Thread title. Why are most redditors so retarded? All their arguments are just emotion with no logics or facts
Why are most redditors so retarded?
>on the schizo board that thinks anyones who disagrees with them is a paid shill
go back meme flagger
R*ddit encourages groupthink, by design. People who post there regularly aren’t interested in the truth, they’re interested in upboats and that’s all.
redditor detected
Reddit is to emotional, self hating trannies as pol is to enlightened, no nonsense anons...
You go back, you degenerate mentally ill tranny subhuman filth.
Oh wait. You can’t. You’re here forever and you’ll be one of us soon enough. Kek, nigger.
This. Say what's popular as opposed to what you actually think.
Reddit as a whole is retarded
"Making fun of majorities is fine cuz they have power"
Fuck off
ummmm, let me put it this way. how about about you consider and then let that sink. right side of history! AMAZEBALLS
Fucking lol, do u think scizo over here stating the arguments with logic but a made up nonsense logic with feeling as their basis.
Anything with logic is immediately down voted.
That’s exactly what the reddit system where upvotes get more attention and downvotes disappear results in
reddit is trash i was a user there before being a Zig Forums user because i was intimidated of Zig Forums and tough 4channers were dangerous psychos who would find my ip and kill me lolz
but in reddit you don't have freedom of speech and you can't call people faggots or insult someone else's country before the faggots downvote your comment to oblivion or the faggot moderators delete your comments
also reddit faggots are pretentious while my Zig Forums brothers are very humble gentlemen just like me
It baffles my mind that "right side of history" nonsense, what right side of history lefties? You've basically turned yourselves in a racist group of fascists, if you're concerned about how history books are going to remember you, I suggest - a long, inquisitive and very cerebral introspective look is in order.
>but in reddit you don't have freedom of speech and you can't call people faggots or insult someone else's country
is that why you're hiding your flag you fucking redditor
Goddamn fucking stupid
>it keeps thinking schizo means anything here
do you know where you are son? they come here to study us
because of the voting system tied with an account and "karma"
The meme flag argument - when you're fucked out of actual arguments. And consider this for a second redditor, some do it just cause it bothers you so much.
Reddit is the normie af. It's basically Facebook
Long time redditor here. Yes I know, go back. You know what, I have been here for more than a decade so fuck you. You fucking go back.
The beauty of the reddit system is that it trains people. Say something good, get karma. Own someone reddit hates, get gold. Say something that isn't in step with the hive mind, lose internet points. For years this incentivised interesting finds and well thought out opinions, but eventually it just leads to in jokes, pandering and memes.
Over time though, this wasn't enough. They ramped the system up as there was still independent thought. First they gave mods more power, and predictably they enforce wrongthink even harder than a downvote ever could. Then they added more monetisation in awards, giving people extra motivation to reach for the hive mind stars.
What you see today is the obvious endpoint of a decade of boiling frogs slowly. It is nothing by a circlejerk of the same opinions, "facts" and jokes presented in a bay area advertiser and investor friendly way. There is no point trying to change these people, they are lost and will never find their way back. Independent thought is no longer a thing at reddit, and that is the over-reliance on emotions that you see.
I also strongly suspect there are a very large number of bots on reddit, padding out numbers to inflate the company value.
It is sad. Despite the memes here, Reddit, like Zig Forums was a unique place on the internet. Its pretty sad when you see more lively and real discussion of fucking facebook than either of these shitholes.
Thanks for reading my blog.
looked at reddit conpiracy 10 minutes ago and i am ashamed to say it shits all over /po/'s catalogue. it is disgraceful what this site has become.... i can't even
no... you're a faggot shill who does not belong piece of shit coward.
Republicans or even trumptard thinking they are the rational ones following facts while other are the emotionnals idiots is always hilarious to read
That's what happens in echochambers, Zig Forums is the exact same.
Reddit is just a virtue signaling hub. And that's fine. The problem comes when you allow power hungry teens and resentful people to moderate it. It's a vicious circle of leftie feedback, silencing people who don't agree with their opinions. It's laughable how evident it is when you see people predicting the ban hammer in the comments when somebody wrongthinks.
There are specific subreddits which are not affected by this, but even with worthwhile content, I kinda get bored of all the Trump hate in the popular tab. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.
Fact: demons caused the pandemic.
damn, you should stay there bro!
As opposed to Zig Forums?
You should ask yourself why are humans so retarded. After all, all their arguments are just emotion with no logics or facts (99% of the time).
>There are specific subreddits which are not affected by this
imagine your favorite meal on a plate. also on the plate is a steaming pile of shit. it's only a matter of time before the two become one. if you leave them alone, the juices will mingle. if you decide to consume, the result is the same.