So are we just going to wear face masks forever?

The FLU has a way higher death rate yet people still go along with the charade.

What is the population being conditioned for?

Attached: Daf.jpg (986x684, 64.88K)

The flu has a significantly lower death rate faggot.

it will end after the election just like BLM
in an election year, everything that can be politicized is exaggerated 10 folds

It's not a terrible idea to normalize it and ask people to stick one on if they're not feeling well to help prevent spreading their germs to everyone else.

I certainly don't like catching whatever bug is going round the office every year.

no it doesn't world wide. and we have exactly ZERO proof that any of these deaths are covid deaths. on the other hand, we have documented proof that hospitals are faking covid deaths for gibs and misdiagnosing people as positive for covid who didn't even show up to their appointments. goddamn its like you just can't stop being a fucking sheep.

>non-country has shitty communist opinion
Colour me surprised

Mask wearing coincided with the George Floyd "I can't breathe" thing. Now everyone can't breathe. It's implementing a new religion.

>I for one welcome a dystopian future
how about we eradicate germaphobes instead to cleanse the gene pool?
being in contact with germs is how we build a strong immune system retard

Yes you stupid goy, until you take our good goy vaccine for us. Remember goys, it's vaccines for thee, not for me.
