Mandatory Masking Alberta

Mandatory masking in the capital today. When will we resist? When will we have our independence? Will you be with us Zig Forums?

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B.C. is cucked might as well call it BBC

When you show the in store prices

Is it really that big of a fucking deal? You won't resist the importation of millions of 3rd worlders but god forbid someone makes you wear a face mask during a pandemic? I really don't understand you schizo boomers.

Autist boomer thank you. And it's not just a mask, it's a brand for who owns you.

So please go kindly cut a hole in your cuck mask, suck your governor's dick like you know that you want to, and don't forget your goggles for the happy ending.

BC has mandatory masks? I've been walking around without a mask unmolested.

>BC has mandatory masks? I've been walking around without a mask unmolested.

Same with Alberta province, but cities are instituting their own laws.

Read the law. It's like what, 5 pages?

There's definitely an out in there. I haven't worn a mask 2 says in a row. I know the law, and no one has even bugged me about it.

I did run into some people I knew who were all masked up, but they treat the China Virus like it's the end of the world. Today no one was wearing masks save for a few. So not sure if my city is pushing for it.

> definitely an out in there

While I would prefer that people just had the balls to outright defy an unjust law imposed for a virus that kills 0.3% of the weak and infirm... do share.

> Today no one was wearing masks save for a few.

It was the same here. Hell even today even with the bylaw coming into effect today. it's the city government that's lost their mind, not the people.

No cop is going to arrest anyone for not wearing a mask. Who gives a shit?

Most people just want to go about their day. When a shop has stringent laws people just avoid it.

Halifax they just did it for indoors just now even though NS only gets like 1 new case a week. Truly goofy stuff

And so BC took the BBC no more.

Come Home White Man

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whats the big deal with masks? everyone in virginia seems to be wearing them no problem, never seen anyone protesting it

de-facing you makes it easier to de-person you

Other exemptions to the mask mandate are:

children under the age of two
people with underlying medical conditions or disabilities that prevent them from safely wearing a face covering or putting on and removing without assistance
individuals providing care to someone with a disability in situations where wearing a mask would hinder their assistance
when consuming food or drink in a designated seating area, such as a restaurant, or as part of a religious ceremony
during physical exercise or water activity
if a service requires temporary removal of a mask, such as dental work or a passport photo
Proof of being eligible for an exemption is not required.

lmao you could literally just deny it saying your exercising or your life itself is a religious ceremony, no proof needed

>Truly goofy stuff
Goof=Punk, like the only Canadian I speak

And it validates the hysteria. What we need is public inquires, arrests, hell hanging some motherfuckers for treason shouldn't be out of the question. Validating hysteria guarantees that this never happens.

The mask is a signal to other people that the environment is dangerous, that their fellow citizens are little more than vectors for disease, and that their fears are and were warranted.

And if you don't care about how this all psychologically affects the average person (you should because those bastards fucking vote), consider how badly this is going to fuck up children that never had a say in all this.

> lmao you could literally just deny it saying your exercising or your life itself is a religious ceremony, no proof needed

So no excuses then, no reason to comply. Thank you baste in oil bro.

It's goofy. Here there had been no new cases for two and a half months. They started pushing for more things, the people got pissed off, and then suddenly a magical 30 new cases showed up a week later. Hmm... People aren't buying it. There are tards who do, but I heard a 12~13 year old girl mock them.

It's a start

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Alberta has more visible minorities than Quebec despite being smaller, lmao.

> a magical 30 new cases showed up a week later.

It's the same here. Let alone the fact that 30 new cases means jack fucking shit, but what are the chances that the burgers start finding new cases like they're finding new ballots by the side of the road only for us to start doing the same.

Like somehow when New York got hit none of it bled up here but when fucking Texas gets hit we've got a crisis on our hands the next day?

> Alberta has more visible minorities than Quebec despite being smaller, lmao.

Eh, don't worry when the money dries up they'll be coming your way. You can tell your wife she don't gotta be lonely anymore.

They played their hand to quickly, even regular people are getting suspicious. Especially since somehow protestors are protected by a magical bulwark against the virus.

Of all the hills to die on, population replacement, endless debt, expensive food, ridiculous housing prices
you idiots choose mandatory mask wearing, during a fucking pandemic.

Right wingers in Canada dont deserve to win because they are fucking retarded beyond comprehension.


a fake province with literally no histroy. you'll all east coast rejects. you'll do what we ontariochads say

thats the dumbest answer ive heard yet, so ok fair enough

> They played their hand to quickly, even regular people are getting suspicious

If they were smart they would have ended this thing back in June. When noone would've questioned anything and they at least could've escaped without consequences. I don't get why they continue to press this, all they're doing is risking the lid blowing off.

With the way things are, it's already inevitable that in a year or a few it comes out that this was the biggest mass hysteria/overreaction in all history.

what the fuck are you on about I'm not wearing a cuck mask in Alberta fuck that shit.

Laughs in Saskatchewanian. First it was Edmonton, then Redmonton, now I'll call you Little Syria

I absolutely can't wait. Trust in the media is dying faster and faster. I can only hope that something like this will make more skeptics than people blindingly following orders. The Koreans have the right of it that only sick people should be wearing masks, not perfectly healthy masses.

Two jewelry stores were robbed today in Calgary