Okay, which one of you is JasTheGews88?

>dev for a support group servicing a major "woke" company
>company has a "tip center" for ratting out fellow employees for un-PC behavior
>spam it endlessly (and untraceable) with anti-pc shit.
>"that ugly Jew in HR, Sarah, farted in the elevator and it stank like Auschwitz"
>bosses reach out to our office to investigate and clean it up
>now I'm investigating myself, ensuring it will continue to be the best part about working here
What do you do to subvert your corporate overlords and their abhorrent policies, Zig Forums?

Attached: officekeks.png (960x640, 722.47K)

Attached: image.jpg (1908x2048, 1.34M)

I actually work at this company and I know who you are now. Thanks for outing yourself, racist...

Checked but retardpilled. If you can't participate in a thread like this without doxxing yourself, you're too stupid to keep your job anyway.

Attached: 1589895861634.jpg (1314x1552, 482.18K)

>he says he went to highschool with her
This is the new version of this post

>ok everyone, bend the knee for bml!
>Get down on both knees, clasp hands together
>What are you doing user, that's not how...
>Why, I'm praying for the innocent..
>Oh.. ok. Yeah, that's fine?
>Actually praying that for every drop of blood niggers and jews spill of the innocent is paid in their suffering 10 fold

>I know who you are
Pick one.

TaskUs would love to hear about this, thanks

it’s great that you’re doing this, but for every normal white american there are 20 pajeets and mulattos that are motivated to disenfranchise whitey

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good