Reminder. Herman Cain is dead from the Tulsa Rally and the 'fake virus'.
"Cain attended President Trump's controversial, indoor and largely maskless rally in Tulsa, Okla., late June without wearing a face covering. He was diagnosed with the coronavirus soon after."
# Has Trump put out anything attacking Biden yet? most of what I have seen is generic anti Dem, I think he is just holding back so he can pound him on it later, maybe bring it up in a debate and then release the ads the next day
Do not ask me for proof do not ask me to explain do not ask me anything of this issue
The democrats as you know like to invade other countries, like pirates, they pillage and plunder. Trump was elected and it blew their plan apart, Syria was going to be a big score for them. That would have been their front with Ukraine to topple RUSSIA. 2020 election is vital to them to continue that plan, they had plans of using the CIA to train any militants that would volunteer for the job, as did in Iraq and Pakistan. The CIA was so against the bullshit operations they stole Podesta's and Clinton's emails and gave them to Wikileaks, the raw metadata was on the emails after Wikileaks posted them. The democrats want Joe Biden for a reason, he will do nothing while the heavy deep state players pull the strings for the world behind him. Biden has always had a loud boasting mouth, notice how flawed he is now right after the exposure of the Ukraine dealings with Hunter. It happened fast and quietly never getting the attention. It was over night. If Biden was president and the dirty deeds went down Biden would sure to brag about it, a real liability. Make him stumble and mumble then then a puppet.
DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY after all CIA made ISIS for Obama and Clinton. along with John McCain
Alexander Perry
do iitttt also the other day when i said to fuck off before the hearing was done was a bit more abrasive than i intended, so i apologize for that.
> What do you wish to do with this data? I don't actually wish anything, I do it for the lulz so you guys can request lulzy things and I can run the numbers if it is possible
> and that a swell in namefags tends to precede them all, though. I can actually objectively test that hypothesis.
> the lack of activity in the midterms was a travesty This board has nothing special in relation to the actual AFK world. People don't care about the midterms, people don't care about the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION of their whole political process > THE FUCKING MAYORAL ELECTION And then they complain about Washington DC not bailing them out, not fixing their cities, not filling their potholes and putting their local niggers in jail.
Also (reposting) So, crunching some of the data of this board and here is something interesting:
THE 10 DAYS WITH THE MOST US FLAG POSTS > 2016-11-08: 233904 posts > 2016-11-09: 201121 posts > 2020-05-31: 154101 posts > 2020-06-02: 149453 posts > 2020-06-01: 144002 posts > 2018-11-06: 139794 posts > 2020-05-30: 134897 posts > 2020-06-03: 134111 posts > 2016-11-07: 129206 posts > 2020-05-29: 124976 posts
They refer to three periods 2016-11-07, 2016-11-08, 2016-11-09 > 2016 general election 2018-11-06: 2018 > 2018 midterm election and 2020-05-29, 2020-05-30, 2020-05-31, 2020-06-01, 2020-06-02, 2020-06-03 > Some nigger resisted arrest and died
That's just incredible. Pic related is the total posts (regardless of flag) per week.
>Has Trump put out anything attacking Biden yet? I live in california, so the ads here are different, the campaign put out an add about how there are record employment rates of niggers and spics under his administration and honestly, that might be fine and dandy here in this commie faggot state, but absolutely the wrong message in rust belt states
>Mitch McConnell scolds President Trump: “Never in the history of the country, through wars, depressions, and the Civil War have we ever not had a federally scheduled election on time, and, Mr. President, we’ll find a way to do that again this Nov. 3."
> was a bit more abrasive than i intended, so i apologize for that. JEJ; what a fag! Apologizing is for fags user and being abrasive in this cantonese DOUBLE MILF analysis board is par for the course.
Fox is really airing them load the coon up into the car to the cemetery
Wonder how low their ratings will be for today
Robert Butler
Can't wait to taste the salty tears when big chungus loses
Matthew Butler
the daily grinded ways to be trumper is often not of that but of the here aind in that way this way is often there to be it and no more than those that be to truth but to be of the networked foxes news
Noah Rodriguez
No, it’s obvious he’s making the left double down, like usual. For how dumb you say trump is, you guys sure get played by him a lot.
