How can western Christianity become based like Russian Orthodoxy again?

The church in Russia even have its own army

Attached: Russian_Cossack_Army.png (1159x1727, 3.59M)

Cossack women also have 15 children on average, so the future of Russia is also pretty whitepilled.

But will the west ever be able to adopt these values before its too late?

Attached: Cossack Family.png (1262x1401, 2.62M)

I doubt it

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We need a decent pope to begin with

I know the new generation of priests are pretty based, but I dont think we have enough time to wait for them to climb up the ladders and eventually take over the vatican.
So how likely are we to get a decent pope the next 20 years without a revolution?

Does it have more or less rape and forced prostitution than the real army?

The orthodox church is corrupt as the rest of them. The difference is the lack of wealth and kiddy diddlers compared to the catholics.

>lack of wealth and kiddy diddlers
Pretty sure they have both.

hopefully more

Read, nigga.

the difference is that the orthodox church is basadooo as fuuuck

I just want a trad orthodox wife :(

are you even orthodox though?

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putting an aquarium right behind the pool table, now that's just asking for an accident.

No, my mom is but dad is a Swedish atheist so they decided to not push me or my brother towards any religion.

Dont you have karelians in finland? Arent they orthodox

checks out.

you should go to church and convert though

We are hitting based levels that shouldn't be possible

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>Swedish Atheist Dad

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hey Ivan can you tell me about the church army of Russia?
I heard there was this one priest (dont remember his name), but he has 30K cossack soldiers loyal to him and he called Putin a ZOG bitch and said he would forcefully remove him from office if he didnt become more based

Attached: 341532.b.jpg (1599x1021, 411.07K)

Yeah, my maternal lineage is mostly orthodox karelian refugees.

>me and my bro
Only two kids? Kek you europeans are an absolute disgrace

Unimaginably based

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I dont know man. I never served in army because of heart issues. But this guy have cossacks as i know so you shouldnt consider them serious. Cossacks were a power 100 years ago when all of them served in military. Now its Just their descendants larping as their great ancestors

I heard they had access to pretty advanced military equipment though. is that true?

Such is life when mom almost died giving birth to my brother, they had to remove the relevant parts of reproduction. Most of my relatives have families of 4+ children.

It can’t

>I know the new generation of priests are pretty based
I've heard seminaries are not as strict as they used to be in order to attract more priests. Whatever shit goes on in seminaries also scares off a lot of people. I know family friends who went in and left, they only said that they don't want to repeat what they saw go on there.

sounds based desu


I know