All anti-TRUMPers fall in at least 1 of 3 categories
Mentally ill
Which one are you user?
All anti-TRUMPers fall in at least 1 of 3 categories
Mentally ill
Which one are you user?
Trump is a pedo, working in lockstep with the Jewish cabal
All pro-TRUMPers fall in 1 category
Which one are you user? Don't postpone the Elections, faggot.
what are the categories for pro-Trump beside 'based'?
>all TRUMPers
You mean pro-Trumpers.
Kill yourself, retard.
>I don’t like anyone who doesn’t agree with my opinions
Keep seething.
>diehard christian conservative
>troll that just wants to watch the world burn
>sheep "covid isn't real because I don't understand that the democrats can simultaneously be lying about covid and cheering on the deadly disease they just released"
>ex-liberal who has finally realized their old party is actively pushing for genocide
Unironically all 3
this one
Your missing the purity test storm fag that pisses himself every time someone talks about something other then “Fuck jews”
all three categories apply to Pro-trumpers, what are you on about?
Right wingers in general categorically practice so much self justification, entitlement and mental gymnastics.
Anti-tRUMP, so I guess I'm mentally ill.
"One man's insanity is another man's genius; someday the world will recognize the genius in my insanity"
I am Jewish and Pro Trump
Pretty sure I am jewish. I am pro israel due to the covid lockdown status they have on America staying open and making leftys seethe due to having americans finincial interests in mind first. I also am pro bill gates due to him wanting to open schools and give niggers the mind control vaccine first
Trump 2020
If you are all 3 you are a trump supporter.
Good ol #istandwithisrael christian fundamentalists support Trump, although describing Christians in general that way is redundant. Zionist Jews support Trump too.
Nice example of psychological projection, retard
1) You are a foreigner, and a subhuman at that.
2) Trump is destroying the white race as we speak. He supports kikes and niggers. He wants to bring in spics. Coronavirus has killed countless white people while Trump sits back and watches. Do YOU support kikes and niggers? Sounds like it!
most are all 3
remember goyim, Trump said this is a Judeo-Christian nation with Judeo-Christian values. Aren't you a JUDEO-Christian, user?
It would've been easier for you to type "all three" instead of all that shit.
so you admit you're a cultist then? thanks for proving my point. Postpone the election for another two weeks trust me bro
Right-wing middle-aged women are likely the WORST people in America followed by the leftie 20-something white women.
Besides nogs of course.