Leo Johnson
i know. still, i did feel a little bad after the fact, considering the hearing ended like two minutes later lol i felt rather foolish to be honest
Charles Parker
>if trump supporters go to a rally, they will get infected and die >if they go outside to vote, they will either get infected and die or get killed by a feral nigger in a george floyd hoodie >if they answer the door, they will get infeced and die, so they won't HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Civilized Black Man with a good job >>> Uncivilized White man who drinks, smokes weed and listens to drum and bass
Jose Wood
Shills will tell you Trump is down by 25 million points and the race is over. In reality he is down in RCP's average by 8, which is the exact amount he was "down" against Hillary 2 weeks before the election. State polling is actually better for him now than 2016.
do "average speed of /ptg/ threads" over time a simple way of doing that is to do number of threads in a day, and the easiest way to count "legitimate" threads is to check for the pastebin link in the body (that excludes the earliest ones, but that's also when the data isn't as interesting to now) Trump had a good run, folks. But all good things come to an end Since trump will not win again, what are your favorite election memories, frens?
I have Charlie AWOOs, and Im making more, I just havent posted that image in a while. >>"Charlie you are brilliant" Trump tweet I dont keep up with every tweet posted on nu-Zig Forums fren, I dont have a single social media account, but thank you for alerting me to this, I will have a meme made by the end of the day.
So you dont have any angle other than >DROOMPF BAD AND HIS VOTERS R DUMB HAHA XD Lol youre just as bad as us then, just on the other side of the fence. What a pathetic roachmutt.
John Cooper
have you posted mitch here before, fren?
Anthony Smith
Kamallah Harris. Politico has already let the bitch out of the bag. Theyve retracted it, but biden also had notes that made people think that. Who could be better than a half-poo, half-Jamacian who couldnt' even get enough support to make it to the primaries. Then again Biden has failed to get more than 3% ever before Covid.
Cooper Jones
>runs for office party wants to block him >secures nomination Obama abuses FISA to spy on political opponent >elected 2 months of "will the EC really have to vote for him?" >Republican House Paul Ryan >Republican Senate McTumor, Grahamnesty, Flake >travel ban 1.0 blocked >travel ban 2.0 blocked >travel ban 3.0 begrudgingly allowed >wall funding blocked >wall construction blocked >ending obamacare blocked >sanctuary city ban blocked >gun rights won't hear it >ending DACA blocked >every non-uniparty appointee blocked, railroaded, character assassinations >uniparty appointee insubordination, fired then bookdeal and/or town hall special >2016 campaign team hunted down >meme dossier written by the tricksters of ebaum's world 3 year witchhunt >legal phone call with foreign leader entirely within duty of office IMPEACHMENT >blocking subpoenas for said sham impeachment ULTRA IMPEACHMENT
There is so much that is going to change between now and the election. -Biden will choose a VP (Kamala Harris) who is deeply unpopular -The economy will improve -Q3 economic numbers come out a week before the election -A senile old man will have to do 3 debates -Durham's investigation will end
This is all in 3 months. And you can bet Republicans have an october surprise prepared.
Owen Hill
photohgraph improve you head at coffee use head to look coffe addiction illness at you right now
>still going with parscale's "scare the suburbs" strategy kek
Justin Scott
>yeah, that's right, snowflake. I'm not going away, not even when my term is up. what are you going to do about it? BASED TRUMP, STANDING UP TO ANTIFA THUGS, TAKING THINGS INTO HIS OWN HANDS! AWOO!
When it's not Harris - I want you to come back here and admit you were wrong, apologize, and promise to not jump to conclusions in the future.
Aiden Long
He sounds nervous about his legacy
Charles Richardson
Why didn't they just put up Joe Biden signs? lmao
Henry Miller
Missed it last thread but here I go again; I'll focus on the two that actually seem interesting to discuss.
>>legislative requirement >nah this one is good, it requires that if you want to run for election, you meet the requirements on election day. the two important requirements being "age" and "citizenship" I think I'll change it just because it effectively raises the required age, then. Currently, both are already required, but only on inauguration day. (It'd be really weird to get naturalized while you're a representative-elect, but I guess it tightens the regulation there too.)
>>legislative start date >i dunno, i'd just "no endorse" this one. basically they are required by constitution to start the new year session on the fourth monday in january, but that's rather late in the month, and they're saying "i have to do some work ANYWAY because people are requesting legislators and legal things, so i might as well just be in my office instead of on holiday all month" >the only argument against is it's stripping the constitutional amendment entirely, making it just a statute and easier to change, so that could potentially be abused. from that standpoint perhaps i'd say no, because that's an important restriction on the legislature, they should ask to just amend the constitution to push the date earlier, instead of eliminating that part entirely I thought of NE but ended up just deciding that it seems like this amendment would increase the number of sessions of the legislature, which is probably not good.