1776 The U.S.A. is the cap and seal of the entirety of human history. Every country respects the U.S.A. The media is anti-american. There are pockets of foreign anti-Americans on coastal areas of the u.s.a. and those cities are burning. If you stand against the U.S.A., you stand against yourself and God. The U.S.A. always will win because she is founded on right principles and refutes tyranny. The Brit Isle will burn. The 1948 Israel will burn. The Philippines will burn. The Japanese will burn. Honduras will burn. India will burn. Germans will burn. Scandinavia will burn. Africa will burn. Big tech will burn. Nasa will burn. All liars and tyranny will burn. Harry formerly known as Prince Harry will burn and his ashes sent back to his tyranny isle with 1776 etched on the urn.
Mark my words.
All subversives are marked and on a list, scheduled for execution.
The Queen of the Brit Isle will be in a pine box lowered six feet deep with 1776 burnt into the lid.
You again. Zig Forums is America general you meme flag kike faggot. Without America Zig Forums wouldn't even exist. America is literally the only chance white people have for the future, Europeans are too cucked, silenced and unarmed.
Christopher Davis
Maybe in your own imagination. There appears to be a lapse between objective reality and your imagination.
Look we were jacking off on the moon while whatever country you are too embarrassed to show you were from had bread lines. Your attempts to start an American hate thread here will always fail you stupid inbred piece of shit. America lives rent free in your head every single day and we will continue to lead this shitty planet because no one else has the creative ability to do so until the end of time. Enjoy cars, planes, spacecraft and unfortunately nigger music and culture because whatever the world is talking about benefiting from or bitching about came from my country.
Joseph Jackson
digits checked "88"
You need to get some sleep.
Aaron Evans
America should be more committed to learning about ancient sumerian religions and not this stupid larp shit. Nice try though 2/10 for effort, EU shill
Chase Foster
Bullshit kike I will represent America all night kike, show your flag so we can have a real thread.
Charles Cox
fuck off you capitalist mutt pigs. if that's the case then why does this shit kike nation fund communist nations and programs??
White men who love the USA are traitors. The USA is nothing but an Anti-White Imperial State, if we want real freedom we need a 2nd Revolution that rejects the gay Liberal principles of the 1st.
HAHA yea you destroy yourself, even your own harry formerly known by you as prince harry abandoned ship in the middle of a crisis. youtu.be/EATxBuH0Z_U We destroy empires we destroyed our own island we destroyed the brit isle imaginary empire we got kicked out of india by a anorexic ascetic with bug eyes. weak ass bitch u dont have a case anymore 1776