Has he changed? O was he always like this?

>Joe: Actors are fucking insane!! they're mentally retarded

>Welcome to the show, oliver stone, Jamie Foxx, Mel Gibson, Russell Brand,Leah Remini, (((jon stewart)))

Has he always been a leftist?

Attached: joerogan.jpg (1058x671, 262.25K)

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he changes his views per guest also.
>looking at the US/MEXICO border
Joe - "why do we have borders for?"
guest - "you live in a gated community though right?
Joe - *sniffs deeply* No....oh. yes.

hes also a complete fucktard.
beats me how people listen to him.

Everything he does is low key - you know.. racist. He alludes to it but is careful how he treads.
His shit is loaded with dog whistle implications but if you're savvy to them you'll know right away.

And there's a video of him calling the black community "planet of the apes".

joe is a straight up moron, and traitor to America. He is really no different than the commie fucking scum that he endorses. Fuck him, and every fence sitting commie motherfucker like him.

He was always a celebrity fanboy. He likes every shitty big Hollywood movie out there.

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is this the way everyone goes?

1) Shit on hollyjewhood
2) become popular
3) join hollyjewhood

Same thing happened with howard (((stern)))

>Has he always been a leftist?

Have you literally never watched any of his podcasts or what? Yes he's a leftist

No, he was always a mega-pleb with shitty low-brow tastes in everything.

>Has he always been a leftist?
Yes. Who is the most right wing person he has had on his show in the last 4 years? Tim Pool?