why are Zig Forums user's and incells associated with wearing all black clothing? black pants, black jacket, black shirt, ect. every time i talk to someone on this site i always imagine their wearing all black. why is this?
Incell/loner clothing
Hides food stains and ash marks.
That is the same uniform as ANTIFA, how interesting. I think I see the connection.
because they wish they had a bbc
my sister wears the same black t shirt and black basketball shorts. she's a NEET who stays in her room all day and talks about how dumb BLM when she goes to fill up her water bottle.
pretty sure she lurks here.
hi sophie.
because it's the Zig Forums approved outfit
antifa literally ruined black clothing with their faggotry. Black outfits were kino until antifaggots came along and acted like fags.
and coom
is she cute? Would she date a 5'11 fit hapa?
And giant hearses, without dirge or drums,
parade at half-step in my soul, where Hope,
defeated, weeps, and the oppressor Dread
plants his black flag on my assenting skull.
I will fuck her
what is this genre of clothing style called? if it weren't affiliated with them, I would wear something like it.
>every time i talk to someone on this site i always imagine their wearing all black
>no actual picture of what anyone is actually wearing
why is this a thread?
why is op not being stuffed into an oven as we speak?
she literally has worn the same outfit for two months, and washes her shorts in the bathtub.
Your sister is a roastie larping as a shy girl, she probably has an onlyfans
>hi sophie
hi user.
Because it makes you look based
Wouldn't you like to know, Ezra Nosenstein. It's a fucking meme you new faggoting shit stain.
I wear a fucking suit quite often, does that make me a CEO? No.
Drink some drain cleaner, please.
I bet she looks cute washing her clothes though. Describe her physical appearance, I want to imagine one day I can take her out on a date, with your dad's permission course.
>sister in room next door
>german flag
that's one hell of a vpn
a light shining in darkness
i dunno, matrix cosplay with a hint of edgy
don't worry i'd shove her in the tub and make her bathe with me
Im a different sophie, I should probably have pointed that out
If it helps, I'm not wearing anything right now, mutt.
That's a girl's name, faggot
im wearing pyjama bottoms - sometimes with no boxershorts underneath for most of the day
on top i wear a black vest or polo tshirt that's one size too big for me all day.
yes im neet.
yes im comfy.
I used to dress like a doomer, until my father saw me dressed like that and started calling me an emo or something, stupid boomer.
she's not shy, she's just a lazy NEET.
as long as its not #3
Right wingers dress colourfully as possible to distinguish themselves from commies if shtf
Moselys Blackshirts more like, well that was my line of thinking a sort of SWAT/blackshirts is what I wear while at work now, I used to wear just my SWAT outfits but now I've gotten a little addicted to camouflage patterns and outfits.
Posting in a glownigger data mining thread. Also on the left is how most of Zig Forums dresses ironically