/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #4523 - Ching Chong: "TALKING ABOUT VILUS WLONG" edition

► Detected: 17,341,198 (+163,420) ► Died: 673,137 (+3,571) ► Day: 203 (-05:01:21)

End of day numbers for Day 202: 17,177,778 (+290,674); 669,568 (+7,023)

— 5,212,666,832 people under lockdown —
— 200 countries and territories infected —
— 36x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 199 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —
— 5,429 genomes have been sequenced —

>LIVE STATS/literally WHO


U.S. economy - 32.9% plunge in 2nd quarter, points to drawn-out recovery

UK Sepsis Trust: 1 in 5 receiving SARS2 hospital treatment could be infected with sepsis within a year

Young, healthy adults with mild SARS2 take weeks to recover

The long-term effects of SARS2

4-5 more years before SARS-CoV-2 is under control - estimations by WHO


"What to do when Corona chan comes over to Netflix and Chill"

FAQ/infodump on SARS-CoV-2

Monocytes, as well as B and T lymphocytes, are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 active infection

Recovered SARS2 Patients - cardiac involvement in 78%, myocardial inflammation in 60%

S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice

A perspective on potential ADE of SARS-CoV-2

Clinical recurrences of SARS2 symptoms after recovery: viral relapse, reinfection or inflammatory rebound
>Thread is fake if OP is a leaf, memeflag, has text, old stats/no updates, does not link to immediately preceding thread, has wrong archive links.


Attached: china outbreak virus in december 19.png (1590x1061, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Posting in ebin general

>tfw OP hasn't slept for months but unironically

>tfw threads are starting to get archived below bump limit

>tfw threads need 43 posts by OP to reach bump limit

>tfw threads are baked with [Embeds] and no updates

>tfw threads get archived with 40-50 posters total

>tfw threads are only memeflag trolls and mad glowniggers

Wtf bros......
How did we end up like this

Attached: Donald-Trump-laughing-200x200.png (200x200, 73.21K)

>Spain Has 1,229 New Coronavirus Cases, Most Since April 30


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What virus? Show me evidence, that there is corona virus?
How you identify corona virus?
Does corona virus have jew sign on it?
Can you see corona virus with electronic microscope?
If it is that small, how does your mask “protects” you?

The Empirical evidence, also known as sensory experience, is the knowledge received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation.

Can you provide evidence of suggested to imagine corona virus, to the judge in the court? Your decisions to restrict peoples activities, caused harm, that you need to restore, compensate peoples loses.
Court will be Popular Peoples Congresses as a highest democratic institution, that legally exist by the Rule of the People – that what Greek word ’democracy’ means.

Local people gather together in a circle of equals, to share vital information, in order to serve life.

Every single person, who have participated in a criminal swindle corona, will be hunted down and pay for harm done to society.

Creating a New World - Free from economic slavery

Rule of the People by Popular Peoples Congress


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What's the census, /cvg/? F or S for our fellow niggerino?

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SARS-CoV-2 crushes U.S. economy in second quarter; rising virus cases loom over recovery
>The U.S. economy suffered its biggest blow since the Great Depression in the second quarter as the COVID-19 pandemic shattered consumer and business spending, and a nascent recovery is under threat from a resurgence in new cases of coronavirus.
>More than five years of growth have been wiped out.

Osterholm: Americans will be living with the coronavirus for decades

South Africa SARS2 Deaths Higher Than Reported, Experts Say

AstraZeneca to be exempt from coronavirus vaccine liability claims in most countries

U.S. economy suffers titanic 32.9% plunge in 2nd quarter, GDP shows, and points to drawn-out recovery

Infection of human lymphomononuclear cells by SARS-CoV-2
>monocytes, as well as B and T lymphocytes, are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 active infection and viral replication was indicated by detection of double-stranded RNA
>flow cytometry and immunofluorescence analysis revealed that SARS-CoV-2 was frequently detected in monocytes and B lymphocytes from COVID-19 patients, and less frequently in CD4+T lymphocytes
>The rates of SARS-CoV-2-infected monocytes in PBMCs from COVID-19 patients increased over time from symptom onset
>Additionally, SARS-CoV-2-positive monocytes and B and CD4+T lymphocytes were detected by immunohistochemistry in post mortem lung tissue
>Regardless of where the immune cells become infected by SARS-CoV-2, their presence in the peripheral blood can impact directly on virus dissemination, delivering the infectious virus to secondary sites of infection.

