Are Latinas really thirsty for whites in America like you all say ?

are Latinas really thirsty for whites in America like you all say ?
wouldn't this mean white privilege is true in some aspects

Attached: white male latina female.png (546x738, 768.09K)

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is white privilege being the only race that puts people into space while niggers and skinny twig whiteys Burn Loot and Murder?

races simply CANNOT be superior to another, RIGHT? Hmmmm

Absolutely. I spent a few years down in San Antonio and the latinas I talked to all fetishized me for being white. It was seriously the easiest pussy I’ve ever gotten in my life.

Latinas are full of lots of love

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all women are thirsty for tall blond and blue eyed as long as you aren't ugly as fuck
you can be dumb as shit and skinny fat with no job as long as you have the genes that cream the jeans

>are Latinas really thirsty for whites in America like you all say ?
No. They generally date beaners.

You see far more beaner man + white girl around here. It's gross.

they are not

Those are both spics in your pic related, you degenerate retarded dumb motherfucker, if a White guy is unable to get a White girl, that's when he settles for a tacoshitter, and you fucking losers should just die childless rather than reproducing ugly black haired freaks and giving us more genetic waste in human form to clean up

I have never once seen a white woman with a Mexican in public. Not a single time, ever.

You must not live in the Southwest.

Depends on their degree of whiteness. A lot of Argies are like 90% white. They will have dramatically higher requirements.

Why do you lie?

If I could crispr my kids to be white I would.

maybe if you live in a state thats majority hispanic. Where I live they rarely race mix because they are a tiny amount of them s they stick together

>release date 2010

I assume only Hispanics do at this point

not sure but when i used to work sales with this latina girl she would always try to hang around me and stand really close to me, touch my back/shoulder whenever she was walking behind me, etc.

the type of stuff men would be fired over for sexual assault, but i didn't care. she eventually asked me to hang out but the week she did that was legit the week i had to move to a diff state for college

>are Latinas really thirsty for whites in America like you all say ?

Yes this is objectively true, you see it everywhere. Very easy to get latina girls if youre a good looking white man. I think it's both a desire to date up the social ladder. In some cases it is girls who want citizenship, ive seen this with a friend. But in most cases its cause white men are better options for them than deabeat retard latino men who work shit jobs and only give a fuck about car modifications

Citizens are still white people. We're simply outnumbered.

wouldn't be a problem if they actually owned new cars instead of 20 year old shitboxes worth $500 that they bought a $1000 exhaust for

Thats a pajeetess

Ay dios mio

>wouldn't be a problem if they actually owned new cars instead of 20 year old shitboxes worth $500 that they bought a $1000 exhaust for
kek very true. latinos in general are a piss poor people. I hate Mexicans

I have two Mexican step cousins and they're both mayate fuckers.

Mate, I've been saying here the only white privilege that is real is that literally all races of women want us the most

China, Japan and even the fucking Norks have the capabilities.

Latinos don't hate whites because the propaganda for them is not fully developed

It will happen more and more.

Is it asian privilege when betas go overseas to have sex with women? No. They are two sides of the cringe coin.

I'm Hispanic and I live in the east coast which has a different culture than the west coast where such couplings are common but here you see the MAJORITY of Latinas settling down with Latino men. In my high school the girls actually used to enjoy making the white guys seethe as they rejected them in favor of Latino guys.

T. Beaner

I don't know about the US itself but down here everyone drools over the thought of having a white babby lol

latinas want a latin lover not a cumskin incel

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