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To be clear, we don’t want you to enforce the law on niggers, we are anti laws.
You enforcing the law on our low IQ friends is equally problematic

>n-n-o-o, we didn't mean that

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yep, im cumming

This. I would have an easier time believing the "some extreme views in the movement but we are just anti brutality not anti police" narrative if the loudest voices weren't saying
>People not property! It's only a riot!
>Riots are the voices of the people
>Fuck the police

Weird how they want to defund all police.

So, why are you voting to disband the department then?

Then surely they need more funding for non lethal methods right?

Bump to all hell!
Get those slides outa here!

>defund the police
>abolish the police
Ok bud

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>have shitty messaging
>also fail to police your own people (like pottery, it rhymes)
>surprised when people are confused about what you want

Full stop. I am not a white supremacist. I believe all races have just as much right to life and happiness as I do. I just want them to do that someplace else where I don't have to see them. Is that too hard to understand?

niggers deserve police brutality.

They have no idea what they are and what they want lol

Stop burning, looting, shooting, stealing, blocking traffic, and being general commie faggots and maybe we can understand you clearer.

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Funny enough, ADL lists it as a hate symbol / phrase.
Though they mention context of its use, which is kind of funny because it is an absolutist term devoid of nuance.

We should protest with them but speak for the white people killed by cops unjustly.

>fuck tha police
>defund tha police
>kill the police
>try to burn down police stations
>attack policemen at their homes
>"To be clear, we are not anti-police".
haha these guys are funny

>grabs a brick
To be clear
>Breaks window
We are not anti police
>Beats shop owner to the ground
We are anti police brutality
>Kicks the shop owner's skull in
Your inability to separate the two is equally problematic

Dumb fucks can't even write well. I thought these were the creative types. lel

this isn’t what they’re saying at their riots

Guys, we need to give the leftards what they want. That way, when it fails miserably they'll be proven wrong and be all out of excuses.

Only to spread the workload around. Police shouldn't have to be everything to everyone.

FPBP underrated.

Is this right wing subversion?

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>defund the police
>abolish the police
>fuck the police
>fuck pigs


Why can't all the protestors just move to Niggerville USA? (aka, California)
All they want is to whine and complain that they militarized their own police by being shit humans and pretend that it's someone else's fault. Every statistic shows their arguments are false, but like true sophistry, they just keep repeating it until someone listens

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Imagine giving a fuck what terrorist groups want

>we are not anti-police
>abolish the police
>take away their pensions
>bust their unions
>disarm them
>kill them in ambushes
>all cops are bastards
>burn it all down
>you can't judge us all based on what our worst members did
>republicans are to blame for the democrat police force in the cities ran entirely by democrats
We could have been on Mars by now...

>we are not anti police
>defund the police!

>as law enforcement officers sought to restore order - "police brutality" became the cry of the insurgents
>the invariable charges of "police brutality" were hurled as efforts were made to maintain law and order