WTF Germany???
WTF Germany???
some leftist lady from human rights will argue the perpetrator is actually the victim
afghans are the ultimate rape machines
why do they keep on arresting him?
Holy based, keep up with the community service afghanbro
Poor migrant, clearly a victim German racism.
Probably the Afghan was trying to be wh*te
Big news in Germony happening hundreds of times in Burger- and Bongland every day. Sad!
Hey, he got it harder than most migrants. Rule of thumb for these is 1 day for every year old she it.
Could be worse.
> muslims are being forced to eat pork
You faggots should have lost the First World War
We'd be in the same spot but without all this bullshit
Westerners are too soft and comfortable. That's why they're naive on how savage and cruel the world really is. You need to get mean and brutal if you want to survive.
this shit comes from the frankfurt school. Their members fled germany to the US when hitler caught on to their tricks. They then began to subvert the US slowly but surely to hate itself. 2020 is the result.
You just want the West to be China.
All Libtards do that.
Defend pedos and rapists. Doubly so, if the criminal is female.
were the girls german?
>walter lübcke
some dude came to his home and killed him for saying that afterwards
time to update the pamphlet for sexual guidance
If only the same fate befell the rest of politicians,
How can any euros be pro migrant? Why?
mental illness
it's a small price to pay for muh economical growth
didn't muslims smugly claim they're allowed to eat pork to fit in or under duress anyway?
i'm dying to know what credible well established totally not fringe author wrote this.
You realise you can literally find the sources online?
When something similar happens in Brazil I cope with the fact that this country is a massive shithole and at least the inmates will tear the guy into pieces,but when that happens in a firstoid I really ask myself wtf is wrong with these people. How the fuck Germans think that is alright?
It's real though, Aras Bacho has a twitter account and some people wonder if he is some sort of elaborate troll from right-wingers because it's so absurd. And Walter Lübcke was on video saying that and was murdered by a Neo-Nazi for it.
Acknowledging the problem would call into question the ideology of the state.
i'm not questioning whether it's factual, it's just not accurate. it has the same agenda pushing partisan tone as a book made entirely of Zig Forums shitposts, oozing the same self gratifying smugness by including citations printed in the middle of their own book. only other time i saw something like that was in laura southern's book. a woman i only knew as that canadian commentating on how much she hates immigrants in australia.
and people wonder why no one takes right wingers seriously.
capitalists own everything and they brainwashed people into tolerating this stuff so they can make money.
Who can you guys relate more to in this video?
So you think that the German government is hiding that stuff,that everyone can see,from highly educated people?! You can't just not acknowledge that problem and if germans don't complain about it,it's because they reached a whole new level of brainwashing.
What about this one?
> Er wohnt im Keller
Pure austrian
It's always Afghans. You never hear of such shit from Syrians. Honestly there should be a complete immigration ban for Afghans and Africans
What kind of stuff has he said?
well that's because afghans, nafris, africans and co are economical opportunist migrants while syrians got out of a warzone
No Syrians are worse
True. It is a shame they are called refugees
Not here atleast. When you hear about Syrians on the news they are usually radical islamists
so consistent.
I've never heard of a Syrian stirring up shit.
News always say "refugee" and it turns out to be either a moroccan or an afghan
What was the reason given for his release?
taking in arabs and nafris is suicide, doesn't matter where they come from. once it's done you might as well close up shop.
What would be the punishment for such a crime in Afghanistan?
He got shanked for this bullshit, lmao
It's not just Germans. This whole multiculturalism, humanism, liberalism whatever you want to call it is failing, but the German state like every other western democracy entirely based on this flawed interpretation of man. It's totalitarian in a way. It demands complete universalism and imposition on the entire world (Human Rights etc.) even if this concept is completely alien to other cultures. It's ironic because this ideology is only effective in the western world. No middle easterner, african, or asian gives two flying fucks about human rights or equality. Even "westernized" countries like Japan have a much different idea of what it means than Westerners. They don't have this cultural concept or zeitgeist and never will. It's likely rooted in biology in nature. liberalism is a sham ideology with a flawed view of mankind. It was developed in the 18th century when evolution, psychology, and biology in general wasn't understood. Man isn't a rational universal being. We're irrational animals that came from primitive, violent, dog eat dog world of nature. Tribalism, pettiness, hatred of the other are innate and irremovable traits of humans. You have to work with them if you want to construct a ideology to run society. Liberalism works against this which is why it has become so divorced from reality.
> No middle easterner, african, or asian gives two flying fucks about human rights or equality.
The cause of this is simple, WWII killed european nationalism, but the rest of the world didn't have a carnage level extermination war apart from Japan, but Japan got a slap in the wrist by the americans so they keep being autistic.
Had Japan gotten the full Nuremberg treatment they'd be in the exact same position Germany is right now
>It demands complete universalism and imposition on the entire world
This was flawed from the beginning and only leads to backlash. Look what interfering in HK affairs and Taiwan and Myanmar, etc. has done. The more you try to impose flawed western ideology on the rest of the world, the harder the world will fight back.
Holy based
Public stoning of course. The girl should've been more grateful for the rape and avoided eye contact
Didn't some Afghans rape some chicks in Japan too? Japan lets in like 10 refugees a decade and of those ten, three of them were rapists.
>Public stoning of course.
For the girl or for the rapist?
Where were the parents?
The people who can move a long distance are NOT refugee.