>whites eating ice cream outside
> cult of BLM shows up and tells them they're not allowed to have peace. Starts banging drums like theyre back in Africa
> white cucks meekly walk away
No wonder your girls cheat on you. You're not men anymore.
>whites eating ice cream outside
> cult of BLM shows up and tells them they're not allowed to have peace. Starts banging drums like theyre back in Africa
> white cucks meekly walk away
No wonder your girls cheat on you. You're not men anymore.
>stand up against them
>get doxxed and life ruined by other white people
I would just walk away too. Nobody’s going to give me money when I get fired for telling niggers to fuck off and let me enjoy my ice cream.
Yeah I was trying to brainstorm ways to brush it off without escalation: laugh it off, pretending to dance along with the drum beat, eat my ice cream and start raving about how delicious it is yelling "hmmm, aaaaah", etc. Pretend youre a tourist and yell "¿QUE? QUE?". You're not allowed to win a fight against an angry black woman, so either cuck away or make the situation ridiculous and awkward for everyone.
Then why did you call white men pussies if you wouldn’t even do anything yourself, retard?
Sometimes I forget people here are severely autistic
>challenge niggers
>life ruined
>possibly murdered by niggers
If you do anything against the mob, white women will skewer you on the Internet and ruin your life. Even people who vote Trump will like the tweets as a “please don’t hurt me” mechanism
Spineless coward
Or just he the bigger man and walk away. We can fight back but pick your battles wisely
Anyone know where this was?
>the nigress is unironically, literally banging on a drum, exactly like her ancestors used to back in Africa in the year 4000 BC
Some things never change/evolve desu
I'm learning to love niggers more and more each day
Most people don't want to go to jail for hurting a nigger's feelings
The best response is to buy them ice cream. That would have been a magical meme moment.
So being smart to not commit a violent crime and go to jail beacuse of niggers is somehow unmanly.
Niggers would start a fight and fuck up their lifes because someone triggers because they are impulsive apes.
You could through the icecream at them maybe? I dont think thats overtly offensive in any specific way that would get you fired
This is all you can do now. Say anything back and you'll have your name plastered all over the place online and get fired from your job.
Just start seizing
It would get you thrown in prison
The only solution to someone doxxing you is finding their address and violently killing them.
Perhaps they just got tired of dealing with niggers. You can't do anything to them or you get your life ruined. We are rapidly coming to the point of "ok, I am done with this shit".
Anti white posting sponsored by soros
>pretending that ten year series, SOP that ignores rootcauses, budget and simple manpower allocation and that all of it is somehow not connected to Jewish globalization is NOT AUTISTIC
>I would just walk away too.
Same. Anybody who talks to me in public, especially negatively and out of nowhere, just gets ignored and walked away from. With an eye to knock them out cold if they come near, of course.
Ok retard. Go out and tell BLM to fuck off and see how fast your name and life hits the internet and you are never able to hold a meaningful job in your life.
>supports police
>confrontational niggers know police will be on their side if you do anything
lmao the absolute state of conservanigs
Those look like kids and teens hanging out with friends and family
First time here?
Quit being a faggot, no one is scared or asking for help.
Walking away was the best move. They won optics by doing nothing but walk and eat their ice-creams
>daughter gets knocked up with black babies
>son chops dick off
>"but at least we won the optics"
>enslaves you for hundreds of years
this is why you lost the culture war
>ice cream shop tolerates the nigger behavior
>supports black lives matter
>white customers stop coming
>ice cream shop goes out of business
Based BLM
Hail to the king.
Any white that watch that video will side with the ice cream eaters, so whatever you say ching chong
Challenge em to mutual combat
It's like letting children throw their tantrum. That's all niggers are since they have the mentality of a child.
Doxxing isn't that effective anymore. They abused it.
I'm pretty sure most people that got doxxed didn't even noticed it.
True it only takes one loose cannon.
Why would i play their game?
This would work
Kill all niggers
Why did we end segregation?
These things are fucking animals
Living in the US is a constant game of avoiding niggers as much as possible
>or make the situation ridiculous and awkward for everyone
thats actually the smartest tactic i have heard. use the universal might of cringe to clear the area and avoid conflict. shit is probably more useful now that mask are mandatory and can help hide the face
Ask yourself, "What would the left do?". Probably something messy and unpleasant. Why should we play with different rules?
opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
Act like a young man get treated like one
The one time we decided as a country, to simmer down and be humane for once. But, it appears that people are still not ready for that and as a result, we are pulled down.
shut up pathetic gook, give me 1 plate momo, hurry!!
Eh it's not that bad. Just keep a stack of job applications on hand and they'll avoid you.
>Confront niggers
>Doxxed and Life destroyed
>Niggers will get bored because you gave no reaction
Mass shooter mode activated
>people who go out to eat ice cream are pussies
There’s a revelation, OP
Poo in loo nigger
Hence you are a cuck. You have no dignity.