Hey hey Ho ho Racist birds got to go

“They’re essentially verbal statues for birds and the bird community, because these mostly white men were part of a really dark time in our history,” said Jordan Rutter, who is helping lead an initiative with co-founder Gabriel Foley and others in the birding community, called Bird Names for Birds.
About 150 birds in North America are named for people, including Bachman’s sparrow. According to The CornellLab’s All About Birds page about the species, John James Audubon named the bird for Reverend John Bachman in 1834.
According to Rutter, Bachman was a Lutheran pastor who promoted white supremacy. “Some folks have said that he was just part of the times — that was the era he was living in,” Rutter said. “I don’t think that is a reason to continue honoring him today.”
Other birds have been named for slaveholders, and men who robbed the gravesites of Indigenous people.

“It is our opinion that the mostly white group of people, both on the committee and in the bird community, can not make a decision of what is considered too racist or racist enough for a name to be removed,” Rutter said. “It needs to be all of them.”


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really just wish people would kill every lib

No bro, you gotta vote for Biden to own the libs this time bro.

It never end's does it bros?

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The world of Steven Wrights surreal comedy makes more sense than whatever the fuck I have found myself in.


what the fuck Zig Forums. I'm a hobbyist soon to be semi professional bird photographer. I thought my hobby would be safe from these degenerates.

Are they just going out of their way to find obscure shit to bitch about now? No one other than bird watchers would even identify sparrows, much less Whomever's sparrow.

N O T H I N G is safe, user. It will continue to spiral down until every minute of your life is utter humiliation.