Redpill me on Xi Jinping and why Kikes hate him so much?
Lefties hate him
Centrists hate him
The right hate him
Neo-Zig Forums Migabots hate him
Reddit hate him
Is the hate toward him the works of (((them)))?
Redpill me on Xi Jinping and why Kikes hate him so much?
Lefties hate him
Centrists hate him
The right hate him
Neo-Zig Forums Migabots hate him
Reddit hate him
Is the hate toward him the works of (((them)))?
No, he works for (((them))) as he promoted globohomo.
He is also a maniac loan shark on smaller nations with no regards of human life
>No, he works for (((them))) as he promoted globohomo.
OP didn't mention Trump.
ccp just has a different face once in a while. he is of no significance
>He thinks the kikes aren't playing all sides
The only one that works in favor of globohomo is China. Without China there could be no globohomo
Trump doesn’t help globohomo in any means. He tried his best to reverse it/remain status quo
they hate him becuase hes doing business with Iran, the mortl enemy of Israel.
He's one of the few ACUTAL world leaders alive right now. If America had a leader like Xi, we'd be in another golden age.
Because he is both a Maoist and a traditionalist allying two sides of Chinese society that used to be extremely distinct.
Traditional Chinese culture is experiencing a massive revival in the mainland, confucianisme is hailed by Xi and he is the first Chinese president to visit Mao's mosoleum and perform rites there.
The jews fear the Han because he is more cunning, more ruthless and smarter.