What the fuck is your problem, Russia? He didnt even want to become czar and he tried his best.
I feel so bad for him
He, his wife & (Ras)putin deserved that.
I cant feel that bad for him. He was a weak leader. Did he deaerve what happened? Probs not. But he was kinda asking forbit by getting cucked by Rasputin as well as thinking he can win the war from the frontline
>ywn purge kikes in the Holy Rus
Fuck off kike
it was jews that slaughtered him and his family.
rasputin was an act of desperation. his son was dying and he was ready to believe in anything to save him, even a magician. he led the soldiers on the front because he wanted to show that he actually gave a shit. have you no heart?
Trying your best is not good enough when you're responsible for that many people.
he wasnt ready to be czar and already had severe ptsd witnessing his family members being assassinated and dying in his arms. Reform in Russia was necessary but the people who killed this man and his grandfather are pure Satan.
he mess with a wrong famaly
he would be good leader in diffiend time
picture of a literal subhuman spawn of satan.
He was to detached from the problems of the common person. In another timeline he may have been a good and just ruler
He's a retard who started a war he couldn't finish
Him and his whore wife? Yes, their children? No.
He lived in luxury while his people starved and he started a retarded war to help some orthodox turks in the balkans
he was a weak bitchboi
Brother. Your anger is misplaced. It was Germany. They sent and supported Lenin, Trotsky etc... to knock them out of WW1.
Now we are leaving Germany to the Russians. They will experience sweet justice.
lets have your family die in your arms and have people shooting at you as a child. see if you become a bitchboi too
the state of this board, he was murdered by bolshevik jews not russians.
Yes goy, blame the "Russians"
He was murdered by jews as so was Russia, also europian countries could have helped white movement to win the war with their resources, but they just first occupied the territories they were interested in, and after whites bled out they just backstabbed them and just quit
Explosion of reddit subhumans here who can't wait to fill this board up with their garbage hot takes
Every fucking time.
If only ww1 didn’t start
can (You) read russian?
>pogrom jews
>jews pogrom you
Rasputin was fucking his German bride
You do know the Soviets destroyed the Cossack identity and the people for over a century
The First World War was a blessing to the world.
Destroying R*ssian and G*rman empires was best moments in human history.
As well as Attempt as colonization of Ukraine which has caused the 2014 civil war
>Soviets destroyed the Cossack identity
and nothing of value was lost
At this point I'm not even sure if you're jewish bait or just a ukrainian at it's finest
>be Russia
>Try to genocide Jews
>Jews take over Tsardom
>Try again, go commie
>Jews take over party
>Go liberal free market
>Jews 28% of Russian oligarchs and boss Putin around
>Try to genocide Jews
You mean tell them they can only stay in certain areas of the country?
in a jews eyes, not having freedom to subvert is genocide to them.
With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
I guess that you are either poturica or ustaša,Serbs ain't turks,quote:
"Da ukinemo sjeme pogani i nekrsta"