again. It took some times to convince her it was alright to be as emotional and extroverted as she pleased, but it's the high life. Women are designed to be pure pleasure for male senses.

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have sex

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Which one sues for first sexual harassment 1st?

Because women are the chaotic evil of gender

Jesus, all that plaque on their tongues...
The one on the left is sucking her gut too. That's how you get a hernia

Nice move pimp

>walking holes why behaving like bleeding hoes

This is how women are. You just have to accept it. You can still sex them and make babies, so I don't see why their mental maturity should matter so much. Grow up.

they are not

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1 post by this ID... All fields, faggots.

kinda heart warming

Guess who they do it for? Who encourages them?
Guess who pays them to do it?
Guess whos taste and choices bred women into what they are today?

Stop lying to yourself OP. You say you hate it because you think you're beyond it somehow but in reality you fucking love when women whore themselves out. In reality you would love nothing more than a 10/10 stacy to show off as your little status symbol and play thing.

The only thing is that they're probably not being whores to appeal to you but to other, better looking men.

At best, women are the most responsible teenager in the home.


i think a lot of them are just never expected or encouraged to do any growing up. Becuase everyone will allow them to act like a child

>fuck women
Let's be real user, you don't fuck women ;-)

Hate simp culture and the fact that 90% of men are horny baboons, not women. If women get constant validation for that kind of behavior, most of them are gonna act this way.

>why is a group of people whose main specialisation is looking after children, behave like children?
The truth is that when you treat women as men and give them the right of a men, this will lead to hatred, but when you give them the right of children and tread them like children you will learn to appreciate them. You have to learn that they are children and blame society for giving them the right to vote and work. Do not hate women, pity them. For they are grown up children and are only good for 1 thing.

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have a soviet general instead

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cause nobody puts them in check
I think a beating would do wonders and any drunk simp gets a knee cap

I have hair and much less of a gut and I don't go to gay shit like this, but this guy still has one over on me.

females are just as horny as men if not hornier retard. females just specialize at being pathological decepticons and are better at hiding it.

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>Tard and her handler grooving it to the funky music

Take back your society from (((them))) and then deal with the women issue. Until then all you can do is cry like a little bitch.

They're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing, displaying mating prowess. You are a whiny little bitch.

Whores suck. Women are for having children. White people need to have more children. Why debase this basic fact of humans, reproduction, by turning it in to a degenerate form of recreation? Promiscuity spreads STDs. Promiscuity ruins people's lives, because people see it as the norm until they have wasted all of their youthfulness, which they could have used to attract a worthy mate. It is ubiquitous that humans stay together for decades to raise children. Jewlywood, nigger music, public school indoctrination, and more caused a literal nightmare to manifest in the world.

is pic related actually true?
cause i do the above one a lot ever since i was a kid but never thought to ask girls about their shower habits

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>females are just as horny as men if not hornier retard. females just specialize at being pathological decepticons and are better at hiding it.

Tell that to /DearBedroom on reddit

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