Reportanon's latest news

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Thread theme btw


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*blocks your path*

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Is it going to be another butthurt schizo day with 50 Swedish posts every thread?

L for "literally who"
But S, since it's a nigger

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um, hello, based department?

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hallucinating tripping egomaniac cancerous pieces of human garbage itt. sage in all fields. even the mods are defending these tripfags now

>SARS-CoV-2 crushes U.S. economy in second quarter; rising virus cases loom over recovery
You better take it back, this is just trump's 4d chess at work

I don't expect a covid cultist like you to understand

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> "In the past two weeks, 54.6% of the infections we know of are at home, but 58.9% of the total we don't know If we do not count at home, then we actually know how to find the source of 24% (!) Of the total infections.

Whoa, massive holocaust
oh, the horror

tripping nigger spamming and shitting up the thread like always. kys

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His base is about to get gigafucked that's why he's testing the waters with postponing, hurricanes are going to start adding extra weight on corona strained infrastructure leading up to the election, it's going to cripple turn out in the gulf states and south east.

>tfw the glowniggers are unironically sperging again in previous thread because of muh bump limit

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Oh look, a poster that's posting with a kekistan flag that writes surprisingly a lot like toothie deleted his posts like the confederate flag used to do, hmm..
>That link
holy shit what a clusterfuck of a sentence, my brain hurts.

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Put it in the OP post.





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Fuck that's a lot of coping in here

discord memeflaggot sucking dicks, kys

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we IRC chads

>not a glownigger guys

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trip nigger on drugs thinks bad dutch people are out to get him. kek just kys

They were literally talking about how they wanted trump to side with the rioters, and blame people for the MN riots. Because they want good optics and black votes
You just cannot buy this kind of entertainment, I tell you
I hope you have plans to sit the election out at home, their salt will be priceless when trump loses

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Has anyone read "The last of the Winnebagos"?
Just realized that this could more or less be our future and it's fucking scary.

Retarded boomers. It's a miracle that they've survived until now.

>triggered /nbg/ shill doesn't know who I am
lol, imagine being a Zig Forums newfag in the year of 2020 LMAO!

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glownigger op sucking dicks and defending the trip nigger cancer from reddit. kys

Is fox poster on yet?

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>le mad polish glownigger strikes again with a blogpost
Nigga wut?

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Hobo user, is that you?

a perfect storm you say

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>tripping nigger spamming and shitting up the thread like always. kys

>deleting a post
>deleting 32 posts for no reason at all than muh lower than bump limit
Wkwkwkwk, kys fucking retard

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Noooo not my pizzarinos.

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>nazwa pliku
trzymajcie sie chlopaki

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▶ 83 new cases in Luxembourg

>put it in the OP
Man, I keep telling you to make a separate general for this

literally sucks Xi's dick, kys discord tranny memeflag

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>le mad indogook triggered by a memeflag
Top keks lulz rofl nigga

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>le mad argieproxyglownigger with Sven's cum all over his face

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No I'm anonymous

I fucking told you it was disinfo, didn't I? Notice how none of them have been posting anything about it since this all started and they switched to just attacking tripfaggots and bakers?

▶ 9 new cases in Chad

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>L for "literally who"
He was a thing around here in 2012 apparently, you may be outing your newfag-ness saying something like that

>not a glownigger guys trust me

Attached: cvg.png (1606x2562, 1.14M)

I guess my secret is out,
I'm actually retarded
No bully :(

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Puns aside yes, you can put hospital ships in the gulf or use the pop up surge hospital tents during hurricane season, you need more hardened structures. That effects the economy greatly because unless you want to jam back people during a pandemic you need to use hardened permanent structures(schools and hotels) and they need to be further inland because ones more effected by storms are going to be used for shelters. All it takes is a one storm to heavily impact a few 10s or 100s of thousands of people to ripple through the state.

get a load of this tripping subreddit nigger still shitting up this thread and Zig Forums. kek you are literally garbage. kys
glownigger discord op spamming Zig Forums and defending the trip nigger cancer against Zig Forums standards. kys back to jewtube subhuman trash

▶ 790 new cases and 9 new deaths in Germany

I guess? I was mostly on Russian imageboards at that time.

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>trust me guys not a glownigger

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pozzed financial