All American Foods

How is this allowed?
Every single day, millions of American citizens ingest the famous blend of fifty seven industrial dyes, soibean oils, emulsifiers and hydrogenated corn syrups.
Some of the things found in American foodstuffs are carcinogenic, like brominated vegetable oil.
How has the American politician found a way to insert all manner of industrial run off into their food chain and greasily down the the legs of many a sharted Yank? Just what are these chemicals doing to the minds and bodies of our voluptuous, miscegenated friends across the pond?
Why are Americans happy with this?

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All food can be American food, were a fondue pot after all.


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They put the same shitty ingredients in UK food, they just don't have to list it all because your government regulations don't have the same labeling requirements.

Because making way to restrict it would be too authoritarian I suppose.
I remember recognizing this during highschool, and making a presentation about "State-Mandated Fitness."

Just about shocked/pissed a good amount of people and teachers, was fuckin hilarious.

>They put the same shitty ingredients in UK food, they just don't have to list it all because your government regulations don't have the same labeling requirements.

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what is this thing bro

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Its the same shit. You just get duped with "flavoring" " seasoning " and other ambiguous terms.

Shredded cheddar cheese for Mexican tacos.

If you spend your whole life eating pic the shit in your pic you deserve to die

Did you read it retard? It has nothing to do with your assertion. You googled it and copy pasted the first thing that looked mildly related dumb mutt.

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Wake up newfags, this is a slide thread. All fields.

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i like food

Apparently you didn't read it you leaftard.


It's a cheese substitute for the lactic intolerant

Cheddar free cheddar cheese.

what about BVO, mutt?

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>N-No U!!!!

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Yeah but the only people who eat this sort of shit are lazy fucks and degenerate stoners. My wife and I both work full time, I study full time as well, and we have two children yet we still find the time to cook them meals. Usually the landwhales who say they have no time to cook are the ones who sit on the couch and play candy crush for eight hours a night.

>Want to make sure no Sodium caseinate is in the food you consume? In the US, food additives such as this must be listed by name on the food label. Not the case with EU labels. Instead, they are assigned an identifying number – a three- or four-digit code – known as an “E number.”

hot pockits taste good

You gotta ingest a lot of brominated veg oil every day for a long time for it to build up to dangerous levels. iirc it was almost 4 liters of mtn dew per day. At that rate you'd have way bigger problems than the purported effects of the BVO

I remember reading labels in the 1990s, and we had ingredients more like Europe than what we have today. That Dew for example, the ingredients are just like the ones we had in the late-90s.
I don't know why we changed so drastically but I'm guessing it was the ACA and other laws banning certain things from foods.

fun fact: canola oil and rapeseed oil are the same thing

That's unironically revolting, how is this not illegal? They're pumping their slave caste with chemicals to keep them hooked and maximise profits.

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1st world problems

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You People should just enjoy what you enjoy.

Earth will be in fragments at this time nest year.

Do Americans actually eat this stuff?

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To make grilled cheese sandwiches. That's all really.


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>tamato concentrate
is the tomatoes
>distilled vinigar
is the spirit vinegar
>high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup
is sugar
is salt
>spice, onion powder, natural flavoring
is space and herb extracts, and spice

face it americans have to label every little thing that goes in where europeans lable all hfc as just sugar because
>he European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in its scientific opinion on Dietary Reference Values for carbohydrates and dietary fibre (EFSA 2010a), refers to added sugars as 'sucrose, fructose, glucose, starch hydrolysates (glucose syrup, high-fructose syrup) and other isolated sugar preparations used as such or added during food preparation and manufacturing'

I was in the US recently and it was a bit of a shock to see how ubiquitous artificial colours and flavours were, even in foods you just wouldn’t expect (including children’s foods).

What're the price differences?

lol what the fuck
this is seriously concerning

>How is this allowed?
Because all the listed ingredients have been approved by the FDA as safe for consumption.
Nothing you listed is actually carcinogenic or it wouldn't be approved.
>Just what are these chemicals doing to the minds and bodies of our voluptuous, miscegenated friends across the pond?
I don't know but I feel great.
>Why are Americans happy with this?
Because my food is 1000x tastier than yours, bong. Do I want fish and chips for lunch? Fuck no. I'll take a pic related to go.

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Did you actually read this?

Also, EU food standards are higher than the FDA standards (which re in turn higher than Canada’s in most regards).

>How is this allowed?
America has no morals.

>fifty seven industrial dyes, soibean oils, emulsifiers and hydrogenated corn syrups.
Yes all that fast food garbage is just soaking wet with all kinds of estrogen and other nasty shit. You can tell the fast food slobs because the males all have man-boobs and the women all have thunder-thighs and smell really bad.

>Why are Americans happy with this?
Despite all the boasting, Americans have real issues with peer pressure and not being in this or that in-group. It's why you only very rarely see any America ever stand alone even if he's right. But to be fair is the UK really much different?

>Shredded cheddar cheese for Mexican tacos.
>Mexican tacos

Some cheese melts better than others, specifically ones with lower water content.