>Be me: Time Traveller
>Just got back from December 2020
>One week before election, massive riots were planned to disrupt voting.
>BUT... out of fucking nowhere...
>Huge convoys of Party Vans arrest ALL OF ANTIFA High-Command in the biggest civil swoop in history.
>Pelosi shits herself inside out with Reeeeee
>All National Guard and Military put on streets to defend voting and keep peace
>Durham indictments have already tied up a lot of internal bad-actors
>A few days before eletion:
>Video interview of Anthony Weiner is released where he discusses the "Insurance Files" on his laptop and how he got them.
>At same time, video interview of Rachel Chandler is released where she is explaining the inner mechanations of Epstein Island.
>Hollywood and Elites start fleeing to France and New Zealand (NZ is the last stronghold of the Deep State)
>Riots are kicking off everywhere, but with the Antifa high-command already arrested, they do little damage.
>The Clinton's try to leave the USA and are prevented.
>It's fucking hillarious, you're going to love it.
>Screencap this
Xavier Reyes
Josiah King
Nope. Trump will lose and then all you wierdos will cry.
Ryder Morris
>Party Vans
Brandon Torres
I have said all along that if Hillary isn't arrested he'll lose.
Dominic Rogers
Also a time traveler here. Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
Nathaniel Taylor
I already replied, next week
Nolan Rodriguez
I almost hope trump loses so qtards finally kill themselves but who am i kidding?
>trust the plan
>trump was never supposed to win this election
>patriots are giving dems enough rope to hang themselves
>2024 will be glorious
Easton Martinez
Ethan Baker
Nice fanfiction.
Caleb Thomas
Digits confirm