Are they Kike tricks and lies to deceive the goyim or are they healthy activities?
Seems like cardio is for women and fasting for pussies
Are they Kike tricks and lies to deceive the goyim or are they healthy activities?
Seems like cardio is for women and fasting for pussies
Fuck off
looks like the kikes robbed you of everything except weight and virginity
Have you ever tried google? There are books dating back to 1700s discussing food and diet.
>Are they Kike tricks and lies to deceive the goyim or are they healthy activities?
Isn't everything?
Is this is the next step up from covid is a hoax? Getting fat and dying early to own the libs?
I mean many people work hard at cardio and weight loss, and many achieve their goals. The look better, have more attractive mates, are treated better by society. Others try and fail, others say they try and don't.
Do you wan to be fitter and healthier, OP? If so, I'd say it's worth it. If you don't that's cool too, but is cardio a lie made up by jewish people?
No, that's fucking retarded.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOO i laughed out loud irl
Hardly any people fast. You've been tricked not to fast.
Keto plus fasting are good for your body.
Autophagy alone is the best reason to start fasting:
The only true aryan way of life is to eat junk food and post on pol all day.