This is the average Ontario Family

>This is the average Ontario Family

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Other urls found in this thread:

Parents weren't afraid to send their children to school during H1N1, or SARS, or several other outbreaks. Children aren't in any serious dangers of this virus, and countries like Sweden sent their children to school without an incident. So what is the fucking problem?

If trump likes it the left have to be against him

Wait. Which one is the mom?


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>this is the average leafcuck family

the mother is the father and her father is her aunt? i am confused.
> this half assed research was brought to you by:
> Whitherspoon Institute
> Bradley Foundation
great to see the iq of Italians is still below room temperature.

I had SARS as a kid and all got from it was this non-commemorative coronachan
Being a leaf is so so

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God Knows

yes, because this kid would be so much safer at home.

pigment-endowed children should be allowed to stay home and recieve in-home tutoring due to discriminatory health risks by covid

children of lightly pigmented minorities, trans parents, and uncoupled mothers should be allowed to not attend every other day

white children and anti-maskers should just die in a pit somewhere because they dont need education anyways due to their privlege

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>Ontario parents
This is the picture they chose

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our media is the fuckin worst

Slide thread.

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its people like YOU who are with wrong everything the with wrong with the world today

absolutely abhorrent creature die in a pit

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Kek, even he might be getting kinda confused at this point

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Teacher's unions agitating for gibs.

Mother of God. How the hell does anyone survive in Canada?

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This. The teachers are all Karen type busybody retards who watch CNN and parrot the mask agenda. Women in general in Ontario are retarded. They think they're going to get sick.

Homeschooling is the only option; even the Catholic board is kiked. Sending your children to school in Ontario is tantamount to cutting off your own cock and balls with a tomato knife.

Can confirm. Just moved to BC for this reason.

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Potato People

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>who are with wrong everything the with wrong with
What the actual fuck did I just read

I’m starting to hate sodomites so much.

>>This is the average Ontario Family
It's not. Let's not pretend.

some of them don't see it as being so shitty I guess

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Me on the left.

Why are they so obese? Where's Dad?

White men were a mistake.

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Teacher's unions are going to be btfo by covid/homeschoolong


Dad was a one night stand. She just happened to realize that she was a lesbian later in life. Her current familial arrangement has nothing to do with the fact that no self respecting man wants to date a ugly, fat, single mother.