Sarah Silverman is right, you know?

Sarah Silverman is right, you know?

Why is the President this butthurt?

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Fuck that kike

The jew cries out in pain as she strikes you.

>blue checkmark

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>be a kike
>subvert host nation

People fuck up each other's property he stops it
China uses an electronic warfare tactic and he blocks it
People aim to cheat the vote and he ensures it will be secure

Literally 0 problems here

She wore blackface and said the N-word.

She needs to be cancelled.

>my clan did nothing to escalate this
I demand fascism now

he's not banning tiktok cos some people said mean things about him on it. what a fucking retarded thing to take away from that. he's banning it cos it's chink spy shit.

why do you people all speak the same way it's kind of tiresome


probably the thinnest skinned president of all time, and the perfect representative of the modern right. Act real tough, then whine and cuck out as all the "bad guys" outsmart you every step of the way and win.

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can't wait till he hangs jews

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Why is it ok for that kike to do blackface? If I had twatter I I'd spam that pic on every tweet she posts.

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Fuck Trump but fuck Silverman even more for being a kike and for that unbelievably unfunny show she had like a decade ago.

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We all know that answer to that

>people take to the streets
nice way of wording vandalism

He did none of those things

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- Blacks begin to expose the Jews, the Jews put on blackface

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imagine the smell

Sarah's a good jew following the script right on time. Trump too.

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>Retarded kike whore uses mental gymnastics to make an orange man bad statement
If we truly lived in a hell-hole that these fools think we do. They wouldn't be able to post these type of comments.

He’s not banning it. Are you a newfag? He’s threatening to ban it so US companies can purchase it.

best part of zion don triggering jews is they sound even more unhinged than usual


Supporting an app ran by the chinese government which collects data on people, imprison Muslims, let their people be killed by a flood, let a virus globally affect the world, is racist, abuses their power, destroyed Hong Kong.

Ok yeah.

Sounds like a great app.

Very Powerful.

Trump is losing and he's trying everything to stop his demise even going to fascist lengths and changing the process of democracy.

ShareBlue shill spotted.

TikTok is spyware. It helps China develop its AI software that limits people in China's freedom and rights.


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at least this shitkike didn't infest the world with her progeny, hope she's a role model to all the degenerates that follow her