You may not like it, but this is what the average Zig Forums user looks like
>Facts don't care about your feelings
You may not like it, but this is what the average Zig Forums user looks like
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This thread needs seasoning.
Do you feel like your alt-right safe space is being violated?
He looks kind of badass though.
all fields
>Hurr durr muh deepstate
no more like /leftypol/ cucks
The average antifa supporter:
>average Zig Forums poster
Looks about right. Can we agree that the extreme on both sides are massive faggots?
Extremists usually are huge faggots. But I have to say that left extremists act like bigger faggots and 9/10 times are actual faggots
>Average /pol
>Memeflag faggot
Gas yourself kike
That's a nice flag.
That is what the average nu-pol faggot looks like
I'd rather have actual faggots than incels screaming at women for being whores. One actually has an affect on my life
He looks like a cum guzzling kike
Goy ID
keep seething roastie
Yeah, centrists totally aren't the most massivest faggots
That is the exact reason your country is falling apart. If I were you I’d start learning manderin so you can lick chink ass as early as possible when they take over
You know what I hate about Islam?
They're nice, but insanely uncompassionate.
They have a stone age brutal society with epidemic problems of rape, intractable problems with terrorism, entrenched child molestation, and saintly leaders who aren't saints at all. They brutally punish all factual criticism. They demand tolerance and reciprocate it only in a fake way.
Their religion trains them into sociopaths. It victimizes them en masse, and they expect the right to claw back all of society by thousands of years of social progress.
Finally someone notice
If women aren't going to open their legs how will we compete with the Chinese population
Really destroyed the democrats with that one.
You may not like it, but this is what the average shill user looks like
>Facts don't care about your feelings
chinese population will be on the decline soon you absolute faggot. it's they're economic growth that is worrying
chinese population will be on the decline soon you absolute faggot. it's their economic growth that is worrying
Fuck, if I put on a bit of weight I feel ashamed if you can see a bit of belly in a tshirt, how the hell do people get to the size of that whale at the front?!
>Not 300lbs
>Not a faggot
>Not rainbow haired
>Doesn't drink Onions
Seems based to me.
I do not like it. Zig Forums needs a cultural and ethnic cleansing. No trannies, coomers, NEETS, etc.