LOL please tell me Trumptards actually believe this shit...

LOL please tell me Trumptards actually believe this shit? You think the fucking POPE and the dude who runs Amazon are your opposition? Hahahahah oh man. November 4th is going to be the best day ever.

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"The dude who runs Amazon" happens to own one of the largest newspapers in the country, that constantly publishes hit pieces on Trump. So yeah, he is definitely the opposition. Are you really this fucking naive?

still voting biden

You're right that November 4th will be glorious - just not for you.

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Enduring the constant shilling on this board since the start of 2020 will all be worth it when Trump wins again.

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I'm not sure Elizabeth of Windsor is in there, she's a lovely old lady who seemed pretty excited to meet Trump. The others have openly called for insurrections against Trump, including Bezos and the crypto-kike antipope.

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Trumptards unironically believe the Queen is an illegitimate monarch who still controls global finance KEK

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look at the hard work trump shills are putting in. i honestly dont know if its organic or they're being paid to do it.

its like this, theres racist epithets for every non-white race, but theres nothing for white people because they're the one creating it.

similarly, they call everyone else shill while being the biggest shills.

You told me to save this screen shot for when Bernie won. Nice to see how fast your allegiance shifted.

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Meme is correct since the people in the pic are luciferians.

Shills have made this place intolerable, so I intend to just keep samefagging them endlessly.

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MOst of them are russian any ways. The biggest producers of child porn since the 80s

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I'm seriously looking forward to November
>Trump: Yo, America? Place is pretty great, Lets see if we can make things even better! Come on guys! We can do it!
>Anti-Trump: Absolutely not! You're not allowed to feel good about your self and you never will earn that. Fuck this country!
Like.. I'm a racist, And even I'm offended by the shit I see and hear. Trump is just a better person and I don't feel like a piece of shit being honest with that. Fuck his haters. Rot in hell and get raped for what you've done.

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what does 'esquire' mean, user?

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>the Pope
its hilarious how protestants think hes one of the final bosses
just admit you were wrong and help make the church great again

>its like this, theres racist epithets for every non-white race, but theres nothing for white people because they're the one creating it.

Wrong, there are plenty of racist epithets against white people. The fact you don't know any means you don't spend a lot of time here.

You know why it seems like there aren't any slurs against whites that are as "strong" as the likes of nigger, kike, gook, chink, etc?

It's not because people haven't tried. It's not that there's some scathing sequence of syllables that just hasn't been invented, it's not that non-white people aren't racist, and it's not that people haven't tried.

It's that being called white can never, ever have the same sting that being called anything else has. It's never inherently negative to be called white, no matter how you phrase it.

Do you understand now?

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Shut the fuck up capitalism is great fucking poor

And the Poo has spoken. Fuck off Pajeet!

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if you thought we had a good time the night of the election, just wait till the next time. two times in a row will cataltze mass suicides and a flow of lefty tears reminiscent of the ancient floods. too bad his reelection wont mean shit for us and we will just have another 4 years of pandering to niggers and spics.

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Go take a shit

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What an absolute legend