Portland Antifa Bomb Thrower Identified by Grandmother

Hopefully he doesn't get out before she dies because he's probably the type to strangle his own granny...



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Thats the person who calls you an incel

Thanks for the shout-out by the way.

Based granny

Zig Forums made the news


No he says chud whatever the fuck that faggot shit is supposed to mean

I love this place.

She left a review with his pic, thanks granny!

Oh disappointing. I thought his grandma called the cops and turned him in.

antifa gets their asses kicked by a based old lady.
that's a new low.

Based gram-gram

btw, how fucked is he?
bombing federal agents? that's got be a lot of time.
whaddya say, burgers?

he should seriously contemplate killing himself

>he was also the soi team six guy

LOL dude is goign full LARP. Hope it was worth it.

Based Grandma


Is she in the NSA?


Was actually remote detonated explosive

His vote used to count as much as mine while he had it.

Get rekt commie.

obviously he is not an antifa professional, he is just a simp tring to impress the antifa whores, patetic

It was that young whippersnapper who did it. Take him away toys. I mean boys.

The fact he can't vote actually gives him more power because (((voting))) is a tool by which jews give legitimacy to their political puppets in both parties.

oopsie daisy

Attached: vest-review-terrorists-337x600.jpg (337x600, 31.67K)

The absolute state of communism.

Attached: 1595890258106.jpg (400x462, 22.21K)

but that person is a retard, it clearly was throw, and had a fuse. its exactly like the other IEDs they've used

Maverick Gran

prison will be rought for grandma sweety boy

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

not sure why calling trannies their assigned sex makes you one but w/e

How the hell does some random people make am IED? Who's teaching them these things?



Could get him a life sentence.

based wiggum

The Weather Kike

So his Gran bought it and then doxxed him?

This is highly likely. This is some low level kid that got tricked into doing this. Hopefully he got a blowjob or something good out of it. He will flip on his connections too. Hypebeast kids are always snitches.

They came up with it as a retort to cuck. It’s embarrassing

everyone on twibber seems to think the same thing.
How come no one ever reads the article?

>Own grandmother hates him so much she sends him off to federal fuck-me-in-the-ass prison
This guy must be a real piece of work.

Attached: jokerpoint.jpg (612x556, 40.06K)

You could join suit and do something stupid to lose your ability to vote too then. I'll stay here and continue to vote in elections so you'll have a reminder of just powerful you are.

OMG its great seeing these libtards gt their shit pushed in everyday.

Attached: 1595926281785.jpg (1284x980, 388.6K)

he is grade A fucked.
looking at a lifetime in federal prison.

It was much bigger than the usual IEDs and had an extended burn after detonation

based granny shitposting her failed lineage to prison

CHUD, when in reference to a real person, is supposed to mean an ugly or particularly inhuman looking person. Not sure why they're using it, but whatever.

yeah dude is seriously going down.

She left a review with a picture of him wearing the vest

a decade of federal time alongside ms13
fucking deserving

yes but really this

Attached: basedgma.jpg (1024x768, 102.27K)

I have no idea. Nobody was hurt and he's a leftists so he'll probably get a light sentence. If this was just a few years ago I would say he's going to Federal prison for the next 20. Since the Feds today are openly apologetic to the left I don't think he'll get more than a few years and most of it will be spent in jail.

What if it redpills him and he comes out /our guy/

Nothing new.

federal prosecutors don't give a shit what your leanings are.
they don't fuck around.

>Runs to the prison shower and slams his backdoor

Pretty much fucked no matter what. Try getting a job with being arrested for a bombing on your record. That is the thing, a lot of these people will get off but still fucked for life.

wouldn't be surprised at all if nothing happened to this kid, maybe arrested and detained for a couple months, but then we'll see a SHOCKING CAPITALIZED THREAD TITLE saying the charges were mysteriously dropped, nobody is held accountable, and it gets memoryholed like everything else we've seen over the last 4 years. did the bike lock professor ever get in trouble? he got 3 years probation, no jail time... here's an excerpt from an article
>...was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal

Based autists. Way to go, anons.

He doesn’t look like the type for prison though

federal prison is HARSH. My nigger uncle (not really nigger) robbed banks and spent time there, told me that if you’re white and not an AB or other affiliate, you’re gonna get free prostate massages your whole time there